Posted November 18, 2011
It's funny... my one and only issue with the game is not getting much attention. Am I the only one who thinks the quest design is a bit plain?
Every quest except for a few exceptions seems to be "go to this dungeon and bring me back something/kill something." Every single one. Now all the games of this style are filled to the brim with fetch quests, there is no denying this. Morrowind was filled to the brim with fetch quests, as was Oblivion. There is something different about the presentation here though... those games masked their fetch quests with dialogue and circumstance that made them seem like more than they were. You weren't walking to 9 different spots on the map and clicking something, you were doing a pilgrimage for the Tribunal and praying at their holy spots. Skyrim literally just says "hey I need this from X cave go get it for me" over and over.
Which is not to say the writing is bad, it's actually quite good and MUCH better than Oblivion's writing. It's just that it makes no illusions, gives no false context. Mr. X needs his thing and you're going to bloody well go get it. Mr. Y needs to die and you need to get your ass in there and kill him. There's no fanfare or elaborate context, just dungeon diving.
Now there have been exceptions of course. There is a quest where you try to bring love to Skyrim for a divine which is pretty good at masking the errands involved. The mage's guild quests seem to add more bread and circuses to the errands as well. Perhaps the thieve's guild and dark brotherhood questlines are the best, like in Oblivion. I haven't done them yet and will likely wait until my second character to do so.
Still, overall, when I scan my quest list all I see are weak justifications to raid one more dungeon, and that's kind of a bummer. The game is still great, but it's the blemish on the otherwise beautiful skin.
Every quest except for a few exceptions seems to be "go to this dungeon and bring me back something/kill something." Every single one. Now all the games of this style are filled to the brim with fetch quests, there is no denying this. Morrowind was filled to the brim with fetch quests, as was Oblivion. There is something different about the presentation here though... those games masked their fetch quests with dialogue and circumstance that made them seem like more than they were. You weren't walking to 9 different spots on the map and clicking something, you were doing a pilgrimage for the Tribunal and praying at their holy spots. Skyrim literally just says "hey I need this from X cave go get it for me" over and over.
Which is not to say the writing is bad, it's actually quite good and MUCH better than Oblivion's writing. It's just that it makes no illusions, gives no false context. Mr. X needs his thing and you're going to bloody well go get it. Mr. Y needs to die and you need to get your ass in there and kill him. There's no fanfare or elaborate context, just dungeon diving.
Now there have been exceptions of course. There is a quest where you try to bring love to Skyrim for a divine which is pretty good at masking the errands involved. The mage's guild quests seem to add more bread and circuses to the errands as well. Perhaps the thieve's guild and dark brotherhood questlines are the best, like in Oblivion. I haven't done them yet and will likely wait until my second character to do so.
Still, overall, when I scan my quest list all I see are weak justifications to raid one more dungeon, and that's kind of a bummer. The game is still great, but it's the blemish on the otherwise beautiful skin.