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high rated

Updated to 1.2.3 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest changelogs from Steam:
Update: Slipstream v1.2.2-01

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. A new update to Slipstream has been published, with a few relatively small but significant changes:

- The whole Automatic Drifting system has been reworked to be more ergonomic. The autodrift controls used to be a little stiff and too different from manual, but now they work almost exactly the same and should be easier for everyone to use.
- Text descriptions were added to the Main Menu and Car Select screens.
- Fixed a bug in Time Trial Mode where the ghost car would get desynchronized. The bug was strictly related to how the ghost plays, not to how it's recorded, so your existing ghosts should work without issue.

That's all for the update. The game has reached a very stable state, I think the difficulty is now at a good point, especially with the accessibility features, so further updates will probably be focused on bug fixing only.

I've seen some users in the forums request the old character art to be re-added to the game, and I'd like to give it a proper answer. Those old portraits were made in a rush, in 2018, just a few weeks before the game came out. I did the best I could back then, but I was never satisfied with those pictures, and always wanted to change them. It was in fact one of the few things I changed in the game's graphics from v1.1 to v1.2. I understand that some people think the new art is too comedic or exaggerated, and prefer the more sober tone of the old ones, but re-adding them to the game is not currently in the plans, I'm sorry.

It's not that I'm against having a more serious look to the game, but I can't express how much I dislike those pictures and bringing them back wouldn't improve the vision I have for Slipstream. And, well, they are not entirely lost, the v1.1 branch is still available to download and play. I might, some day, add an alternative set of pictures for the current characters (i.e. no richard, yes dr levik) with a different art style, closer to the old one, but for now I have other priorities such as localization.

That's it for now, thanks for playing!
Console Release, Localizations, QoL: Slipstream v1.2.3 now available

Hello everyone, hope you're doing well.

The news is out: Slipstream is finally coming to consoles, thanks to a partnership with BlitWorks, the company behind the modern ports of Sonic CD and Jet Set Radio, among many others. The release date will be April 7th, the base price will be the same as the PC version. It will be available for PS4/PS5, Xbox One/SS/SX, and Nintendo Switch. If you like the game, any kind of support is, of course, welcome. I haven't got my hands on a Steam Deck yet, but I believe the game will run fine on it, since it has a native Linux version and full support for Xbox-like controllers.

In preparation for the new release, I come to you today with a new update. Here are the changes:

- Localization: Slipstream is now available in Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish. The language can be changed from the Settings Menu. The UI was also changed in some places to accommodate the localized text.
- The speedometer now flashes briefly to indicate the rewind status. A green flash indicates the rewind is available to use, and a red flash indicates it's fully charged. This should help players know their rewind status while keeping their eyes on the road.
- The VHS Effect on the pause menu can now be turned off on the game Settings. This should make the menu text easier to read.
- Characters chosen by players no longer appear as rivals in Multiplayer Cannonball mode.
- The traffic car colors have been changed.

That's all for now. Thanks for the continued support, and enjoy the game!
high rated

Updated to 1.0.06

No changelog yet.

Edit: found the changelog on Steams forums:

Patch 1.0.06 Released: Quest fixes, playable brigs and more!
Fellow swashbucklers,

We’ve released a new update with more fixes for quest progression, brigs, and more! Here are the details:

Buccaneers! Version 1.0.06

- Brigs can now be purchased from any shipyard.
- For those who want a challenge, the Brig is now a playable ship. (Please note: this ship was not designed with the player in mind, so the visibility on deck is not ideal. This will be addressed in a future patch.)
- Crew numbers will now update in real time on ships’ health bars while AI boarding is in progress.
- The Rapier now has a new visual design.
- Improved the icons indicating which goods are being imported and exported.

- Fixed the target ship in “The Hunt” not appearing when going to the ambush point.
- Fixed the “Steal Ship” option not working in “The Hunt” if the target ship appears in a Large harbour (such as Havana or Santo Domingo).
- Fixed crew numbers sometimes dropping below zero after boarding between AI ships.
- Fixed AI ships continuing to use round shot when ordered to “Capture” if their installed cannons don’t have grapeshot.
- Fixed ship health bars appearing too big through the spyglass while they’re involved in AI boarding.
- Fixed Brigs not being serviceable in any shipyard.
- Fixed smugglers not appearing correctly in towns when you go to complete smuggling quests.
- Fixed a pathing issue in the blacksmith.
- Fixed merchants sticking around in some towns during land battles.
- Fixed allied ships sometimes not being serviceable in shipyards due to their faction being unassigned.
- [VR] Fixed “Ship’s Wheel Offset” not applying when you spawn on your ship.

Happy pirating!
Post edited March 16, 2022 by thraxman
high rated
Cultist Simulator
Win + Mac offline installers updated to v2022.3.n.1

"Cards at start of new game no longer annoyingly unaligned with grid.
Magnet slots now grab from tabletop->outputs->slots, in that order.
Cards you're dragging count as 'on the tabletop' for that priority :)
When a card decays at the exact moment it reaches a greedy slot, it no longer causes a confusing info popup.
Teeny border on elements in situation.
Fixes for some obscure save state problems"
high rated
Paradise Killer

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Paradise Killer - Huge FREE Content Update

Return to Paradise Island in this updated and enhanced version of Paradise Killer!

This new content update includes:

- DX12 support
- Ray Tracing (Ray Traced Reflections)*
- Advanced upscaling (NVidia DLSS and AMD SR)
- Brand new music from the game's original composer, Barry "Epoch" Topping.
- New mysterious beings and additional quests.
- New rewards, extra Starlight skins, and more collectibles to find.
- Performance improvements
- A HUDless mode

*Raytracing requires a compatible NVidia RTX GPU, DirectX 12 and Windows 10 Build 1809. To play with Raytracing, please launch the game in DirectX 12 mode
high rated

Mac version updated to 35321A_osx (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Fix for an issue where the game was unable to run on MacOS computers with Silicon processors.

Source: Twitter
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another update from 4.004 to 4.006 for Windows and Mac, Linux is still at 4.004.

I've been trying to post the change log here since last night, but that too is failing to post via the forum. I have now given up trying, as this is evident of how broken this forum software really is. I've decided to just link to the original source for the change log, as it's much less headache inducing... My apologies though for giving up so easily. :)

Trooper1270: I've been trying to post the change log here since last night, but that too is failing to post via the forum. I have now given up trying, as this is evident of how broken this forum software really is. I've decided to just link to the original source for the change log, as it's much less headache inducing... My apologies though for giving up so easily. :)
And the forum code still managed to mangle the link. It must really hate you (and the presence of colons in links)
Trooper1270: I've been trying to post the change log here since last night, but that too is failing to post via the forum. I have now given up trying, as this is evident of how broken this forum software really is. I've decided to just link to the original source for the change log, as it's much less headache inducing... My apologies though for giving up so easily. :)
Mortius1: And the forum code still managed to mangle the link. It must really hate you (and the presence of colons in links)
I know, I saw that after posting. But I've spent way too much time over trying to post a single change log, that life is just too short to agonise over such a supposedly simple task. A copy and paste link will have to do, sadly, for those that wish to read said change log, but the messenger has surrendered, so please, don't shoot. ;)
high rated

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] ⇒ 3.3.4.
3.3.4 "Libra" Hotfix Released

Hi all,

We've now released a hotfix, 3.3.4, to address the performance issue that appeared for many of you with Tuesday's 3.3.3 patch.

Essentially we had to roll back a part of the Starbase modifier fix to let the game run smoothly again.

Please find more details below.

3.3.4 Patch Notes:
• Fix to address performance impact on mid- to late-game saves.

Under certain circumstances Starbase modifiers may not immediately update, such as after the death of a ruler or activating edicts like Fortify the Border. Saving and loading or queuing a starbase module will refresh and correct the modifiers.
high rated

Updated from 1.8d3 to 1.8e on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Changelog from Steam:
This months update contains the following changes:

* added "reverse" option for lift segments, allowing trains to leave lifts in reverse direction (e.g. on Wild Mouse and Spinning Coaster)
* fixed some older mods that were broken by the previous update


Updated from 1.1.296 to 1.1.302.

Changelog, posted by the developer in the gog forum:
Hello everyone:

Thank you for your enthusiasm for Haven Couple Update. We’ve fixed the bugs reported so far. Thank you for all the messages, and we hope you are having fun with the new lovers.

Updated versions: v1.1.302

Bug fixes:

- Adjusted Yu’s voice volume.
- Fixed minor pronouns inconsistency in some dialogs.
- The couples selection screen now functions as expected.
- Fixed a repetition in Yu’s dialogue when discovering the reactor.
- Fixed minor pronouns inconsistency in some dialogs.
- Fixed voice inconsistency in some dialogs.
- Made sure players defeat the Bigafurai before continuing the adventure.
Post edited March 17, 2022 by gogtrial34987
high rated

AI War 2 has just received another update from 4.004 to 4.006 for Windows and Mac, Linux is still at 4.004.

I've been trying to post the change log here since last night, but that too is failing to post via the forum. I have now given up trying, as this is evident of how broken this forum software really is. I've decided to just link to the original source for the change log, as it's much less headache inducing... My apologies though for giving up so easily. :)


The Linux version has now been updated to 4.006 and is now on parity with the Windows and Mac version.
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog but I checked the game files and the only updated file belongs to the Brazilian Portuguese localization.
high rated
Absolute Drift

Updated to d14b5a4 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog.
high rated
It took a while but finally this thread is a sticky one now. Thanks to chandra for this. :)
high rated
And again...


Updated to 1.201.0 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Patron Update v1.201.0

Hello everyone!

Time for another quick update. The changelist is below!

- Massive optimization regarding processor and GPU computing (thanks for each and every log you've sent us!)
- Bugfix regarding potatos farming

Govern on!