It's...better, but fails to address some fundamental issues.
1) The install issue ("runtime fee", whatever they want to call it) is something they will. Not. Drop. It's bizarre. If they're going to have the option of rev share anyway, just do that instead of having this weird "you can do rev share or installs" thing. Installs cannot and never will work, just drop it already. Nobody will choose that. The fact that they refuse to drop it suggests they intend to lean into that in the future; this is just to get people used to it over time.
2) "We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using" is good on the surface but seems a little vague. I don't see the words "legally guarantee" there, which is what would be required if they're serious about regaining trust.
3) Another thing nobody talks about much is that they're changing the editor so that it's always online, and will only work for 3 days without phoning home. They've now extended that to 30 days, however it's still always online and doesn't actually fix this rather invasive DRM. I mean it's always had DRM, but the "phone home" thing is new and not something I consider acceptable.
There's one good thing from the FAQ, at least:
Does the Unity Runtime phone home by default?
It does not, unless you have hardware stats enabled.
So, put some pressure on Unity devs to not collect hardware stats, I guess.