Cavalary: When there are so many things that don't work, or work very badly, and even more that don't even really exist at all but should and could, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" needs to be a rule to live by.
Agreed, but it likely cost them SOME amount of time/money(even if seemingly small to us) to support a likely very small chunk of the user base.....also they are a business, not a charity/family/close friends....I don't get why some(seemingly) cannot get that.
(Or maybe they do and don't want to get it?)
Cavalary: (And there you go again just with what I was saying, fighting with such determination for not fighting.)
What is the saying about it being near pointless to try to move a mountain? That would apply here, I think.
Now if a movement/push has a good chance of being supported or succeeding then it'd be more realistic to pursue/go through with such, imo.
(Or did I get what you meant by this bit wrong, and you meant something else with this?)
visconteprimus: I'll remain loyal to myself: this is all I care. :)
Now THIS I support 105%....agreed wholeheartedly. :)