It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Thank Clownski =)
Post edited August 02, 2023 by angelblue
Some offline installers have been updated for me by now - AI War 2 was one, but I also noticed a few others.
WinterSnowfall: Roughly between 60 and 70, depending on the week. But about 1/4 of those were older (think 2020) discrepancies that for one reason or another never got fixed (and probably never will...), anyway.
Interestingly, some games such as Deus Ex have their offline installers ahead of Galaxy…
NovHak: Interestingly, some games such as Deus Ex have their offline installers ahead of Galaxy…
Not that interesting, actually (or uncommon). It's just the flaky GOG API that's causing these situations. More details here.
Clownski_: Hey everyone, I have an update regarding the missing offline installers...
Thanks, Clownski. Always good to hear GOG staff on the ball and working hard to bring your systems back to normal.
7 blue dots announced the arrival of new installers. :)
Are the offline installer file servers still the backup ones? Because transfer speeds are still far slower than before the outage.

Downloading Cyberpunk 2077 at ~3/4 MB/s is painful when I could download them at >20 before.
NovHak: Interestingly, some games such as Deus Ex have their offline installers ahead of Galaxy…
WinterSnowfall: Not that interesting, actually (or uncommon). It's just the flaky GOG API that's causing these situations. More details here.
So, things have been designed in such a way that Galaxy will never be behind, but for some mysterious reason, still after all these years, the converse seems impossible. And they say Galaxy will never be mandatory… unless one wants to have games updated that is. How sweet of them.

Is it just me or GOG is slowly drifting away from DRM free ?
high rated
NovHak: Is it just me or GOG is slowly drifting away from DRM free ?
A company will always "drift" depending on market trends and its objectives, be it GOG or others. One thing is certain to me at least: the moment they stop providing offline installers which can be downloaded without Galaxy is the moment I stop spending money here.
ConsulCaesar: 7 blue dots announced the arrival of new installers. :)
I had about 20 today. lol
WinterSnowfall: Roughly between 60 and 70, depending on the week. But about 1/4 of those were older (think 2020) discrepancies that for one reason or another never got fixed (and probably never will...), anyway.
NovHak: Interestingly, some games such as Deus Ex have their offline installers ahead of Galaxy…
Deus Ex offline has been ahead of galaxy in version number before the servers went down. I was asking about this over month ago.
Post edited August 02, 2023 by Syphon72
Offline installers have been fixed at a good speed today, thanks. <3
I'm confused at the discussion about offline installers being updated...does this mean they will match Galaxy versions?

What about instances like Tempest where in my experience the most recent offline installer 1.74 was unplayable without Galaxy? Can that be updated/fixed to work without Galaxy?
rjbuffchix: I'm confused at the discussion about offline installers being updated...does this mean they will match Galaxy versions?

What about instances like Tempest where in my experience the most recent offline installer 1.74 was unplayable without Galaxy? Can that be updated/fixed to work without Galaxy?
If an offline installer doesn't work without galaxy that suggests that the offline installer has files that are corrupted (one of the things that Galaxy does when importing a new game from an offline install is to verify the files against what Galaxy expects (and check for updates) and install those). If that remains the case with the most recent installer you should report it to GOG through their support channel.
Clownski_: Hey everyone, I have an update regarding the missing offline installers – our Team is currently going through the outdated builds and should have them fully up to date by the end of the week. This backlog of offline installers was caused by our need to put adding and updating them on hold, as we had to wait until all necessary data was restored from backup to our main storage provider after the outage. We’ll let you know once the situation has been resolved. Thank you for your patience regarding this issue.
Looks like some of the Blackwell games can't be downloaded now :(
blotunga: Looks like some of the Blackwell games can't be downloaded now :(
I had problems previously with all 5 of the Blackwell games but they have been fine since Tuesday