Posted August 30, 2012

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Registered: Jun 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted August 30, 2012
hell thats clever :D

A Hybrid
Registered: Jun 2012
From South Africa
Posted August 30, 2012
Anyway happy hunting I'm off for tonight

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted August 30, 2012
I would never, ever get the idea to look there.

A Hybrid
Registered: Jun 2012
From South Africa

Use Newer
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted August 30, 2012
Gah, I've almost got it, but I must be off one on or two clues. So frustrating...

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted August 30, 2012
Well, I feel incredibly stupid because I still don't see it. @_@
Bar pyhfgre bs punenpgref pbagnvaf ab ahzoref\Gurer ner gjb 3f; obgu nccrne ng gur raq bs n pyhfgre\Gur ynfg sbhe yrggref bs gur nycunorg nyy nccrne va gur pbqr rknpgyl bapr\Obgu 3f ner cbfvgvbarq arkg gb bar bs gur yrggref zragvbarq va gur cerivbhf pyhr, bar bs juvpu vf n M\K vf ng gur raq bs n pyhfgre; vg vf nyfb arkg gb gur yrggre W\Gjb ahzoref gung ner qverpgyl arkg gb rnpubgure nqq hc gb 12; fhogenpgvat gur svefg bs gubfr ahzoref sebz gur frpbaq qbrfa'g lvryq n artngvir ahzore\Gur bayl ahzoref va gur pbqr ner bqq ahzoref\J,Y naq Z ner nyy tebhcrq gbtrgure (abg arprffnevyl va gung beqre gubhtu)\Gurer vf n ahzore (n) naq nabgure ahzore gung vf 3 gvzrf gung ahzore (o); gurer vf whfg n fvatyr nycunahzrevp punenpgre cynprq orgjrra n naq o\Bhg bs gur sbhe raq punenpgref gjb ner yrggref naq gjb ner ahzoref\9 vf fheebhaqrq ol gjb yrggref\Q vf ng gur fgneg bs gur nyy-yrggre pyhfgre\Gur guveq punenpgre va rnpu pyhfgre vf n yrggre\Gur yrggref va gur pyhfgre jvgu ab ahzoref ner va nycunorgvpny beqre\Pbyyrpgviryl, nyy ahzoref va gur pbqr unir n qvtvgny ebbg bs (o)\Gur 13gu yrggre bs gur nycunorg vf qverpgyl arkg gb gur 24gu yrggre bs gur nycunorg - ebg\Gurer ner ab ibjryf; ubjrire, gjb yrggref bs gur pbqr ner arkg gb ibjryf va nycunorgvpny beqre\N aba-cevzr ahzore vf orgjrra A naq L\Gurer vf n yrggre gung irel pybfryl erfrzoyrf bar bs gur ahzoref va gur pbqr\Va gbgny, gurer ner svir ahzoref va gur pbqr\
That's what I see.
Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland
Posted August 30, 2012

Bar pyhfgre bs punenpgref pbagnvaf ab ahzoref\Gurer ner gjb 3f; obgu nccrne ng gur raq bs n pyhfgre\Gur ynfg sbhe yrggref bs gur nycunorg nyy nccrne va gur pbqr rknpgyl bapr\Obgu 3f ner cbfvgvbarq arkg gb bar bs gur yrggref zragvbarq va gur cerivbhf pyhr, bar bs juvpu vf n M\K vf ng gur raq bs n pyhfgre; vg vf nyfb arkg gb gur yrggre W\Gjb ahzoref gung ner qverpgyl arkg gb rnpubgure nqq hc gb 12; fhogenpgvat gur svefg bs gubfr ahzoref sebz gur frpbaq qbrfa'g lvryq n artngvir ahzore\Gur bayl ahzoref va gur pbqr ner bqq ahzoref\J,Y naq Z ner nyy tebhcrq gbtrgure (abg arprffnevyl va gung beqre gubhtu)\Gurer vf n ahzore (n) naq nabgure ahzore gung vf 3 gvzrf gung ahzore (o); gurer vf whfg n fvatyr nycunahzrevp punenpgre cynprq orgjrra n naq o\Bhg bs gur sbhe raq punenpgref gjb ner yrggref naq gjb ner ahzoref\9 vf fheebhaqrq ol gjb yrggref\Q vf ng gur fgneg bs gur nyy-yrggre pyhfgre\Gur guveq punenpgre va rnpu pyhfgre vf n yrggre\Gur yrggref va gur pyhfgre jvgu ab ahzoref ner va nycunorgvpny beqre\Pbyyrpgviryl, nyy ahzoref va gur pbqr unir n qvtvgny ebbg bs (o)\Gur 13gu yrggre bs gur nycunorg vf qverpgyl arkg gb gur 24gu yrggre bs gur nycunorg - ebg\Gurer ner ab ibjryf; ubjrire, gjb yrggref bs gur pbqr ner arkg gb ibjryf va nycunorgvpny beqre\N aba-cevzr ahzore vf orgjrra A naq L\Gurer vf n yrggre gung irel pybfryl erfrzoyrf bar bs gur ahzoref va gur pbqr\Va gbgny, gurer ner svir ahzoref va gur pbqr\

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Use Newer
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted August 30, 2012
I have redeemed Septerra Core. =D
My, that was a fun logic puzzle. I had all the clues right after all, I just had the order of the clusters wrong. I thought the code on the picture was a clue as to their proper order. In the end, I just started entering them in randomly, hoping to get lucky.
Thank you very much, Austrobogulator!
My, that was a fun logic puzzle. I had all the clues right after all, I just had the order of the clusters wrong. I thought the code on the picture was a clue as to their proper order. In the end, I just started entering them in randomly, hoping to get lucky.
Thank you very much, Austrobogulator!
Post edited August 30, 2012 by zotofmu

Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Vote for Ever 17!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Poland

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted August 30, 2012

My, that was a fun logic puzzle. I had all the clues right after all, I just had the order of the clusters wrong. I thought the code on the picture was a clue as to their proper order. In the end, I just started entering them in randomly, hoping to get lucky.
Thank you very much, Austrobogulator!
That gave me a headache.

Fuck China, Israel, Russia and Cancer.
Registered: Aug 2011
From Chile
Posted August 30, 2012

My, that was a fun logic puzzle. I had all the clues right after all, I just had the order of the clusters wrong. I thought the code on the picture was a clue as to their proper order. In the end, I just started entering them in randomly, hoping to get lucky.
Thank you very much, Austrobogulator!
(Now to lunch...) :P

Registered: Jan 2010
From Australia
Posted August 30, 2012

My, that was a fun logic puzzle. I had all the clues right after all, I just had the order of the clusters wrong. I thought the code on the picture was a clue as to their proper order. In the end, I just started entering them in randomly, hoping to get lucky.
Thank you very much, Austrobogulator!
The code on the picture was a clue, but I suppose brute forcing works too >_>