It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
ABitAlarmed: a new user might be a new user, a human being, as simple as that. To meet a new user by stripping-off their humanity from them is a horrible idea.
(oh quelle surprise they edited the linked post after it was linked)

They might be. But you are not. Fuck off or post on your main account.
Post edited August 05, 2023 by lupineshadow
ABitAlarmed: Are the known problems still ongoing?
Berzerk2k2: Had no problems downloading my whole library (2+ TB) over the last few days.
some of mine are fine, but a couple of my current big play es are not: X4 and Pathfinder Wrath still fail. And I uninstalled X4 initially to see if a reinstall would fix it. Ouch.
If this lasts much more, I'm reluctantly switching to steam as primary platform.

Honestly, the worst thing is not the outage but the very poor communication from GOG that is eroding my trust. I don't know what's going on, and how long to expect it to last, or if they even think that they've fixed it yet.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by LordIvan
GOG has no Senior Community Management Specialist, as was pointed here before or somewhere else, that's why the communication is so disappointingly poor and the forum is in not the greatest condition:

So it's not fully fixed, is it? Well, time always tells. Alright, will mark the downloads' versions in my public CSV sheet back for all the people to know (that's kind of a hobby of mine, sheets, "thanks" EVE Online). Maybe the issues show that something isn't transferred completely back; Clownski_ hasn't said it was completed; Likely it is using the alt storage here and there, and this guess makes sense accounting the nearby complaints about the speed. I just hope they'll not forget to tell us.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by ABitAlarmed
Berzerk2k2: Had no problems downloading my whole library (2+ TB) over the last few days.
LordIvan: some of mine are fine, but a couple of my current big play es are not: X4 and Pathfinder Wrath still fail. And I uninstalled X4 initially to see if a reinstall would fix it. Ouch.
If this lasts much more, I'm reluctantly switching to steam as primary platform.

Honestly, the worst thing is not the outage but the very poor communication from GOG that is eroding my trust. I don't know what's going on, and how long to expect it to last, or if they even think that they've fixed it yet.
The communication was pretty good imo. The issue is 99% fixed, so any father issue probably need to be brought to support ticket or maybe DM one of the blues?
Syphon72: The communication was pretty good imo. The issue is 99% fixed, so any father issue probably need to be brought to support ticket or maybe DM one of the blues?
yeah, I raised a support ticket yesterday, and no response as of yet: Which implies support is still overwhelmed, which implies it's still a bit of a problem, and should have a banner up until it's clearly resolved.
Syphon72: The communication was pretty good imo. The issue is 99% fixed, so any father issue probably need to be brought to support ticket or maybe DM one of the blues?
LordIvan: yeah, I raised a support ticket yesterday, and no response as of yet: Which implies support is still overwhelmed, which implies it's still a bit of a problem, and should have a banner up until it's clearly resolved.
GOG takes couple day's to reply back, and it's the weekend. I would expect email on Monday or Tuesday.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by Syphon72
PaterAlf: Sorry that I was wrong. I don't get why you have to hide behind a secondary account to ask a legit question though.
Agreed. I don't trust accounts that are brand new but raising issues that clearly show the person has been around for a while, even if the person posting may have a point. Just post on your established account.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by tfishell
This forum is an echo chamber apart from the GOG mishaps. So do not feel bad for using an alt.
Post edited August 06, 2023 by Halbzeit
Halbzeit: This forum is a circle jerk apart from the GOG mishaps. So do not feel bad for using an alt.
Oh yeah, I love to shoot a nice looooooong game of "pocket pool."((:--))
The whole situation is a shame!

Not only the technical problems but also the communication about them.

It was stated that everything should be fixed by the end of the last week.
But i still have outdated downloads, like JA3 which is waiting for an update since 4 days.
Is there a status-update from GOG? No.
Do i get a response from the support? No.

This is not how i imagine a good service.
Is anyone else getting really slow download speeds for the offline installers?
IronArcturus: Is anyone else getting really slow download speeds for the offline installers?
I am. Sometimes downloads go either 20 MB/s to 40MB/s, other times it goes 600KB/s to 2MB/s (The slower speed seems to happen more times than not right now).
I'd like to answer, but... my top download speed (for everything, not GOG only) is 1.5Mb/s.
It's bad. Awfully bad.
Although they're finally laying down optic fiber, I hope it gets activated soon so I can finally experience what it means to have a decent connection speed... the current lines are 60 years old, never upgraded, never maintained.

Anyway, how's the general situation now? I see some still have issues, but how widespread is it still?
Post edited August 08, 2023 by Enebias
So here's something interesting for people still having problems downloading/updating some apps via GoG Galaxy:

Try a VPN.

On a whim, given that this is a CDN problem, and I'm not in the US or EU, I tried using a VPN and set my location to USA, and then downloading the failing games (in my case X4 and Pathfinder: WotR.) Both immediately installed/updated successfully.

Implies GOG haven't configured their CDN correctly for all regions, or that the CDN hasn't yet fully recovered across all regions.

Exactly which is unimportant, as a VPN will give you a work around for this issue until it's resolved.
I am bumping this thread up to see if it's possible that my installation of BG3 blocks at a few MB of ending (92% of the installation process, nearly everyhting downloaded) is the result of the current outage or should I open a separate ticket... Thanks in advance!