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^ banned for posting links that nobody clicks on
Banned for not obsessive compulsively clicking on every link you see.
Banned because sometimes, YouTube ads are to blame.
Banned because sometimes, U2 albums are to blame.
Banned for not shooting down those albums like Russia did.

MovingArtillery: Banned because sometimes, YouTube ads are to blame.
Banned for not using any ad-blocker. You mustn't be watching ads when your frontline comrade-in-arms just requested an artillery barrage.
Post edited March 26, 2022 by le_chevalier
^ banned for not telling him to be a Mozilla guerilla
^ Banned for telling him to be a mozzarella gorilla.
Banned because that's a spicy meatball.
Banned because you're a spicy meatball! (sticks out tongue)
Banned for preferring 343 Halo over Bungalow Halo
Banned for not just playing Unreal instead.
Post edited March 26, 2022 by HeresMyAccount
^ banned for not weighing the pros and cons of playing as a con
Banned for painting portraits of convicts, which makes you a con artist.
Post edited March 26, 2022 by J Lo
banned for searching for the actual public convicts like if were going to catch them
Banned because I don't have to worry about being caught if I leave my target smiling.