flubbucket: Now EVERYONE must submit a scum list of
no less than FIVE names in no particular order. Last one to turn in their homework may be first one lynched, so let's get crackin'
Why was Depo not included in this list?
mrkgnao: Another question for everyone. Post your theory why the scum had targetted Robbeasy. I shall post last.
I think the scum are trying to kill the players with important roles first. Roles that effect them and their plans. I feel why take out the cheerleaders first. They already know your roles and that your super power is talking to each other during the night. Why go after you two first. (Plus the longer you say around the more people will start to doubt your roles) Why not go after someone they have no idea about and try to eliminate someone with any type of power role.
dedoporno: that is why I'm coming out.
Congrats.. it truly is high school now =) (Sorry I could not help it)
QuadrAlien: In the case of the Masons claim(s), I've been trying to think of ways the Mafia could use such a claim to their advantage, but I'm not really seeing the advantage in linking two players so early in their eyes.
^As I stated above..Am I the only one that sees how this is a plus in the eyes of scum to know this information??