AI War 2 has just received an update from 4.006 to 4.007 for Windows, Mac and Linux.
4.007 Balance And Tuning
(Released March 24th, 2022)
Added a new LogChanges bool to our List<> class, with a related string ListNameForLogChanges field.
This can be set to true on a given list in the codebase, and then it will spit out any and all changes that happen to it, with full stack traces, so you can figure out why your list is changing and from where it is being changed.
This is very heavy, so should probably only be used on a list or two at a time, and of course only in code during a debug mode.
Lots of DLC3 art has been completed! 57 pieces in all.
This completes all of the "wards," and almost the remainder of the necromancer units (there are still a few flagships left for them).
There are still 162 pieces for me left to do, 47 of which are are for DLC2, and then 183 remaining icons for DLC3. So this was a solid chunk, but there's more to come very soon. It's getting time to make a trailer and screenshots, etc. And release is only a month or so off now!
Way back in 3.776 Raiders were supposedly updated to 20 engine power to make them black hole immune. Well turns out they as a group were still sitting at 18 gX. Instead the lowly Stingray which isn't even a Raid type unit got the buff.
Raiders and variants actually buffed to 20 gX engine power.
Stingray and variants restored to 14 gX engine power where you can actually CC them.
Due to newer player confusion with descriptive text the Shieldwall Battlestation mark scaling damage resistance has been revoked. Instead it has been given a custom stat scaling entry and has its shields eventually hit 6x base XML value at mark seven. Effective health is essentially unchanged.
Shieldwall mark 7 max shield health: 5m -> 7.5m
Damage resistance: 10-34% -> 0%
Previous lone wolf officers not having a weapon timer on loaded ships now corrected. Lone Spire Frigates and a few golems now properly enforce six second weapon safeties.
Ultimate Fortress update
Fixed a broken tag with the Ultimate Fortress so it can now properly spawn the Sabot Tower variant
Reduced the orbital speed of the Towers so players can actually focus fire Towers down one at a time
(DLC2) Swapped targeting logic for player version of Raijin Golem Chain Lightning weapon from only targeting strike and frigates to only targeting mobile units. Guardians are now on the menu.
Changed behaviour when hacking for Spire Debris. Now when hacking a debris, its countdown will be paused for the duration of the hack and will resume if the hack gets cancelled.
Thanks to Ecthelon for the report.
DLC 3: Necromancer
Adjusted the ship caps of the Necromancer's defensive structures so there's no more scenarios of having a larger cap of a defense structure compared to the available hexes
Cap sizes of defensive structures have been adjusted accordingly, but not uniformly.
Necromancer's Lightning Tower now does paralysis. 1 sec per mark (max 7 sec) to ships with mass <= 2tx. They also start with a cap of 5 to make use of their harmonic bonus sooner.
Also increased range by about 20%
Minor buff to the Necromancer Shipyard. This now has a flat cap on 1 per necropolis
Getting more of these is a trap, so this cap is now 1. But it's still a good value on planets where you need to reinforce your fleets
Fixed a copy/paste issue where certain Elderlings (the Envious and Blasphemous) were transforming into the wrong sacrificial form, preventing players from getting the unique flagship transformation
Thanks to Daniexpert for the save
Skeleton Lord home nerfs:
has lower chance of creating a lord. From 5% to 2% (per home).
Unlike other skeleton homes, you get 3 of these per rift (but need a mark3 necropolis/phylactery to build). You could end up getting far more lords if you specialize, to the point this was too strong
Reduced the bodyguard cap from 3 to 2
No longer gives a small chance of creating a free skeleton--this is the feature of the amplifiers and is too opaque when added here
Increased the cost of Essence to upgrade flagships and Necropolis
There is much more essence now with the Elderling change, so this was needed
Dramatic increase to science upgrades for all necromancer techs
There's just too much science in Necromancer games. Tech should be interesting decisions, not just "get everything"
The Templar now spawn their Sovereign
Fix a reference to the now deprecated skeleton detonator
I've added a new field for the XML templar difficulty HackingPointsSpentPerBonusWaveLeaderFromHack
This defaults to 100, and allows the strength of hacking responses to be tuned via XML.
Wave Leaders from a hack response are determined by AIP and hacking points spent
Only low tier wave leaders can spawn from an Encampment
Only low/mid tier wave leaders can spawn from a Fastness
The number of templar wave leaders from a hacking response is now more tunable (the hacking points spent component can be tuned via XML).
Add scaffolding for spawning different units from a hacking response, though this is waiting for zeus to do a bit of XML
When a templar unit is spawned, it uses the following additional rules when choosing its mark level
MinUnitMarkLevelLowTier = 1; //encampments
MaxUnitMarkLevelLowTier = 3;
MinUnitMarkLevelMidTier = 3; //fastnesses
MaxUnitMarkLevelMidTier = 5;
MinUnitMarkLevelHighTier = 3; //castles
MaxUnitMarkLevelHighTier = 7;
These are the default values, but they can be tuned in the TemplarDifficulty XML (so MaxUnitMarkLevelHighTier could be 5 on low difficulties)
Showdown Devices now play nicely with the Necromancer
The Wave Leaders from a hacking response wave are now the new variants from zeus
DLC 3: Elderling
Decadent Elderling/Flagship now hit 10 units with Devour, up from 1
Lowered number of Elderlings needed to trigger madness across intensities.
Still experimenting around, but these changes should definitely make madness happen regularly
Essence granted from Elderlings has a reworked scaling so that the value no longer goes down after an evolution. The next tier of Elderlings will now continue where the previous (mark 7) Elderling left off
Low Tier: 3 / +2
Mid Tier: 15 / +2
High Tier: 27 / +2
Will watch to see how much Essence player now has access to. Will likely need to balance this by increasing costs associated with Essence
Adjustments to Elderling intensity settings, including reduction of time low tier Elderlings need to level up
DLC 3: Templar
Adjustments to the Templar intensity settings
Templars now have their own mark scaling.
Templar Wave Leaders had stats reworked so they can scale with mark level
Made the evolution of Templar structures more straightforward. Encampment->Fastness->Castle (This is the same). With each evolution, the structure gets an additional weapon. So the Castle has all the weapons of the Fastness/Encampment along with a new weapon
Templar Herald adjustments reduced science/hacking bounty by half
Templar Prophet reduced science/hacking bounty by half
Templar Harbinger adjustments Reduced science/hacking bounty by half
Templar castles now take longer to upgrade across all intensities
Reduced Dyson Sphere's selection circle size to improve user experience.
Thanks to Eluthena for the suggestion.
Fixed a race condition in Splintering Spire that could cause all dismantling timers to reset when loading a save
For future notes for both myself and modders, Stage 2 logic is not guaranteed to wait until all deserialization is completed before running
Thanks to Lord Of Nothing for the report
Fixed a bug that didn't allow the player to change music from the debug menu.
Thanks to Democracy for the report.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to discover centerpieces hidden in unexplored planets.
Thanks to Eluthena for reporting.
Disabled navigation to unexplored planets via wormholes when the "Hide Unexplored Planets" setting is enabled.
Thanks to Eluthena and Sounds for the report.
Fixed the tracing and memory leak with the ArcenCharacterBuffers in AIRelentlessAndBorderAggressionFactionDeepInfoRoot that caused an error spam when using RelentlessWave tracing.
Fix some bugs with the intel menu showing incorrect data for the superterminal, and too many MDC objectives
Thanks to Lord Of Nothing for reporting
Minor tweaks to Wait For Stragglers mode; it no should no longer wait for Drones or the like
Thanks to Jason Nelson for reporting