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LegoDnD: When has Robocop ever jumped in the movies? He weighs at least 400 pounds, I think that ship has sailed.
Yeah I mean I get it, but it still feels odd just from a gameplay perspective to not be able to. You instinctively hit the space bar and it does nothing and you're like "oh right."
I played a couple of rounds of Master of Orion 2 with the 1.50 fan patch, trying out some different stuff. That patch is darn good and if you dislike mods, just use the 'standard' version, which is the same game but working properly. Now off to finish this last game and then go play something else.

A pity the computer players never seem to touch planets with the natives special on them.
Post edited November 14, 2023 by Themken
Went back to Star Ocean 5 after 7 years. Started the game on Universe Difficulty, and just defeated the Ethereal Queen for the first time :)
Started playing Queen's Wish: The Conquerer. Liking it so far.

There's one really basic feature that the game has that, for some reason, is lacking in so many WRPGs: You can control your character(s) with the arrow keys. This means that, in particular, you don't need to rely on the game's pathfinding algorithm for basic movement.

(I also appreciate seeing the old-school style world map, and an approach to resource management (particularly in terms of energy) that feels more like a classic JRPG than a modern game.)
Elden Ring kind of falls off after a while because it gets super repetitive. It doesn't have the quest variety or story focus of a "real" RPG, so you end up feeling like you're just constantly wandering around fighting mobs. There could be a lot more environmental variety as well, I'm 30 hours in and it's been the same generic forest 90% of the game.
Started Divinity Original Sin.

I don't know, I want to like it. Fights seem fun from the few fights I had so far. But wow it's cumbersome and bloated. Not having any ingame reference or manual so having to alt+tab + google for any bit of information doesnt help either.
One other nice thing about Queen's Wish is that the game is turn-based.

I'm not just talking about the battles; the *entire game* is turn-based.

There's so many RPGs out there that advertise themselves as turn-based, but that turn-based nature only applies to combat and not when you're walking around.
Looger23: Started Divinity Original Sin.

I don't know, I want to like it. Fights seem fun from the few fights I had so far. But wow it's cumbersome and bloated. Not having any ingame reference or manual so having to alt+tab + google for any bit of information doesnt help either.
You don't need any extra information than what's already in the game. Don't rush it and you'll be fine. You will have many parallel things to do. Just watch from afar the level of the enemies and either head on, or avoid. The game leads you this way.
Mainly Hollow Knight and King of Fighters 2002, but will also start Valkyria Chronicles 4 probably still today.
Playing Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver reminds me again how I often despise third-person platform jumping games.

It is the damn camera. Most of the time it is pointing to a direction where I don't want it to point, and its automatic spinning around you makes the whole platforming very aggravating as I try to decide which direction button I should press so that I don't fall from a narrow passage, when the camera is on the side and starts to spin to the back while I move.

Here is a good example (starting at around 24:30 onwards), that player is similarly struggling with missing jumps due to the stupid spinning camera (I just struggled with that point yesterday):

I've noticed that the only kind of third-person view platform jumping games which don't annoy me are:

1. The camera is pretty much fixed behind your character's back so that you always see forward. For some reason this seems to be pretty rare, most such games have wildly spinning cameras changing direction all the time, like Soul Reaver and I think I felt the same way with Mario64.

2. The game has rigid "tank controls" that make it more manageable. The early Tomb Raider games and e.g. Croc: The Legend of the Gobbos fall into this category I think. I recall though that Tomb Raider did very good job also keeping the camera behind your back, unless your back was to a wall and the camera could not position itself there.
Post edited November 27, 2023 by timppu
timppu: I've noticed that the only kind of third-person view platform jumping games which don't annoy me are:

1. The camera is pretty much fixed behind your character's back so that you always see forward. For some reason this seems to be pretty rare, most such games have wildly spinning cameras changing direction all the time, like Soul Reaver and I think I felt the same way with Mario64.

2. The game has rigid "tank controls" that make it more manageable. The early Tomb Raider games and e.g. Croc: The Legend of the Gobbos fall into this category I think. I recall though that Tomb Raider did very good job also keeping the camera behind your back, unless your back was to a wall and the camera could not position itself there.
What about games with fixed cameras, like Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Crystal Project?
I finished Divine Divinity on Sunday. It took me a while... As Divinity: Original Sin and some others, it's one of the games I wanted to replay. That's not the main point however!
The main point is that I decided (finally...) to have Win10 installed on my PC! (I'm not knowledgeable to do these things myself). I was really struggling with the idea, as I was reading (of many of the people writing either in the forum or in reviews) that some (many?) older games don't play (easily, or at all) on Win10, and, as I've stated, I'm not able to much game tweaking, so I was always postponing it.
However, it was done yesterday, and today I started Beyond Divinity, and it works!
I hope these old games of mine that I want to replay and not work on Win10, to NOT be too many!
Replaying the SaGa 2 remake (no translation patch). Currently up to the nasty dungeon, which is the only optional part of the original game.

One of my favorite things about this remake is the viability of robot mage builds thanks to the inclusion of magic circuits.

While no translation patch does mean the game is not in English, there are some things that I don't like about the patch:
* Whenever you try to soft reset, or after you make your clear save, the game locks up with 2 white screens. This is annoying when it's a game where sometimes frequent soft resetting is needed (like with excavating random treasures, or trying to get certain drops, meat, or Esper skills from certain bosses).
* They ruined a bilingual joke in the 7th world by "fixing" some incorrect English grammar; the bad grammar was part of the joke.
* Some other translation choices I don't care for (like calling the magic stat "Sprt").

Also recently replayed Final Fantasy 1 (English version of SaGa 1), soloing it a couple times.

So, for SaGa 3, original or remake? (There are *huge* differences between the two, like how the remake got rid of XP, for example. They're different enough that I regard them as two entirely different games.)
Loldle - very interesting LoL puzzle game
Post edited December 21, 2023 by anhd389
HunterX Codename T.