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Lone3wolf: Also : Anyone found Morrowind and Vvardenfell yet? :P Cyrodill? No buildings/towns/cities, but the land is there (although you do have to use "noclip" on the console to get there - the open gate blocks you from passing through it normally. Perhaps a DLC in the future "opens" it...
There is a Morrowind city named Blacklight that is right next to the Skyrim border right around where they have those open gates. I am hoping a DLC is set there.
akwater: Yep got the gem he tells me to meet him in the marsh at dawn.....I waited 3 game days real time had more then one dawn..../sigh
one of the reasons i carry a ton of Cure Disease potions on me :)
akwater: Yep got the gem he tells me to meet him in the marsh at dawn.....I waited 3 game days real time had more then one dawn..../sigh
Are you playing with Vsync forced to off? As far as I know it messes the in-game timing, making days pass differently (They change at like 4, 5am or so) and it can seriously affect timed events/events with set times.
akwater: Yep got the gem he tells me to meet him in the marsh at dawn.....I waited 3 game days real time had more then one dawn..../sigh
Tizzysawr: Are you playing with Vsync forced to off? As far as I know it messes the in-game timing, making days pass differently (They change at like 4, 5am or so) and it can seriously affect timed events/events with set times.
Is that an option for ps3? Crap turning my ps3 on right now to find that out!!!! OMG if this works I will be soo effing happy... (it isn't that I dont want to be a vamp, it's the fact that the whole No regen of stamina in the day REALLY blows Oh and the KOS orders when your thirsty)
akwater: Is that an option for ps3? Crap turning my ps3 on right now to find that out!!!! OMG if this works I will be soo effing happy...
No. As this is a PC focused website we all tend to assume people are playing on PC. Of course v-synch is not an option on console.
akwater: Is that an option for ps3? Crap turning my ps3 on right now to find that out!!!! OMG if this works I will be soo effing happy...
StingingVelvet: No. As this is a PC focused website we all tend to assume people are playing on PC. Of course v-synch is not an option on console.
Yeah... just booted it up and noticed......../crap I knew I should have just got it on pc and not both systems:(
StingingVelvet: No. As this is a PC focused website we all tend to assume people are playing on PC. Of course v-synch is not an option on console.
Not a good assumption considering that many here are anti-DRM and especially anti-Steam and that Skyrim for PC requires Steam. If not for the 360 version I'd have said to hell with it (not that I'd have lost much given what I've seen of the game so far). ;-)

Can anyone shed some light on sneak attacks for me? I have a skill of 61 in Sneak. I can sneak effectively and place myself behind most enemies. However, when I attack (with a dagger, a weapon supposed to be silent), the attack often counts as a normal attack (no sneak attack bonus) and I'm immediately detected. Sometimes I'll get the instant-kill throat-cut or the sneak attack multiplier, but it's *very* inconsistent.
Post edited November 28, 2011 by ddmuse
ddmuse: Can anyone shed some light on sneak attacks for me? I have a skill of 61 in Sneak. I can sneak effectively and place myself behind most enemies. However, when I attack (with a dagger, a weapon supposed to be silent), the attack often counts as a normal attack (no sneak attack bonus) and I'm immediately detected. Sometimes I'll get the instant-kill throat-cut or the sneak attack multiplier, but it's *very* inconsistent.
I got it working most of the time by not getting too close (I think you're about close enough when you can pickpocket 'em), then stopping and using the strong attack. If you move when attacking, your character takes non-sneaking steps (as a part of the attack) that get you noticed and thus negate the sneak attack (I think). You can also sneak attack from the sides and the front. The coolest game violence moment I had in the whole game was when I was waiting behind a corner for a bandit to pass, then used the silent attack from the side and there was that special cam thing where my character jumped at the other guy, grabbed him and stabbed him from the front. Made it feel like my character actually knew what she was doing.
Adzeth: snip
Thanks, I'll give that a shot when I play later. I've been getting as close as possible without touching, but I'll give it a go attacking from a bit further away. Didn't know there was an animation for a sneak attack from the side or front. That's cool.
Post edited November 28, 2011 by ddmuse
Just ... wow.

I'm late 20s now and have just been starting to dig into some Dwemer ruins. Then I get the [SPOILER ALERT] quest to go get the elder scroll in Darkreach. [/SPOILER ALERT].

Didn't expect what I got. Holy vast underground area of incredible vastness.

I also liked how they encourage you to explore it due to [SPOILER ALERT] getting a quest when picking up any crimson nirnroot [/SPOILER ALERT]. Most players will look around the place for more. There's even a wandering giant down there.

With the time it took to get to Darkreach through the other ruins it was probably close to 4 hours just to get through that dungeon, and I didn't even get a cleared. Must have missed a couple of areas ...
stonebro: Didn't expect what I got. Holy vast underground area of incredible vastness.
Oh yeah, i know what you biggest OMG moment so far has been........


That one dungeon that the Greybeards sent you to get a certain horn. I came up to that one window looking above the main cavern and i said to myself, Damnnnnnnnnnnn


Some of these caves and caverns really impress sometimes
ddmuse: Not a good assumption considering that many here are anti-DRM and especially anti-Steam and that Skyrim for PC requires Steam. If not for the 360 version I'd have said to hell with it (not that I'd have lost much given what I've seen of the game so far). ;-)
Considering the patches and DLC will all be DRM'd to hell and back on the consoles, and that the day one patch was almost required to play the game right, I don't really see a difference.

You should stop worrying about irrelevant DRM on the open platform and start worrying about it on the closed one.
StingingVelvet: Considering the patches and DLC will all be DRM'd to hell and back on the consoles, and that the day one patch was almost required to play the game right, I don't really see a difference.

You should stop worrying about irrelevant DRM on the open platform and start worrying about it on the closed one.
[puts on shocked face] WHAT? There is DRM on consoles? But... but.... why? Aren't all the pirates PC only?

ddmuse: If not for the 360 version I'd have said to hell with it (not that I'd have lost much given what I've seen of the game so far). ;-)
Oh yeah, before I forget: I'm still waiting for a few games that do all what's been criticized on Skyrim so much better....
I'm really interested in what games do all your could-have-been's / why-didn't-they's and f**ked-up-design-decision's even just right. Just don't dare to settle on only Morrowind.
Patch is out....... that and installing a SSD on my ps3 has cleared some of the issues....

I hope the next patch addresses bugged quests :(

/sigh I should buy a new pc and play it via pc .................. maybe for xmas i'll get myself a new comp
1.2 patch out on PC. It fixes the mouse, which is all I ever wanted... I feel like crying tears of joy!