Charon121: Are those brothels far into the game? I'd like to enter your contest, but I plan to start my first RoA session this evening, and am not sure whether I'll have enough time to reach a brothel before the deadline, seeing as I first have to study the interface and learn the basic game mechanics. I do hope I'll enjoy both games, though. I've been looking for something like Might and Magic, only more mature.
They brothel in RoA is rather hard to find and will probably be found by most new players near the end of the game (which was my intention). Brothels in RoA 2 are a lot easier to find.
The goal isn't to rush trough the game for those brothels, but to see if you like the game and then get RoA 3 from me. If somebody finds it to bothersome to find either one, RoA 3 would give them no great joy. And playing those two great games should be a reward on its own :-).
If you play the games on and of through the next week, you will have plenty of time to reach both.