Posted January 31, 2012
I believe this earlier quote of nmillars answers the question Zchinque, also you make an interesting point with that theory. I agreed earlier with the 2 mafias in a faction, but how it all goes down is hard to know. There could be some balancing aspect we don't know of yet - what that could be I have no clue.. although there seems to be a good level of power located in town hands and if the mafia for instance has to kill each other first before being able to then get a victory over town, as I suggested earlier, it might be more balanced.
nmillar: I do know the player name, character name and role, but I haven't revealed any of this as the "no criminal record" suggests that they're a Town power role. He doesn't get alignment, but judges based on criminal record.
Just a quote of interest I didn't really notice before:
nmillar: To verify the information. If the mafia do decide to take out Damnation during the night phase, then all power roles are safe. That one was a little odd, I understand not revealing the power roles, although you did breadcrumb them, but wouldn't they also still be able to take out you? In your own words your a power role as well, so not all power roles would be safe. But yea I likely just over thinking stuff here, its just an odd post to me.
In regards of the quote of yours Damnation, I believe I almost explicitly have stated the answer to that multiple times before. In regards of Baz.. Hmm I'll have to re-read that again.

Just a quote of interest I didn't really notice before:

In regards of the quote of yours Damnation, I believe I almost explicitly have stated the answer to that multiple times before. In regards of Baz.. Hmm I'll have to re-read that again.