Posted September 15, 2014

My list - CSPVG and adaliabooks are mafia in my opinion as of right now and my last spot is a toss up between QuadrAlien and budejovice.
So, with that in mind:
As I mentioned, there were three distinct groups around Hijack's lynching: first were the first group of voters: CSPVG, dedo, mrkgnao and trent. Now two of those I'm satisfied are confirmed town. That leaves CSPVG and trent:
1) CSPVG, now his vote was an RVS. It may be slightly suspicious that he never moved it after the wagon began to form, but he hasn't posted much and maybe he believed HijacK was scum too. Or maybe he was scum and had followed the last game and guessed how Hijack might behave, and placed his RVS vote accordingly. I'm going to say slightly scummy but not sure yet. He's been suspicious in other ways too, but not enough to tip me into thinking he's definitely scum.
2) trent. As I've previously mentioned he jumped on to the wagon late, and despite HijacK somewhat explaining his actions, he never wavered in his vote (compare this with dedo who removed his vote to give HijacK more time before a lynch). This really rubbed me wrong dedo and mrkgnao had voted for Hijack on page 4 of the thread, and while he was chief suspect not much more happened until trent jumped on the wagon on page 13, that's a lot of mulling over. He was also the one to push the wagon again, to goad HijacK into incriminating himself further. I think JMich jumped on the schoolie thing for this too, as he presumably knew HijacK was town. trent also mentioned (here) how he'd not really read the original post clearly, something which we can again see with the whole schoolie/townie thing. Not a huge point, but a little scummy to just be skimming what is fairly important info. trent has posted a lot this game, but upon rereading, I find very little useful analysis, as if he is stalling and posting for the sake of being seen to be active. And last but not least, as soon as I called him out I'm suddenly his chief suspect for being scum. Which is a little overly defensive for my liking.
The second group of people were the later voters, who secured HijacK's fate. That was bude, me and Sage.
1) bude - hasn't posted much, but has had a reason for this and seems to have caught himself up and put forth an analysis. Wasn't keen on HijacK's behaviour and seemed to agree with the theory that HijacK was acting on his own agenda. Not really much to say. He could be scum, but right now I put him in the same category as CSPVG.
2) adaliabooks (me!) - I never really believed HijacK was scum, the fact that I ended up voting for him anyway might seem a bit off, but in my defence I was convinced he was a lover with a scum and that lynching him would take out a scum too. I think my thought process over the whole situation is clear throughout the thread, and I am more than willing to explain anything else.
3) Sage - Voted for HijacK very quickly after dedo and me (re)placed our votes, sealing his fate. Also pointed out my lack of unvoting (perhaps to make sure I voted correctly and HijacK got lynched?). She never really got involved in the whole HijacK debate until, right after bude voted she made this convenient post stating her dislike of HijacK's actions and giving her a reason for her vote later. I find it interesting how she seemed to post as soon as HijacK's wagon looked like it might go somewhere, and then again to finish him off, both times right after someone had voted for him, as if she had been waiting for more votes on him perhaps? I think her and trent are scum and working in league, and just as with trent as soon as I put her on my list she accuses me of being scum.
The third group were the people who didn't vote, the important one being QuadrAlien as the others are now dead or confirmed town. There's not too much to read from this, could just be scum lurking so as not to draw attention, but he has given reasons for being unable to post much, and is posting more now. I've not got much of a read on him yet.
So, in conclusion my list of players:
Town: Me, flub, mrkgnao, dedo
Unsure: QuadrAlien, bude
Slightly Scummy: CSPVG
Scum: trent, Sage
Sorry for the extra long post!