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Banned because if it wasn't for this thread and me explicitly mentioning being drunk i wouldn't have noticed how often i drink too much ... but i'm not gonna barf this time though ... i pro ... promise.
Banned because Bionicle be better.
^ banned for not asking InSaint what he has been drinking, specifically... I suspect that it's mandarin orange schnapps
Banned for listening the the song InSaint in the membrane.
Banned for exchanging money for goods and services
Banned for trying to stifle free commerce like a dang commie!
banned for making me want to bust your bubble of cozy, comfy insulation
Banned because I heard spray insulation is the best type of insulation. But I also hear it's pretty expensive.
Banned because you are giving my cats bad ideas about how they can help with the renovation.
low rated
Banned because critters will be the first to die of radiation. So why make friends?
J Lo: Banned because my favourite superhero is Florida Man.
Banned because your favorite superhero isn't Seaman.
Banned for not welcoming Boris back. Haven't heard of him in ages.
Banned for not looking for him in the depth of seas.
Banned for confusing the Flying Spaghetti Monster with a mere crab.
^ banned for mistaking the Crab Nebula as merely an obscure astronomical observation