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GM Message to all Crew: Update

I had hoped to open the new thread for Part 2 this last weekend, but this will have to be delayed until mid-March as I was not aware that I would be under very restricted screen time for ten days post surgery. The first eye surgery has gone well and the second surgery is scheduled for next week. So in the meantime be thinking about your interim adventures and I will use the time off-screen to diabolically plot in evil GM fashion. (evil grin)
"The first eye surgery has gone well"

Good to hear this :)

"...and the second surgery is scheduled for next week"

Good luck and health to You!
bjgamer: GM Message to all Crew: Update
So in the meantime be thinking about your interim adventures and I will use the time off-screen to diabolically plot in evil GM fashion. (evil grin)
This does not bode well for the crew, the GM has turned against us!
Argy's interim update:

With the passing of the following days, Argy's mood brightens again.
She spends most of the day taking care of the kitchen, the herbarium and resupplying the pantry (thanks to the few crewmates that can still disembark or parley with other ships for trading). Mysteriously, the ship's supplies now have more rum and grog and less tea...
When she has spare time, she frequently spends it chatting with Kyp, learning about new recipes and the habits of the seafolk. Kyp gives her some lectures about marine biodiversity in the meantime. Argy doesn't totally get the concept, but she still somehow learns that not every edible creature under the surface of the sea should be hunted and eaten.

There's only a presence on board she doesn't seem to like much. When crossing her path with Circeana she normally frowns. On one occasion, she bumped into her while talking with Kyp. Argy smirked, while maliciously glancing at her: "R'member the merrow tail recipe ye told me about, Kyp? I think it can be improved, with the right ingredient..."

She usually spends the evenings playing dice and sharing tales, stories and news with other members of the cursed crew. She likes sharing both tales from her book and tales that she heard from travellers in her past life (an inn is a great place to hear about the most exotic adventures)
From time to time, when she is a bit tipsy, she shares some barely understandable cooking advice with her mateys.
"Arr, mateys. If someone tells ye that there any dish tastes like chicken, be sure they be lyin'. I mean, if it 'as no chicken."
"In some distant places people cook snakes an' lizards, an' they do not taste like chicken, whatever they say, blimey!"
"But worst ones be travellers from the Drakalor Chain. And their bat meat. Not that there it tastes not ev'n close to a chicken. Bat meat be a gross ingredien' ye'd ne'er want on yer grub, believe me."
"Arr, only chicken tastes like chicken. Nuff said!"
She scratches her head for a moment:
"Actually, there be somethin' that there tastes quite like chicken meat, but..." She suddenly shuts up, glances nervously at all sides and leaves the subject.
GM Message to all Crew: Update
I am happy to report my screen-limited time is coming to an end and the eyes are doing much better. Thank you to Crew and observers for the well-wishes, I appreciate them and all of you. I am currently preparing to post the thread for Voyage - Part 2 and will ask for continuing Crew to post their Interim Adventures there. See you soon! :)

bjgamer: GM Message to all Crew: Update
So in the meantime be thinking about your interim adventures and I will use the time off-screen to diabolically plot in evil GM fashion. (evil grin)
aCyborg: This does not bode well for the crew, the GM has turned against us!
MWA-HA-HA!! ;)
bjgamer: I am happy to report my screen-limited time is coming to an end and the eyes are doing much better.
Jolly to 'earrr this here :) I wish ye jolly 'ealth!
Post edited March 15, 2024 by KillingMoon
Voyage of the Cursed Crew - Part 2 thread is now up! See you there! :)