Requesting to post dead animals to enter a contest in a general-interest forum is stupid and evil. Gore, blood and corpses upset people. If you're going to upset people, you need to have a good reason to do it, otherwise fuck the fuck off. That being said, there are a number of arguments made in both threads which are wrong, and I cannot let that slide.
1. "Animals are better than people." WRONG. Nothing is better than people.
This is why eating cute animals is okay, and testing and experimenting on animals is awesome.
2. "If you eat pigs, you must be willing to kill a pig." WRONG. People are, in general, disgusted by blood and gore. To steal a great counterexample, you don't demand that someone in need of an appendectomy
watch an appendectomy without losing their lunch.
3. "These threads are divisive and evil and they should be shut down because they'll split the community." WRONG. Are you saying that GOG vs Steam, sane people vs. Austrian school, Halo vs CoD, Mac vs Linux are not divisive?
4. "It's within the rules, so I can't disapprove of it." SUPER WRONG. You totally can, that's half the point of having rules in the first place.
5. "You should know people's intentions before judging them." WRONG. Corpses are overwhelmingly disgusting to a majority of people. The only reason a person can be forgiven for not considering that well-known fact is having a mental condition. You can't know people's intentions - or anything at all, really - with 100% certainty. The completeness threshold for a public expression of disapproval is fairly low. Dammit people, you're gamers, how can you not know this basic stuff?
6. "Only psychopaths consider depictions of death and killing fun." HELLO. YOU'RE ON A GAMING FORUM.
7. "zOMG look at that cute fluffy ball of love! How could you kill it?" Appealing to known fallacies (personification, and lack of a sense of scale) is arguing in bad faith.
8. "Animals are being killed all the time, there's nothing to be shocked about, you need to face reality, blah blah awareness etc" People shit, too. I don't want to see pictures of shit. Tolerance for things generally considered disgusting is not a virtue, and "raising awareness" is just another word for a PR campaign and also not a virtue.
9. "There's a war going on, and you got your panties in a bunch about animals which are already dead." Inconclusive. Here's my spin on it:
I am angry at the other thread's OP for creating an issue out of dead animals while there's a war going on. 10 (edit, 12:04pm GMT) Appealing to Kant is never okay, because Kant did not care about factual correctness, and parading that offensive hack as proof will always weaken your evidence-based arguments.
11. (preemptively) "zomg censorship!" WRONG. Disapproval is NOT censorship, it's exactly what people do when there is no censorship.
12. edit 9pm GMT: "Making a giveaway means you're automatically not a douchebag." Obviously WRONG.
13. edit 9pm GMT: "Torture rapes the soul" WRONG. Souls are fictional.
brb sleep.
Aningan: Anyway, here are some older pictures of my cats! Edit: Well, one of my cats as the forums don't seem to want two attachments....
Post the other cat in a separate post. That's some hardcore cute right there. Moar.