Mission 4 - Turn 3, Dragon Turtle Island Landing *Next turn starts
4 AM UTC, 21 November Aylar gives the signal for the
aft fiendfyre cannons to fire at the sole enemy ship within firing distance. (roll dice) Three guns blaze forth, catching the ship unawares just forward of its port flank, setting its gun deck aflame (roll dice) while the
Mermaid ship splinters its bow and fore mast bringing her own guns around to bear, and continues raking fire across the port broadside which the enemy had not been prepared for.
Aylar then
orders the Crew to hold on or/and secure themselves with ropes, and only then be ready to either man the cannons or otherwise attack by any means they have. Knowing that taking a full-speed Squid strike straight to the starboard would be bad news, he shoves the wheel over to
sharply turn the bow starboard, even while gauging it's likely going to rock the Ship aplenty. From the first boarding he noted the Ship's lines were made for speed and maneuverability and hopes there still be enough time for the course adjustment to complete so that the beastie would overshoot its swim and end up port side instead.
Count Karnstein moves forward and
tells Aeshma to hide in the forecastle. (roll dice) She is about to tell him exactly what she thinks about hiding when someone may need her help, when she reconsiders. Fighting aboard a ship at sea is his forte, not hers after all. Reluctantly she nods acknowledgement and
moves to obey the order ... this time. (roll dice) She is near the stairs down when
Aylar yells out to the Crew to hold on or secure themselves and then after a moment hauls the wheel over.
The bow rises sharply while coming around to starboard.
(roll dice) Instinctively knowing what
Aylar must have in mind,
Count Karnstein reachs out and grabs Aeshma just as she tumbles. (roll dice) He seizes a secure line nearby and uses his strength and experience to
brace them both against the forecastle wall, riding out the sharp rearing roll of the turn. As the Ship comes about and begins to settle, the
Count reaches around to open the forecastle door and pushes Aeshma inside. Then he moves to position himself in the middle of the main deck, getting ready to dodge and chop tentacles invading aboard.
He orders those with blunt weapons who are not manning cannons to grab the axes and get ready.
"What are you doing! You know where I am from the meat from merrow tail is a delicacy! Mainly because most encounters with them are dangerous"
Kyp calls out to the
Count as he sees him kick a perfectly good merrow kill off the deck to clear it for action. Then
hearing Aylar's order, Kyp quickly goes to the port side cannons and secures himself to the ship so that he won't get thrown around by the turning. (roll dice) He loads the two cannons he can reach and control and rides the roll and plunge through the abrupt course change.
Cap'n Rummyfangs also hears
Aylar's order and sees the tactic being employed. In one flowing motion the Felinoid phantom sheathes his rapier and bounds to the main deck, heading for the
port side cannons just beyond Kyp's. Not needing a rope to ride the rocking and rolling deck in spectral form,
Cap'n Rummyfangs quickly loads and primes two more cannons and awaits the target, baring his fangs in a fearsome grin.
Aylar hauls the wheel over hard he feels the Ship rear up and roll, fighting inertia and the waves.
Aylar sees Clíodhna rising from the rail to lead the course change in flight like a bright spectral beacon as
he Wills the Ship to come about into the turn in time. He reaches within to apply strength of mind as well as body, and finds her joining hers to his through the link. There is a boost of wind, and
Aylar sees Gilius concentrating on the main deck,
calling a wind into the sails. (roll dice) Then there is
that other power there again,
helping with the wheel, showing him just where to apply that Will, a subtle nudge here, a redirection of spectral energies there. The Ship quickens its response, and
Aylar feels again what seems like
a good, if strong, pat on the back and a sense of good-humored approval reminding him of the first time he stepped upon the gangplank. (roll dice) Abruptly the
power rushes forward and for the first time he hears
a phoenix's challenge as once again there is
a sense of a great living sea creature and a concussive force reverberates from the bow, (roll dice)
knocking the Giant Squid just enough off course and slightly stunning it somehow as
Aylar completes the turning maneuver and brings the the port side cannons into position for the Crew on deck to shoot at the Squid, and the shooters at nests be having a clear line of fire.
Some might overlook a Druid on a ship, or think him superfluous, but
Gilius had sailed with 'Polly' for three years upon the Weirding Sea and in that time he had picked up several useful tricks. Now
Gilius goes in the middle of the main deck and concentrates. (roll dice) He begins feeling the energies of nature in the air around him and begins calling to them, channeling them. In a matter of seconds,
a small wind begins to rise, encompassing the Ship and
flowing gently in the sails with a steady increasing push, helping to guide the ship into the course change and then forward, helping the Ship maneuver more easily. He stays in this position, concentrating to maintain that wind, boosting the Ship to outrun her foes. (roll dice)
Gilius smiles as he feels
Clíodhna's delight in his work and hears
her challenge to the Giant Squid as
she uses his winds to spiral higher, more graceful now in this new (to him) form. He knows what should come next, though he has never seen it. Keeping his concentration steady along with his wind,
Gilius waits.
(roll dice) As the Ship comes about and the Giant Squid is lined up,
Pugwash takes his shot. The Squid must have hit something, although he doesn't think it was the bow, because it has floated a bit to the surface and seems somewhat stunned, leaving him with an excellent shot at one eye. (roll dice)
The bolt hits and the eyes bleeds, leaving the monster partially blinded. Pugwash reloads. Silently counting his blessings for being short enough to make dodging harpoons a bit easier,
Captain Baldbeard uses his whistle to call on his shark pack to help out in the waters around the ship. He continues to use his harmonica in tune with the song so as to break any possible siren effects as the Ship suddenly leaps forward.
Hearing Aylar's call to the Crew, he also realizes the maneuver
Aylar plans and plants his feet solidly on the deck, leaning into the rise and roll while grasping one of the fore mast lines. As the Ship comes around and begins to spring away under
Gilius's wind, he sends
the pack to harry the Giant Squid, while keeping a lookout for any attack that may come his way.
Coming out of the stun the
Giant Squid uses its undamaged eye to sight the Ship, twisting to retarget as it raises its tentacles and reachs for them. Like a spectral flame from the sky screaming another challenge,
Clíodhna dives to the attack, dodging tentacles to rip the spectral form of a phoenix's diamond hard talons across the good eye, scoring deep wounds before soaring again and turning again for the Ship, feeling the tethering energies snap tight as
Gilius's wind speeds the Ship on.
She sends back to Aylar through the link a raptor's joy in the speed and the strike, almost as an extension of one of his own strikes with his cutlass.
On the main deck, still maintaining the steady wind,
Gilius feels a deep satisfaction. He has now seen a phoenix's strike,
her strike, using his wind. It is a thing few Druids, and even fewer Dwarves, have ever done.
(to be continued ...)