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Sage103082: @Flubb I am sorry I was reading your post as in you were calling out everyone to post their lists. I see now that the names listed are your list.

My list - CSPVG and adaliabooks are mafia in my opinion as of right now and my last spot is a toss up between QuadrAlien and budejovice.
Right, I'm back home and ready to post some deeper analysis. I find this particularly interesting, that both Sage and Trent (who right now are top of my scum list) think I'm scum. I'd like some reasoning for this please. Names on a list is fine, but it doesn't give us much (certainly not a chance to defend ourselves)

So, with that in mind:

As I mentioned, there were three distinct groups around Hijack's lynching: first were the first group of voters: CSPVG, dedo, mrkgnao and trent. Now two of those I'm satisfied are confirmed town. That leaves CSPVG and trent:

1) CSPVG, now his vote was an RVS. It may be slightly suspicious that he never moved it after the wagon began to form, but he hasn't posted much and maybe he believed HijacK was scum too. Or maybe he was scum and had followed the last game and guessed how Hijack might behave, and placed his RVS vote accordingly. I'm going to say slightly scummy but not sure yet. He's been suspicious in other ways too, but not enough to tip me into thinking he's definitely scum.

2) trent. As I've previously mentioned he jumped on to the wagon late, and despite HijacK somewhat explaining his actions, he never wavered in his vote (compare this with dedo who removed his vote to give HijacK more time before a lynch). This really rubbed me wrong dedo and mrkgnao had voted for Hijack on page 4 of the thread, and while he was chief suspect not much more happened until trent jumped on the wagon on page 13, that's a lot of mulling over. He was also the one to push the wagon again, to goad HijacK into incriminating himself further. I think JMich jumped on the schoolie thing for this too, as he presumably knew HijacK was town. trent also mentioned (here) how he'd not really read the original post clearly, something which we can again see with the whole schoolie/townie thing. Not a huge point, but a little scummy to just be skimming what is fairly important info. trent has posted a lot this game, but upon rereading, I find very little useful analysis, as if he is stalling and posting for the sake of being seen to be active. And last but not least, as soon as I called him out I'm suddenly his chief suspect for being scum. Which is a little overly defensive for my liking.

The second group of people were the later voters, who secured HijacK's fate. That was bude, me and Sage.

1) bude - hasn't posted much, but has had a reason for this and seems to have caught himself up and put forth an analysis. Wasn't keen on HijacK's behaviour and seemed to agree with the theory that HijacK was acting on his own agenda. Not really much to say. He could be scum, but right now I put him in the same category as CSPVG.

2) adaliabooks (me!) - I never really believed HijacK was scum, the fact that I ended up voting for him anyway might seem a bit off, but in my defence I was convinced he was a lover with a scum and that lynching him would take out a scum too. I think my thought process over the whole situation is clear throughout the thread, and I am more than willing to explain anything else.

3) Sage - Voted for HijacK very quickly after dedo and me (re)placed our votes, sealing his fate. Also pointed out my lack of unvoting (perhaps to make sure I voted correctly and HijacK got lynched?). She never really got involved in the whole HijacK debate until, right after bude voted she made this convenient post stating her dislike of HijacK's actions and giving her a reason for her vote later. I find it interesting how she seemed to post as soon as HijacK's wagon looked like it might go somewhere, and then again to finish him off, both times right after someone had voted for him, as if she had been waiting for more votes on him perhaps? I think her and trent are scum and working in league, and just as with trent as soon as I put her on my list she accuses me of being scum.

The third group were the people who didn't vote, the important one being QuadrAlien as the others are now dead or confirmed town. There's not too much to read from this, could just be scum lurking so as not to draw attention, but he has given reasons for being unable to post much, and is posting more now. I've not got much of a read on him yet.

So, in conclusion my list of players:

Town: Me, flub, mrkgnao, dedo
Unsure: QuadrAlien, bude
Slightly Scummy: CSPVG
Scum: trent, Sage

Sorry for the extra long post!
Thank you adaliabooks, your wall o' text is very much appreciated. You remind me of someone but I won't insult you at this time with a reference.

Your points are valid and I would be willing to look at a trent or sage lynch today.

Finally some scum hunting!!
flubbucket: Thank you adaliabooks, your wall o' text is very much appreciated. You remind me of someone but I won't insult you at this time with a reference.

Your points are valid and I would be willing to look at a trent or sage lynch today.

Finally some scum hunting!!
No problem, glad to be of service ;-)

I'm curious now who I remind you of... but maybe I don't want to know?

Also Sages comment about why she thinks Robb got lynched seems off. Posting from phone again so can't give a proper analysis, but I'll look again tomorrow.
adaliabooks: Also Sages comment about why she thinks Robb got lynched seems off. Posting from phone again so can't give a proper analysis, but I'll look again tomorrow.
Its my opinion. Why not try to take out anyone with a powerful role first. And you have been on my list since the start =)
adaliabooks: Also Sages comment about why she thinks Robb got lynched seems off. Posting from phone again so can't give a proper analysis, but I'll look again tomorrow.
Sage103082: Its my opinion. Why not try to take out anyone with a powerful role first. And you have been on my list since the start =)
That's all well and good. But the scum shouldn't have known Robb had a power role. So why target him?
And rereading it was actually the part where you explained why you wouldn't NK the cheerleaders that struck me as being odd. As if this was the reasoning you had actually used rather than pure conjecture.

Good to know, I'd still like to know why though. Baseless accusations being a little scummy and all.
I think the scum got lucky with Rob. But my reasoning on who has power roles is lessened by two if you take in to account 2 cheerleaders.

12 players total. Remove at least 2 (but I think 3 for Mafia) - brings total to 10 minus another 2 for the cheerleaders - brings it to 8 and then minus 2 for the day removal - Now we are down to 6. Chances are a lot slimmer now to pick someone with a power role.
I also think that Robs straight forward posts made him a bit of a target.

And as for you being on my scum list it is a feeling I get from your posts.
Sage103082: I think the scum got lucky with Rob. But my reasoning on who has power roles is lessened by two if you take in to account 2 cheerleaders.

12 players total. Remove at least 2 (but I think 3 for Mafia) - brings total to 10 minus another 2 for the cheerleaders - brings it to 8 and then minus 2 for the day removal - Now we are down to 6. Chances are a lot slimmer now to pick someone with a power role.
I also think that Robs straight forward posts made him a bit of a target.

And as for you being on my scum list it is a feeling I get from your posts.
See.. I'm not sure what the numbers have to do with anything. Krypsen seems to have gone pretty mad with the power roles, we've already had 50% of the players with one so who knows how mamy there are.
My accusation was that you outlined (in great detail) why you aren't going to NK the cheerleaders because you are going to try and make them out as scum. Which would make sense as to why you NK Robb as he was flub's target, to try and place blame on them and make us doubt them.

But that's just my thoughts.
adaliabooks: snip
I was planning to wait up for a bit, but these thought are pretty much aligned with my own.

I'm almost sure both trent and sage are scum. Been suspecting them for a while now, but I took the afternoon to go through the entire thread and noticed two kinds of patterns.

Trent, just as adaliabooks noted, seemed to be active for the sake of it. He backed up his statements with arguments that weren't really more solid than those of the others (somewhat the same actually), but pushed hard making it seem that HijacK was even more suspicious than he already made himself look.

Sage is always standing a bit on the side, but tags along pretty much immediately when someone starts to draw attention as the potential current target. At first with HijacK - when most of us started to gang up on him she was the one that sealed the deal, and fast, too.

Afterwards, she tried to point attention to me, after I role-claimed. Seemed a bit too worried why most of you took my word for it, prompted a few times why rules don't apply to me anymore.

Both trent and sage started to point fingers at the people who may have had the most to do with HijacK's lynching after he turned out to be town. Starting with this post there are a series of posts which seem to have the goal to focus the attention on the ones that are responsible for the removal of 2 innocent people.

Another pretty interesting thing is that neither of them has the other one in their lists. Of course, both of them HAVE to have at least one real scum in their lists, since there are only so many people left. I won't be surprised if they actually try to help out and sacrifice the third scum member to appear more pro-town. This may even be agreed on during the night between all the scum players.

One interesting point about the night. Krypsyn said the night will continue for 72 hours (3 days) or after all night actions are completed - whichever comes first. I attacked Robbeasy real soon after the night began, fearing that I may get killed before I fire my ability. The flavor of the morning showed the order of the attacks. First my bomb and then the beating. So I gather they took their time. But why? Not too much to go on during the first night. The scum already had two good targets - the cheerleaders. Kill one and the town advantage is heavily shaken. Less people to trust. But they took another path. They hit Robbeasy - the Town Cop. Mine was bad luck, but theirs? THAT bad luck? Don't think so. And they took their time to for it.

For me, this means one of two things. Either the third scum player is someone who doesn't have the chance to participate too often (we already have a couple of people who match that description) or they had 2 or more actions to perform. The scum most likely have a power role. Like the Role Cop, for example. They already had a bunch of info. 2 townies that were known to be masons. 3 scum players. That leaves 4 possible targets to test. One to hit. We already had 4 special roles revealed. It was borderline impossible to not have a Cop. So one of the 4 must have been it. If they have a Role Cop, they have 50/50 shot at the Town Cop. The Role Cop checks. If it finds the Town Cop they take him down. If not, they have knowledge about one person and just try one of the other 3 blindly. Those are some good odds. Even if they don't get him, if they play their cards right on the next day and the Role Cop manages to survive, the Town Cop is as good as dead (100% chance to get him on the second try).

So, yeah.

My 3 people list in alphabetical order:

CSPVG (least sure), Sage, Trent
If we're gonna speculate regarding night killing power roles...

If I were scum I would rather take out someone with a gun than someone with a notepad.

You remember that Zimmerman fella that went all vigilante and stuff?? He can kill people!! That's way worse than a tattletale.

I'm just sayin'...
flubbucket: If we're gonna speculate regarding night killing power roles...

If I were scum I would rather take out someone with a gun than someone with a notepad.

You remember that Zimmerman fella that went all vigilante and stuff?? He can kill people!! That's way worse than a tattletale.

I'm just sayin'...
I can see where dedo is coming from, but I'm not convinced about the scum having a cop. 1) I'm new to the game so feel free to correct me, but wouldn't they have had to wait til the end of the night to get the result of the cops power
2) I think it was a clumsy attempt to shift blame to flub and they got lucky (or unlucky when you consider dedo would have killed him anyway)

Otherwise I completely agree with his analysis. I forgot the bit about them leaving each other off their lists.
It is funny how I tag along, when we have only voted once.
@Trent. hey you scum bro??
adaliabooks: And last but not least, as soon as I called him out I'm suddenly his chief suspect for being scum. Which is a little overly defensive for my liking.
Where have I stated you were my chief suspect for scum? Are you making things up now to make me look scummy?

trent also mentioned (here) how he'd not really read the original post clearly

if you would read the second post of the thread JMich himself calls it detention, I thought it said it in the OP myself but it did not

As I've previously mentioned he jumped on to the wagon late, and despite HijacK somewhat explaining his actions

As I stated in post 235 I was going over all the posts again and did not see an answer to the Hippie comment and wanted clarification. I gave HijacK a day to answer and when he did not I placed my vote on him as he seemed to be avoiding the question as I stated in post 244. From there you can read that HijacK was not wanting to share information and I thought it was scummy, no reason to change my vote.

Not sure why you keep pointing fingers at everyone, it is odd. You were suspicious of Robbeasy and CSPVG (who had your spidey senses tingling on everything he posted) until the lynch happened. Once it's over all of a sudden me and Sage are your prime suspects since Robb is dead.
Oh hell. This is a game where we want the town to win. I am going to reveal my role and it will get me killed. But if it is in the good of the town I am fine with it

Books - My reason and why I would not NK the cheerleaders is simple. I have the ability to save a person at night. I do not know if my choice does any good. It is not told me to me.

here is my list during the first night.

2) mrkgnao - claims cheerleader - I think eliminating him on NK is to obvious for the first NK. I think they may leave him to make the others questions his roles.
3) dedoporno - mafia
4) trentonlf - I think he has a huge chance of being NK because he was on the right track last game and he is looking at everyone with suspecion. He is open to changing votes. I thnk this might scare the mafia (Or im wrong and he is mafia)
6) CSPVG - mafia
8) budejovice - Holds back anything and claims to be to late to post it after the fact. I am leaning toward this being his first game and no one is going to find him threatening yet.
9) adaliabooks - mafia
10) flubbucket - cheerleader same as Mrkgnao
11) Robbeasy (might be mafia but leaning town for right now)
12) QuadrAlien - Not enough contributed to the game to even be noticed. Not sure the mafia would feel threatened by him.

I went with trenton to save. Did it work? I have no idea. But my guess is yes since we only had one person killed in NK.

Hence why he has not been on my lists.

I am a Candy Striper aka The town doctor.

Lynch me or wait until night.
flubbucket: If I were scum I would rather take out someone with a gun than someone with a notepad.
Unless it's a very big Sumerian notepad. These can be pretty deadly.