Siannah: I laugh about how level-scaling gets bashed over and over again, just to see complains in the next sentence about a unique item that is crap (aka not lvl-scaled) or gets crap if you get it to early (aka lvl-scaled). Somebody's asking to square the circle here?
You laugh because you don't get it: I'm not against any and all level-scaling. Morrowind had level-scaling. Hell, I thought level-scaled quest rewards with the Quest Award Leveler mod for Oblivion made for a great mechanic. Level-scaling itself isn't the problem but rather its implementation.
Siannah: Only that this isn't true either. I just upgraded a daedric artifact (Peryite's shield), which is as unique as it gets, with smithing. Don't have smithing that high? Enchant a item with +smithing. Don't have that high either? Use an alchemic potion or start playing the role you took with your character?
You can upgrade any item in the game via Smithing or Enchanting. That has nothing to do with level-scaling.
Siannah: - [url=]Bug: Although Lydia levels up with the player, her stats and attributes are not always recalculated, resulting in her being increasingly vulnerable at higher levels.[/url]
- [url=]Mjoll the Lioness: She appears to stop levelling at level 40[/url]
Call me fanboyish (which I won't dispute), but please at least TRY to get your facts straight instead of reposting hear-saying. :)
Is it my fault that a bug obscures game mechanics? And to be blunt, I'm right: Whether because of poor design or a bug, followers don't level with the player. And I'm not the only to come to that conclusion based on in-game observations:
"A follower's stats are determined based on the level the player is at when he or she first enters the zone that the follower is in. Once generated, the follower's stats do not increase at all. For example, Lydia is usually one of the first followers players will have access to, and most players receive her at a lower level. As such, most players' Lydias will have low stats for the entire game."
After investigating your claims, I did find this: "There is a bug related to companions' stats, which aren't updated on leveling (followers have the same level as player)."
That's pretty f***ing sad if true, as it's yet another major bug that indicates little to no quality control. Might be patched later, and that'd be a good thing, but at release and the current time, whatever the cause, followers DON'T level with the player.
Also, do bear in mind that none of my comments, such as the fanboy remark, should be taken to heart. This is the Net, and GOG is blessedly free of heavy censorship, so I tend to argue with a bit of spirit. I don't know you, and I have nothing against you. Plus, I'm a fanboy of many things, too. ;-)
Siannah: Funny that you mention it: there's a completely different outcome possible with the DB questline. You just missed / haven't seen the opportunity when it was available.
Do tell. Just skimmed the UESP section, didn't notice anything indicating non-trivial alterations to the outcome of the DB questline. As far as I can tell, the Brotherhood remains bound to tradition, the Night Mother, and Sithis no matter what you do.