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teceem: I wonder how much the Original Sin games refer to the first Divinity games?
Not at all because Original Sin actually happens before DD. Although some familiar characters from the Divinity series do pop up here and there. ... Bellimar, you so silly.

You really don't have to know anything about the other games to fully enjoy the OS games.
Post edited October 06, 2018 by Mr.Mumbles
I am playing Defending Camelot. It is a new game on Steam and PC

If you like PvZ and tower defense games you're gonna love this game! :D

You will use different heroes to prevent an army of monsters from entering Camelot.

Like PvZ the playing field is divided into 5 horizontal lanes, and with rare exceptions, a monster will only move towards the player's house along one lane. Planting costs gold, which can be gathered by farmers. Most units can only attack or defend against monsters in the lane they are put in. In later levels, players can purchase stronger units with different offensive and defensive abilities.

The game has 160 levels, tons of heroes and monsters, attack mode, barrack (like PvZ Zen garden) and many other features to find out!
Post edited October 08, 2018 by natratalanatra
I play LOL when with friends and FreeStyle when alone.
At the moment, I'm only playing Mount & Blade: Warband as I wait for the release of its next installment, Mount & Blade: Bannerlord. However, I'm also particularly on a lookout for any games that might pop up on GOG Connect for me to transfer some of those games I have in my Steam library to GOG.
RGine: I play LOL when with friends and FreeStyle when alone.
I understand your feeling. I cherish each time when my friends are around me.
I'm on my excursion to America in Fire Pro World. I feel like the game should be asking me to job more but instead I'm winning every match and in many cases it's not even demanding that I reach a certain match rating. Maybe this fictitious SWA promotion has a really awful guy booking things...
On GOG or in general?
On GOG I've been playing a bunch of Morrowind.
In general I've also been playing GTA and Guilty Gear.
Finished Mafia 2 yesterday. Now I play Brigador and Eye of the Beholder with All-Seeing Eye mod.
viperfdl: Finished Mafia 2 yesterday.
better or worse than #1?
viperfdl: Finished Mafia 2 yesterday.
tinyE: better or worse than #1?
Can't say. It's too long since I played the first game. But Mafia 2 was fun or at least the story was interesting.
More like: what am I not playing right now?

Generic Fantasy: The Game, aka Oblivion. It seems like I bounce of every Elder Scrolls game within 5-10 hours of playing. That's when the tedium/boredom tends to set in. Well, there is only one left to give an honest try before I give up. No, I actually haven't played Morrowind past the initial starting area yet. So I suppose I shall give it a go eventually. Not right now though.
I play Shadow Warrior 2 with a friend now. It was great that this game won the competition.
Playing now mainly Homeworld Classic, and generally I am liking it, especially the atmosphere and the story seems to unfold nicely mission by mission.

Two little complaints:

- I still think navigating in space, especially in the scanner mode, is quite cumbersome. Not sure how it could be better, but quite often I waste lots of time just trying to figure out how can I order my certain units to go to certain place where I want them to go, far away on the map. Quite often they end up quite far from where I really wanted them to go.

- I still haven't figured out all the dots and pulsating blips on the scanner map, what are they. Red dots are supposed to be enemies, but sometimes I faintly see some red dots but I am unsure if they really are lone enemies, or just a small dust particle on my monitor. And what are those yellow pulsating blips? Sometimes they appear, and then disappear when I try to move around the map to see in 3D where exactly they are.

- I am not quite sure about the whole "you keep all your units and resources from the previous mission"-thingie. In a way it makes sense and is even kinda cool... but then at least earlier I quite often had to go back to the end of the earlier mission because I learned that in the next mission I e.g. need a certain kind of special unit in the start, or certain kind of ships in order to fend of incoming enemies.

There isn't always time to start building new ships at the beginning of a new mission before the action really starts. So I go back to the earlier mission to make sure I have collected all the resources, scrap units I don't really need in the next mission, and then build a whole army of new units for the next mission.

This also makes me very leery of not losing any important units, because I don't want to waste resources to build a new one for the next mission. I might need those resources for something else in future missions. So for instance when I lost one frigate, I didn't want to proceed with the mission because they are quite expensive units and take a long time to build, so savescumming until I could survive without losing expensive units.

I would prefer if each mission was separate in that sense, ie. you build new units and collect resources from a scratch in the beginning of each mission.
Currently obsessed with Titan Quest and Grim Dawn again, after about a year of neglect.
Going through Alan Wake now, playing a handful of horror/thriller themed games this month. Really liking Alan Wake so far. Think I might do Oxenfree next, or The Swapper. Played a bit of Sunless Sea earlier.