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FiatLux: Back when GOG 'stopped development' of the Downloader then GOG clearly promised that they 'were never going to break the downloader intentionally' (that's how I remember it phrased) , and now GOG is doing just that !?!?!?
No, they said that, as, at the time, they were deploying changes in the API for Galaxy it might result in it breaking the downloader from time to time and if that happens it would be on purpose. They never said that they would keep the downloader active forever.
FiatLux: Back when GOG 'stopped development' of the Downloader then GOG clearly promised that they 'were never going to break the downloader intentionally' (that's how I remember it phrased) , and now GOG is doing just that !?!?!?
Gersen: No, they said that, as, at the time, they were deploying changes in the API for Galaxy it might result in it breaking the downloader from time to time and if that happens it would be on purpose. They never said that they would keep the downloader active forever.
Please do not start annoying me here , I am not in a good mood here . YOU ARE WRONG in your reference and I right.
Either you are referring to something different than I or you do not know what you are talking about.
I have as yet not yet located the original GOG message but I will quote another user :

Quote : v BKGaming :
"they said they would not intentionally break or end the downloader"
ref. :

Quote : v BKGaming :
" they won't intentionally break it : "
Ref. :
Despite the naysayers, the wishlist votes in support of Downloader continue to increase steadily. We are now over 1,000, that's right, quadruple digits.
high rated
Gersen: No, they said that, as, at the time, they were deploying changes in the API for Galaxy it might result in it breaking the downloader from time to time and if that happens it would be on purpose. They never said that they would keep the downloader active forever.
FiatLux: Please do not start annoying me here , I am not in a good mood here . YOU ARE WRONG in your reference and I right.
Either you are referring to something different than I or you do not know what you are talking about.
I have as yet not yet located the original GOG message but I will quote another user :

Quote : v BKGaming :
"they said they would not intentionally break or end the downloader"
ref. :

Quote : v BKGaming :
" they won't intentionally break it : "
Ref. :
Let me help you out. This is the original post (and apparently it is (or at least was) also on their Galaxy FAQ:

Wow. This very thread from 2015(!) shows me that we already had the same discussion ... also basically the same arguments from the yay and nay sayers.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by MarkoH01
high rated
chandra: After announcing that we’re ceasing the active development for GOG Downloader 6 years ago, the time has come to disable it. We put a lot of work into making GOG.COM an up-to-date place for gamers. Supporting GOG Downloader, which became an obsolete tool some time ago, simply does not go hand in hand with the goal we mentioned above.

In a week from now, we will deactivate GOG Downloader entirely, and it won’t be possible to download any files with it. As of the 17th of March, there will be two methods of downloading games from GOG.COM – via the browser or with the GOG GALAXY app. For more information on how to download your games and digital goodies go here.
P.S. :

If GOG want to ease the burden on themselves by not having to keep the Downloader working then why not ease the burden for the rest of us (us the 'customers') also ????????????????
Why not change your so-called back up file policy to include that people can download ALL off-line game install (including UPDATES!) AND ALL goodies - ALL - that is EVERYTHING ! - packed into ONE ZIP file ! ? ! ? ! ?
Then workload would be manageable - and maybe even easier that Downloader days - when downloading the games that we bought !!!!

I know that GOG have made the Galaxy client, AND FYI then I were one of the people that suggested a similar apparatus - though I envisioned something like a more advanced down-loader to make it easier for people less computer savvy - and I never imagined that GOG would go all Steam on my - though I actually DO understand why 'The French monk' want to include social features and multi player....
BUT before GOG ends up as just a Steam Clone then PLEASE REMEMBER that GOG has made it's business on being the company that delivers DRM-FREE games , and a CORE PART of THAT concept is that people have access to their DRM-FREE downloads - and for that to work in reality then you have to make the download burden manageable !!!!
FiatLux: ...
And the original quote was from Galaxy FAQ (again emphasis mine):
8. Will you still support GOG downloader? Will you develop it further?

We won't disable the GOG downloader on launch day, but we will no longer actively support it. The downloader may be affected as we continue updating our infrastructure, but we don't plan to disable it intentionally.
Again they never said that they would keep it active forever, just that they won't disable it on Galaxy launch date and that if it was breaking during their infra updates it wouldn't be intentional.
MarkoH01: Let me help you out. This is the original post (and apparently it is (or at least was) also on their Galaxy FAQ:

Wow. This very thread from 2015(!) shows me that we already had the same discussion ... also basically the same arguments from the yay and nay sayers.
Thank you very much !!! That was extremely kind of you (a little ray of light in midst of all the darkness :-) ;-) )
And yes that is the exact post that I could not locate myself , thank you !!! :-)
MarkoH01: Let me help you out. This is the original post (and apparently it is (or at least was) also on their Galaxy FAQ:

Wow. This very thread from 2015(!) shows me that we already had the same discussion ... also basically the same arguments from the yay and nay sayers.
This is before my time here and fascinating to browse. You've been here longer than me. Have any of the naysayers in these Galaxy-related discussions ever "switched sides" so to speak? Like, woke up and agreed that offline installer-only users are treated worse than Galaxy users?
Gersen: Again they never said that they would keep it active forever, just that they won't disable it on Galaxy launch date and that if it was breaking during their infra updates it wouldn't be intentional.
I read your argument already somewhere here in the past and thought it sounded logical and reasonable ... now that I went again through the other thread however I am not that sure anymore since it was the reply to this question:

"I do not plan to use Galaxy now or in the future, and am wondering if GOG downloader can still be used to download games now and in the future. In other words, has GOG had an official statement? "

Imo this either means GOG simply ignored the "in the future" part of the question (which must have been the case if I go your interpretation) or they in fact lied when telling it is not intended (for now and the future).
FiatLux: ...
If you are not against using Galaxy you can have a similar functionality in it. By similar I mean that it's not complete or as convenient as the downloader but you will at least have the "save to a separate folder" and "download files with a single click" features.
FiatLux: ...
Gersen: And the original quote was from Galaxy FAQ (again emphasis mine):

8. Will you still support GOG downloader? Will you develop it further?

We won't disable the GOG downloader on launch day, but we will no longer actively support it. The downloader may be affected as we continue updating our infrastructure, but we don't plan to disable it intentionally.
Gersen: Again they never said that they would keep it active forever, just that they won't disable it on Galaxy launch date and that if it was breaking during their infra updates it wouldn't be intentional.
Quote JudasIscariot - Team:
"but we don't plan to disable it intentionally."
Ref. :

AND THEY JUST DID !!!! (disable it intentionally.)
Gersen: If you are not against using Galaxy...
Therein lies the problem :)
MarkoH01: Imo this either means GOG simply ignored the "in the future" part of the question (which must have been the case if I go your interpretation) or they in fact lied when telling it is not intended (for now and the future).
In their answer they said "We won't disable the GOG downloader on launch day," they specified "on launch day", as in don't worry we won't disable it immediately but it might happen down the road.
rjbuffchix: Like, woke up and agreed that offline installer-only users are treated worse than Galaxy users?
Was this ever a question? Of course they are and of course they were - I even doubt anybody would tell you something different. However THAT was not the topic of the thread i 2015 (which I also completely forgot about). The topic there was 1:1 exactly the same as it is here and the same arguments are brought up (just read the post from our well respected user mrkgnao in which he explains why using the GOG downloader and Galaxy is absolutely not the same. Also watch how he stated "at the moment" ... and that was 2015. In 2020 it still is not the case so it is really hard to expect GOG to add those features that would basically make them the same and therefore making the downloade obsolete (which imo would only be the case if Galaxy would be able to do the exact same thing with being also as small , focused on downloading only and easy to handle - which it will probably never be and therefore teh downloader is only killed but it never was obsolete).
MarkoH01: Imo this either means GOG simply ignored the "in the future" part of the question (which must have been the case if I go your interpretation) or they in fact lied when telling it is not intended (for now and the future).
Gersen: In their answer they said "We won't disable the GOG downloader on launch day," they specified "on launch day", as in don't worry we won't disable it immediately but it might happen down the road.
So they DID in fact disregard the "in the future" part completely.
Post edited May 08, 2020 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: So they DID in fact disregard the "in the future" part completely.
Not really well "in the future" don't mean "forever" ;-)

In this case the "future" lasted five years.