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Banned for discovering a new fatality in Mortal Kombat.
^ banned for ingesting way too much spicy Thai food before a large boardroom meeting
Banned because I was able to cancel the meeting. I told them my schedule was Thai'd up.
^ banned for wasting such a storehouse of silent but deadly gas
Banned for not appreciating the sound of silence, along with Art Garfunkel's flatulence.
Banned because if you had appreciated silence, you wouldn't have banned Hooyaah.
^ banned for not questioning H.M.A. regarding what new thing he is using today
Banned because haayooh!
Banned for thinking you're so kewl just because you spell an E as a 3.
Banned for thinking E3 is still in anyway relevant today.
Banned for stealing my ushanka.
Banned for stealing my nuclear power plant.
Banned because it's debatable whether it was ever yours to begin with. We built it together to be independent from Hooyaah's overpriced magic exports.
Banned because my favourite superhero is Florida Man.
^ banned because you lied to me when you told me it was Atom Ant and you sounded adamant about it