sebarnolds: A few facts:
- Factions was planned from the beginning and announced in the Kickstarter campaign, it helped build the foundations of the game as well as design and balance combat.
- I don't remember seeing any mention of a key during the campaign. Sure it would have been better to have a key, but, hey, we still have the DRM-free installer. You already had to wait a few weeks to get the DRM-free installer, you sure can wait a few days if the servers are saturated.
- I indeed read on the forum that some posters were not in a perfect state. Mine was a bit "damaged" on the corners, but not really an issue for me.
Sure, one can continue to post on their forums to request keys but I think some people here tend to over-react to this.
Factions was only meant to be a test bed for the combat mechanics. It was never meant to be anymore than that (as far as i know).
I never saw them mention providing GOG keys either. DRM free yes. Im going to guess distribution via GOG meant being an available sales outlet rather than reference to backers.
htown1980: "
I doubt there will be enough complaints from the community at large, however. Really disappointing.
The problem is there are always too many people who either dont care about drm or who run around "Yes please put in on steam" " please achievements and trading cards" or bullcrap like that.I see it in every good or decent kickstarter.
Devs try to cater to the majority which really should not be the case since they have a lot of different people who back their ideas to make it a reality.
I just realised something.
They promised drm free copy to ALL backers at one point. Which sure in hell surprised me. Im wondering they did that instead of asking people to choose Steam OR Gog/drm free instead of coughing up?. Maybe one reason they wont cough up gogkeys is people could give either one away thereby decreasing opportunity for a sale to be made to an interested customer (who isnt interested in torrenting it).