HijacK: I'll simply say that I'm on the west's side whether Russia is at fault or not. It's just how politics go. The west made us suffer less than Russia did in the last century. I do not forget the countries that made my life shittier.
You should check not only "what happened", but "why happened" too.
Yes, USSR was strong and had imperial ambitions (Good intentions lead to hell). So USA built war plants for Hitler
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dawes_Plan As a result of this plan USA got stocks in most German plants, then evacuated scientists and engineers after WW2. (USSR captured some too, wouldn't argue against it) - so win-win-win for them. Plants, top tier people, reparations, heavy death toll in both USSR and
land Europe - England wasn't really affected, because Hitler got enough jets and submarines to reliable fight with them only in 44 (source - book of US general,can look for title if interested).
It wasn't the first time we had world war in Europe with Russia - WW1. Bismarck united Germany, and not the last role was played by
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerson_von_Bleichröder Bismarck bequeathed "Never fight against Russia", he foresaw huge war and fall of Germany. Because he knew terms of credit he got from England.
And now you don't want to work with Russia. "Divide Europe and conquer".
Klumpen0815: I love KenFM, glad to see him being appreciated in a foreign country although I do not always share his opinion and have no love for the Russian government at all, not the least bit.
Like we do.
XenSavage: I hope you don't mind - i've enumerated your key points as with my answers inline it was a bit too hard to read, and even i'm not that evil to force you to do that :)
1. We both know that's not truth:)
2. it WAS started by old government, there were/are documents supporting it
3. that would make sense if terrorist would have planes. Since they haven't, there is no point in having Buk's anywhere near, that would be extremely stupid as there would be huge chance that separatists would overake it. And please take few minutes to read this
http://0serg.livejournal.com/146553.html 4. it's not most reliable source.
1. Эхо Москвы, Новая газета и Дождь откровенно антиправительственные. Это из тех, что на слуху.
2. "Evidences" without "top secret" stamps and signs? Sorry, I can make similar evidence that Godzilla was supposed to attack Maydan.
3. That's interesting question, right? Source from official ukrainian army said that it could be accident during their training
http://ria.ru/world/20140725/1017459906.html And some more links about anti-militant version in this post
https://www.facebook.com/TheOliverStone/posts/815753228448978 4. I'd like to question your IQ, if you don't mind - your article clearly states that Kiev is profitable only because it is the city where your country gather taxes from big companies. I repeated this. Lenta said exactly the same thing. It gives links to your Gosstat. It isn't reliable too?
Personally, I think that we live in interesting time - advancement of technology means that states in their current form slowly dissipate.
I'd like to quote Christopher Stasheff - Only technology limits democracy.
And now we have quite good technology - Internet and advanced e-money.
Let's model situation - I, genial environmental specialist, make a post on "gofundme" about "I'm very good, and saving Big Barrier Reef for future generations is my dream job", give me money for ticket and visa, please. Would it work? Probably. Then on Patreon similar post, "I need money for food and shelter, here are pics of me working". And I'm set for life, working my dream job and people knowing that they make significant impact by investing into right person on right place.
On bigger scale - teams of scientists can ask on kickstarter about purchasing equipment or moving to area without stupid laws (like prohibited research of stem cells) with similar Patreon funding. It would eradicate struggle with asking for money from stupid bureaucrats.
It took for Bill Gates billions to almost fully eradicate some illnesses. It would have taken like 1% of people making $1k investments to get the same result.
We are at the point where we can kickstarter not only games, but ask for shows and films with specific cast and director, at the point where great teachers and parents can be Patreon'd to work with orphans instead of working for profit.
We are at the point where we can kickstarter plants and even cities.
And what stops us? Only artificially seeded hatred.