CharlesGrey: That works too, and has the advantage that you could also get yourself a copy of Bloodborne. Thus, I am now officially a little jealous. Just a wee bit.
Riotact: It came with The Order and Bloodborne free :P
So would I. I actually considered getting a PS4 to play Witcher and Bloodborne on, but I have a pretty decent PC and I'm a bit spoiled by PC gaming. Might still pick up a PS4 a few years down the road, when they're cheaper, and all the cool games are available as GOTY/Complete editions, for a few bucks each.
Still kind of pissed that Bloodborne ended up as a Sony exclusive. Seems to me that after the success of Dark Souls From Software would have done fine even without any financial help from Sony, and the game would have been available to more people ( PC... and XBone, I guess ). But for better or worse Sony and MS need good exclusives to push their systems, and they're willing to invest heavily to make that happen. Guess that's just the way it is.