The Tenants (In Development) Updated to 0.81 (Galaxy & Offline Installer) Latest changelogs from Steam: The Tenants - Patch 0.8g General - Fixed an issue with one of the jobs in the Suburbs.
- Fixed a number of issues with the Earthquake event where Uncle Steve wouldn't always appear to fix the issue.
The Tenants - Patch 0.81 General - Disabled Research for Pedro.
- Tweaked new archetype events to only affect the happiness of the tenant with whom the interaction took place.
- Fixed an issue with Pedro sometimes disappearing when launching a pre-landlord update save file.
- Fixed a few edge cases related to the cockroach event tutorial section.
- Fixed an issue with the reviewer sometimes not spawning after completing the job.
- Fixed a few issues with tenants getting stuck.
- Fixed an issue with tenants sometimes choosing never to report issues.
- Fixed a few edge cases where tenants would interrupt their action while reporting apartment issues never completing it.
- Fixed an issue with the Heating Damage event not properly recovering its state when reloading the game.
- Fixed the Cactus Hunt minigame looping forever when the player has lost the first match.
- Fixed a few issues with events not ending properly when restarting, forever leaving an unresolved issue marker.
- Fixed an issue with being able to start an Open House while in uncle mode in said property.
- Fixed an issue with the front door not always being selectable in certain events.
- Fixed Buddha statue item type.
- Fixed Vinyl records clipping through one of the tables.