kodeen: I see this as a console version of the old Gamepark handhelds. Essentially no commercial support, but still fun for a gadget geek. It's not going to be for everyone, and they probably won't get the commercial developer support they expect, but it looks like a fun toy.
This is actually looks a lot like it's essentially the home console version of the
Open Pandora handheld - a product seen as niche for the mainstream, but yet has a huge amount of potential for both homebrewers and hackers. I can imagine it'd be awesome for console emulators.
Now, if anything, Kickstarter backlash and controversies surrounding the two leads aside, I can't help but feel that much of the reason why people are hating on this is because people are thinking of this as being billed as "The Next Big Thing" like the Phantom. In fact, this really should be thought of as being in the same bucket as other cool hobbyist products like the Arduino, the Raspberry Pi and again, the Open Pandora.
Sinizine: Here's the reddit thread.
They did some background and found other crazypants things she was doing that were apparently public the entire time.
Immoli: Thanks. Must be pretty disappointing for the people who gave her the money she was asking for.
The tragedy of that affair is that she seems to be a really talented and gifted artist (at least if we take her DA gallery at face value) and her game concept looks really cool. On top of that, we
know that there is an actual flesh-and-blood product there because an actual fully working prototype exists; that puts her light years ahead of all of the other KS projects out there that only offer things like concept art and the promise of something tangible.
Both are going to suffer because of the crippling stigma surrounding mental illness, combined with the fact that she both (a) doesn't seem to yet have a full understanding of her condition, and (b) apparently made the unwise decision of taking on a huge project like this practically single-handedly.
I'm worried a great deal about her supporters, because there's a high likelihood that her condition will take a severe turn for the worse and they'll be left high-and-dry. But I also worry about her, because I've a really close friend who's suffered (and survived quite well) what she is apparently suffering from at this moment - and I've seen how issues like this can wreak genuine havoc on someone's personal and professional lives.