Addition: Out of respect for the thread and so as not to derail, this will be my last post on myself/this sub topic ITT.....if you want I can discuss this in my own threads or via PM....have a good one.
rojimboo: But suffice to say, I immensely dislike this indirect passive aggressiveness you display in almost all of your posts (particularly the last quadruple(!) post of yours).
To be clear/honest, I do it to be nice to people(I only get rude towards those who insult/are rude towards others, and even then I try to hold back).
I also do it because in the past I was more blunt/open with people and didn't mind HOW I said some things.....some nice people disliked that so I changed(I still say what I want but try to be nice about it).
(I also say some instead of people's names as often what I say applies to more than those I am talking about, and also because some dislike when people are focused on negatively here by anyone & for any reason....including some staff)
rojimboo: Where 'some' actually clearly refers to real people that have just said those exact things you attack them for. Just count the number of times you say 'some' in each and every one of your posts, I dare you.
What you point out are
civil criticisms.....the thing many more used to be able to handle in the past before today's generation where people seemingly cannot handle such without(as you did) calling it "attacks" or "trolling" by default.
(Also if you want to see actual trolling, go on ANY chan site's/similar site's more crude threads/pages...that sort of stuff is attacks and trolling, not what I do/try to do here)
rojimboo: Unbelievable, another attack at basically me and many others who might disagree with your posts.
It was just a minor jab at what you said concerning what I had written(seemingly tossing aside dismissively all I had posted by saying I had "not said anything"), not meant to be seen/taken as a full out "attack" of any sort.
rojimboo: Just because people disagree with you, doesn't mean
a) They are unable/unwilling to read your posts
b) That what you write is remotely 'true' and factual and the only position anyone could hold in this matter
True on both counts...still, dismissing/seemingly dismissing what I wrote by calling it "not saying anything" doesn't show what you disagreed with and(from what i've seen irl and online) is often used by those trying to quickly dismiss things they don't want to read/think on by those they disagree with/dislike. Now this is not to say I know you were doing so before, but it came off that way(the same as my posts seem to come off a bit negatively to you, I would expect).
rojimboo: But in your own words, 'I've said my peace, and stand by it'. And at least I was not cowardly and referred to 'some' 18 times in my post...
It's not being cowardly.....sometimes my words apply to many people, so I use blanket terms for groups.....also I/others feel it rude to single individuals out unless need be.
rojimboo: I don't think you understand that most people see what you write as extremely rude, as it still targets them.
For those who cannot help but be offended/look for possible offense in some things others say/do, there is nothing I could do to fix that(short of not saying my peace on things and denying me the right to say what I want, which I/others would also find disagreeable) for them I am sorry, but I cannot/shouldn't be expected to concern myself too much with things I cannot fix(short of not talking at all to/about them).
rojimboo: And to sugarcoat stuff you say by prefixing it with 'some' do this or say this or that, doesn't actually work at all. 'Some' or most people see right through it. How could they not?
What's there to see through? I act nice to those that deserve such(most people)....even those I disagree with sometimes.
Also it's better than people being overly crude and rude to each other.
rojimboo: Anyways, goodbye, or farewell. Just wanted to call you on this rampant passive aggressiveness.
And you could've done all this via another thread or PM.....just my two cents.