eRe4s3r: Well it seems a good time to update a bit ;) Lots happened since the civilian airplane was shot down and 300 innocents murdered. By whom? Well.. we'll probably never know for sure. Only thing that is sure is that it is a war-crime... a long list of them too related to airplanes being shot down...
Personally, I see situation like that - plane was shot down, the next day IMF says that they would give Ukraine money(they couldn't decide for months), western press goes apeshit on Russia.
Then, suddenly - satellite photos of Ukrainian Buks in the place of launch. Credit to Ukraine is postponed, one of Ukrainian chiefs resigned, press is silent.
Looks like unsuccessful provocation.
eRe4s3r: Sanction phase 3 has just recently been pushed through (as announced way in the beginning of this topic if Russia continued to supply vehicles and weapons to the terrorists/separatists) I think it's a bit much to assume that just the airplane attack itself was the cause of these sanctions, but the fact how Putin sponsored media displayed restraint in recent weeks probably played a big part too. (If you don't know what I mean, just watch any Russian TV channels ,p) It's like someone put drugs in the water or something.. haha
Check facts. Ruble/USD exchange rate was 33/1 in January, 36/1 in August. Ukrainian Hryvnia/USD 8/1 in January, 12/1 now (lost 50%). Who is under sanctions, again?
I don't doubt that smart people in EU see that sanctions are issued by USA to break bonds between Russia and EU and it is the only reason. Judge by results - laughable "you can't visit us".
eRe4s3r: The media war continues to be waged and Russia is losing it in Europe. Europe becomes more and more anti-Russian which is largely related to the shot down airplane. That Russia did not even send condolences was seen as an admittance of guilt. And NL at least will probably hate Russia for centuries to come. (Not sure if that was Intended by Putin or not..) (I have no idea about the Russian side of the media war, but from what ye hear it's not pretty ,p)
The longer it goes the more chances West would see that Ukraine is the second Vietnam - supported by USA puppet government in civil war against their own people.
eRe4s3r: Other stuff, the 50 billion $ judgment related to Yukos and how the state basically pwned the owners and investors of that company in order to further expand political reach on industry.... is not yet decided 100%, but chances are very high this judgment has effect in the Western world. Russia was not amused... ;P
Check the precedent with Noga company - they won similar judgment and couldn't get much of it.
eRe4s3r: I have still no idea what Russia is thinking.
The winter is coming. Literally. Kiev has no money to pay for gas, and nobody going to support them for free. Taking credits from IMF like "free money" is a lack of education.
eRe4s3r: I am still baffled that Putin acts how he does... I can't fathom what he intents to achieve by antagonizing and uniting the EU. Before this crisis, you couldn't get the EU to agree on the color of banana packaging... so .. baffling in all ways.
Antagonizing EU? Günther Oettinger and Putin made countless attempts to talk with Kiev. But they feel support from USA and western media and going nuts, sabotaging everything.
I expect another revolution in Ukraine next year and current government joining Saakashvili's department in USA institute.