Posted March 10, 2020
low rated
I remember official downloader from when gog was still very new, and I never understood it's value. I'd have to go to GOG website, click each individual game to queue it in downloader. As opposed to having to go to GOG website, and just download the file through browser... Maybe good to download game you are about to play, but absolutely inadequate to backup your collection (at least once you get to 100+ titles). I don't think it will be missed THAT much, as long as standalone installers are maintained.
I've grown lazy to a point that I don't even download installers anymore. Well, lazy and I'd have to buy bigger disk before doing that - my last backup is something like 3 or 4 years old, and that was using lgogdownloader (which I think is already ported to using galaxy API).
I've grown lazy to a point that I don't even download installers anymore. Well, lazy and I'd have to buy bigger disk before doing that - my last backup is something like 3 or 4 years old, and that was using lgogdownloader (which I think is already ported to using galaxy API).