zotofmu: I'll admit that I don't play in the MOBA community, but is it really rife with special insults for men (without regard for sexual orientation): "jokes" about their inherent inability to play well due to their gender, very specific swears loaded with centuries of sexual and social oppression, crude reference to their unique body parts, "humor" about weight, propositions?
I think it's disingenuous to imply that men and women should react equally the same to insults and hostility when they don't receive nearly an equal level of such. Most men simply don't face the kind or amount of abuse that women do in gaming.
To my knowledge, feminism (or other such movements), don't say everyone should be equal. They merely say everyone should be
treated equally. And that is not what is happening.
MaximumBunny: Everyone's insulted equally in online games. But instead of focusing on the problems of insults themselves being the issue (why should insults be around at all?) people are trying to turn it into a sexist/feminist agenda. That's what makes the entire argument BS and why RPS and Kotaku are idiots.
People will always use whatever insults they believe will hurt the person the most, whether it's based on the size of their genitals, their insecurities, their gender/race...but those are details and who cares about the details when a girl gamer is being attacked? White knights to the rescue! And it's not because it's a damsel in distress, no no no...that would be sexist. Gender neutral person in distress who happens to be female and thusly needing of help! Forget about the racists, homophobes, and general mean people. It's the sexists that are wrong with the world!
zotofmu: So... don't bother trying to make things better? We can't make it perfect, so just ignore it?
MaximumBunny: You're welcomed to try to reform/erase Shariah and similar primitive laws from the world if you're able to. I never said to ignore it, but I don't see an army behind you ready to die to make it happen. Maybe try holding up a sign on a local news station? That usually works.
FearfulSymmetry: You might want to look at this website. I've linked you to the death threats page, but there are plenty of other unpleasant categories. Like get back to the kitchen ones. I've googled, but I can't seem to find a similar website for men. I don't know about you, but I think the comment in the article has a very valid point.
MaximumBunny: Kill and rape threats aren't anything new, it's just that females are more offended about it than men and they put it up everywhere to make it a headline. Guys get death threats and threats about what type of things the tantrum kid would like to do with the body all of the time. It's much easier to find women complaining about it than men though.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO5OTaq-mpw A friend of mine has a threat where the killer was going to find him in 6 years or so. That one was pretty hilarious. As guys, we don't take these things as an insult to our gender and/or life insecurities. Like the video I linked, that's a typical guy response.
You either learn to have thick skin or you live your life offended by everything. +1 Couldn't have said it better. It's not the goal of RPS that's the problem. It's their narrow minded and delusional solutions. They also like to cherry pick bits and pieces of the problem (like "sexism"), and ignore the bigger picture (the overall lack of respect and empathy in ALL of society, not just "teenage boys" or whoever they think are being sexist).