It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
Battle Brothers
Offline installer updated to

"Fixed Oath of Fortification counting the death of allied units not under player control (such as caravan hands) against completion of its bonus objective.
Fixed Oath of Distinction tooltip at oath selection missing information about characters gaining increased experience for solo kills. The actual mechanic remains unchanged.
Fixed Oath of Wrath not displaying that it contributes to hit chance in tooltips when wielding a one handed weapon in both hands. The actual mechanic remains unchanged.
Fixed some other minor issues and typos."
high rated
Lords amd Villeins has been updated to version 0.15.12 (54280).
Post edited March 11, 2022 by ConsulCaesar
high rated
Cultist Simulator (what a surprise)
Linux offline installer updated to v2022.3.j.1 (other version will soon follow, obviously)

"- Fixed that bloody bug where everyone's Glover and Glover job was disappearing, and some similar issues.
- Post-Mansus pause now definitely fixed. (It wasn't working if you quite reasonably pressed the space bar instead of N.)
- Fixed clipping plane issue at farthest zoom
- More consistent fix for 'Glugageggir' bug
- Probable fix for game-breaking bug when game is played in English with Turkish regional settings in Windows. fml."

Note: Logs from all previous updates have now also been added to the GOG Changelog list in the game card.
high rated
Martha Is Dead

Updated to 1.0311.00 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest changelogs from Steam:
Patch No: 1.0304

Hey gamers,

We have pushed another patch down the pipeline. The team are still beavering away on more improvements and as they land we will update you.

- Fixed blurry UI elements when in 4K.
- Shortened crow cutscene during The Burial.
- The Fool achievement no longer unlocks after finishing the final call without completing all other calls.
- Added the camera flash accessory to The Burial and The Graveyard chapters.
- It's no longer possible to fall into lake within the tunnel if re-visited.
- The bike will now always return to the house at the start of Memories chapter in order to prevent blocks.
- Numerous textures with localised text has been optimised. Text is now clearer.
- Increased the quality of shadows when set to low without impeding on performance.
- Optimised GPU memory handling to prevent stuttering and increase performance when set to High and Ultra.

Thank you so much for the feedback. It helps us get the patches out much faster.
Martha Is Dead Patch No: 1.0309

Hello again everyone

A new patch is now available to download for Martha Is Dead!
Full patch notes are as follows:

Build No: 1.0309.02

- Fixed The Hanged Man achievement for those who have already met the requirements before the previous fix.
(For those who already have all accessories, simply open the camera to trigger the achievement.)
- Fixed rotation while viewing the Gothic Line map in Erich's office.
- Fixed low setting for textures.
- Vegetation optimized further to improve performance.
- Fixed the lighting within distant landscapes during The Room chapter.
- Increased visibility within the woods during The Burial chapter.
- Fixed landscapes during The Graveyard chapter when looking from a distance.
- Significantly reduced the amount of draw calls to improve performance.
- Improved DLSS for the Default DX11 game version.

Once again thank you all for your continued feedback and updates - we're continuing to monitor the forums and pass everything raised over to the team - so if something isn't listed here that you've already raised, don't sweat! We'll already be looking at it!

Have a great rest of your week, and don't forget to keep sharing your screenshots / artwork / thoughts with us on our socials, and leave an honest review if you've played the game!

Hello again folks.

Super small additional hotfix just went live to fix up an issue that could occur to players using a save from before yesterdays patch.

Notes are as follows:

- Hotfix for saves made before the last main update. Resuming The Burial, the woods footpath would be blocked by a wall of trees.
high rated
Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition updated to 1.48.2

no changelog
high rated
Cultist Simulator
All offline installers updated to 2022.3.k.1

"- If you visited the Mansus too often, your save would eventually eat your memory and crash. On brand but no fun. Fixed
- Fixed another Mansus-related crash.
- Fixed another angle on the 'Gryla' bug.
- Stacked cards aspects don't show multiplied by stack total in the info window
- Double-click or right-click to send will now rememeber the card's original location."
high rated
dV: Rings of Saturn

Updated from 0.473.4 to 0.475.2 for Windows and Linux (Mac presumably to follow shortly).
Demo updated for all three platforms.

Changelog posted by the developer in the forum:
0.475.2 - Mass Processing

- Mineral Processing Units have mass now.
- More achievements to unlock.
- When you schedule a race in future, your astrogator won’t extend how long the racing team will wait for you.
- When successfully talking down a terrified pirate, he won’t open fire to you as soon as you are done talking.
- Fixed some dialogue trees.
- In some languages, the setting menu would show English selected even when another language was used.
- Updated translations.
high rated
PowerSlave Exhumed just recieved its first update via GOG Galaxy (offline files coming on Monday or so I assume).

Update #1 - Version 1.0.1625 (March 12, 2022)
• Set's Arena exit door no longer remains locked when respawning from a checkpoint while Set is dead
• Entering a level with a negative health value (or 0) will now spawn you with minimum HP
• Drop platforms now crushes player if standing under it
• Level editor now exposed on PC
• Impact flame projectiles against water surfaces (flamethrower can't go through water now)
• Improved fire actor offsets when spawning
• Removed bad sprite frame on cobra staff that consists of a old/obsolete sprite
• Darkening Strength option now behaves correctly when set to higher values
• Changed hitscan calculations, now uses accurate bounding box tests to make dodging projectiles in narrow hallways easier
• Added Gyro support
• Added Invert Mouse option
• Added fix to keeping trace-moving actors inside sectors
• Added text scrolling for inventory item descriptions
• Fixed double jump exploit
• Fixed Gorge checkpoint issues
• Fixed Anisotropic Filtering on Vulkan
• Fixed bad portals in the Karnak Sanctuary and Kilmaat Haunt stages
• Fixed a crash that occurred if the intro screens were skipped too fast
• Various fixes to localized texts
Post edited March 13, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
high rated

Updated to [Windows] & [Mac] (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog.
high rated
Cultist Simulator
All offline installers updated to v2022.3.k.1
GOG Changelog:

"If you visited the Mansus too often, your save would eventually eat your memory and crash. On brand but no fun. Fixed
Fixed another Mansus-related crash.
Fixed another angle on the 'Gryla' bug.
Stacked cards aspects don't show multiplied by stack total in the info window
Double-click or right-click to send will now rememeber the card's original location."
high rated

Updated to 1.9 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
HordeCore Update v1.09


Our first big update for HordeCore is live!


Following your suggestions, we have now added permanent alternative keybinds for left-handed players! They’re all active by default and work in tandem with all the previous keybinds, so you don’t need to change anything.

These are the alternative controls:

- ARROW KEYS = Movement
- RIGHT SHIFT = Sneaking
- NUMPAD 1, 2, 3 and 4 = Abilities (alternative)
- NUMPAD 0 = Swap characters
- RIGHT CTRL, ENTER/RETURN = Pick Up / Use / Interact

We appreciate your feedback on these, and fully intend to continue to improve on accessibility wherever possible.


- You may now craft Skill Modifiers in your camp. Experiment away!
- Boss fights have been tuned and revamped, adding a new dynamic layer of enemy spawns on Bob, Bog Beast and the Guardian;
- Opening a card pack once your collection is already full will now provide you some scrap;
- Wooden barriers in the Crossroads have been adjusted to improve their hitbox detection, making it easier to hit enemies through them;
- Added a visual selection feedback when you make the final decision in the Story mode.


- HARD difficulty mode has been slightly tuned, making overall enemies about 10% harder to kill;
- Boss resistances and damage has been slightly buffed;
- Trojan hordelings have been slightly buffed;
- Trojan hordelings have been made more prevalent across the game;
- Wastelands game mode threats scaling has been improved to have a wider array of different threats earlier in the map’s progression.


- Fixed an issue that could cause you to have too many animal companions in a mission, preventing you from swapping to other characters;
- Fixed the missing loot boxes inside the Factory interior;
- Fixed an issue that could cause card packs to display 99 cards opened and/or freeze the game;
- Fixed an issue that could make your cursor pointer (the red arrow) to get stuck during a card game;
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from being able to play new cards during the card game;
- Fixed ranged units in the card game sometimes not being able to attack;
- Fixed an issue with Sebastian’s deck in the card game, where he would try to play nothing but Triple Threats;
- Fixed an issue with the UI of tournament mission indicators remaining stuck on screen after a card game had already begun;
- Fixed an issue with the UI of the first dialog with Woody being outside of the screen on some resolutions;
- Fixed the collider on one of the ramps before the elevator in the Construction Site that the player could get stuck on;
- Fixed an issue that could cause you to have the wrong inventory stash after finishing story mode;
- Fixed a missing UI tag that displayed how to use abilities on local co-op characters;
- Fixed the Extermination objective on “Mysterious Desert 8.5” (Story Mode) that was not spawning the target correctly;
- Fixed a couple of dialog lines that were not displaying properly when rescuing animals;
- Fixed name tags on the character discarding screen when your camp is full;
- Fixed an issue that was preventing your followers from aiming and shooting at Trojan hordelings;
- Fixed an issue that caused Trojan spawns to be extremely rare in the Wastelands;
- Fixed some instances of missing UI objectives text and lines that did not update properly;
- Fixed some instances of missing colliders in the Crossroads level.

Thank you for the feedback and reviews! We are set to make your HordeCore experience an even better one.

Have fun!
high rated
Subverse (In Development)

Updated to 0.4.0 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

GOG changelog:

PART 1 / 2
Version 0.4.0 (11.03.2022)

New Features

- NEW WAIFU – TARON KRAASK The star of this release is the nimble thief Taron, who has a very unique mission for the Captain. If you help her get her toys back, she just might join your crew!

- NEW NEBULA – KRAKEN Another portion of the galaxy opens with the release of 0.4, with more than 90 new anomalies and 8 sidequests to explore. As part of our ongoing Planets revamp, we are putting in a new UI for the planets, reducing the Tiers to eliminate backtracking and pave the way for more meaningful content starting from the next release. NOTE: The Events that are part of 0.4 are also placeholders, and will start getting replaced from 0.5 onwards.

- NEW UI We are in the process of making the UI feel more intuitive, especially in modules like grid combat where it was sorely needed. As part of 0.4 you will see numerous UI improvements and additions, and you can expect this to continue in 0.5 with even more tweaks.

- NEW GRID COMBAT EVENT A special form for Taron can be unlocked as you progress through the story for this release. We look forward to seeing what you guys think of it! If the reception is positive then we will enable these forms for the other ladies as well in Patch 0.5!

- NEW – RED DEMI OUTFIT As part of testing for early access, we have given DEMI a skin for Pandora that you can play around with. This is a very simple reskin, and the goal is to collect data before we start implementing the outfit system in earnest. You can enable DEMI’s red skin by going to her Pandora select menu and clicking the outfit tab at the top.

- NEW – EXPERIMENTAL NSFW SCENE One scene with Taron is enabled for interactivity. It happens during the story, so you don’t have to worry about missing it. You can move the camera around and interact with Taron’s body parts. This is a prototype so we are looking for feedback from you guys on this!

- NEW FACTION – THE IMPERIUM Players will finally be able to face off against the might of Empress Celestina’s forces! The new units consisting of ground and space forces can be encountered from the Kraken nebula onwards.

- NEW SPACE COMBAT MODES We’ve added two new experimental game modes (one instance of each); a Stealth style mission where you have to sneak past patrols while unlocking doors, and another one based around Resource collection. Both modes need feedback from the players on how to improve them

- NEW SPACE UPGRADES Space Combat tier 2 upgrades are now purchasable in the Hangar. Note: As of now, a speech bubble prompt will display once available sometime during Taron’s quest. In Space Combat, level 2 Waifu attack upgrades are now available. Note: As of now, these will unlock at level 12, 24 and 36.

- NEW PANDORA SCENES New Pandora scenes have been added for all existing waifus as well as Taron.

- NEW ONBOARD DIALOGUES Be sure to talk to your crewmates on the ship, they may have new things to talk about!

- GENERAL The Save Game Button is enabled when on board Mary Celeste and during dialogue sequences. Note game currently still autosaves frequently.


- Added the ability to skip cinematics again (default input Spacebar) during dialogue sequences.
- Anomalies now only have one encounter instead of three. Note: Tier 2 missions have been removed.
- When selecting a solar system from the nebula screen in Navigation, the previously visited solar system star will glow a bit brighter indicating that the user has just left the system.
- Added warpgate offscreen indicator in Navigation.
- Added a new cursor in Navigation.
- Anomaly screen redesigned in Navigation.
- Shortened description on the Nebulast and Pararaiha anomaly in Navigation.
- Added SFX when clicking on the Archive or Mission Replay hologram folder when inside the Captain’s Quarters on board the Mary Celeste.
- Added SFX when opening the inventory when on board the Mary Celeste.
- Added SFX on several items when poking interactable objects on board the Mary Celeste.
- Added a clear button to PANDORA UI. This allows the user to clear all the cards selected in one go instead of manually removing each one.
- PANDORA Card image updates.
- Added generic description to locked pandora cards that cannot be purchased (i.e. “Requires A Specific Waifu” and or “Requires A Specific Mantic”)
- Added new star badge icons on the endscreen UI–it can also be seen when selecting replayable missions.
- Added icons to distinguish between grid & space combat when replaying missions.
- Returning from a replayable mission or dialogue sequence now re-opens the selection screen UI automatically in the event users would like to continue replaying segments of the game.
- Updated Speech Bubble prompt UI design.
- Added indication stating last time save was updated when exiting Main Menu. Note: Currently doesn’t specify seconds so will return as 0 minutes ago if the user exits the session within a minute.
- Removed character level from character selection screen when entering the gifting sequence.
- Added a new enter screen when entering PANDORA and Gallery.
- Added new bobblehead icons.
- Added background icon preview when purchasing backgrounds in the Gallery.
- Updated Kloi Turret and Tibold mine turn queue icons in Grid Combat.
- Rebalanced Space Combat random scenario waves across the Hydra system.
- Updated the Scoundrel’s boss ship tri-laser attack so that it connects instead of having a gap between the lasers in Space Combat.
- Updated text line in Space Combat tutorial specifying that the user should continue through the rings.
- Reduced Ela’s DPS slightly in Space Combat.
- Jawz no longer heals when hitting enemies with damage negating shields in Grid Combat.
- Jawz ultimate now heals him when backstabbing and the preview is now showing correctly based on where Jawz will end up rather than his current position in Grid Combat.
- Hovering over incoming waves now shows their deployment area in Grid Combat.
- Fixed several issues when replaying story & tutorial missions in Grid Combat.
- Damage previews now show if an attack is effective, ineffective or kills the target in Grid Combat.
- Updated resolution setting under the Graphics setting tab so that it defaults to 100% instead of automatically downscaling the screen resolution when changing to High, Medium or Low. This can still be adjusted manually if needed.
high rated
Subverse (In Development)

Updated to 0.4.0 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

GOG changelog:

PART 2 / 2
Bug Fixes

- Fixed issue where some users reported that if you delete an image that was posted in Captains Quarters, it defaults to the UV placeholder image instead of updating the pictures on the wall.
- Numerous audio related fixes related to grid combat.
- Fixed issue where Tibold’s grid combat banter was ducking music volume when it shouldn’t.
- Added additional failsafes to the end screen continue button. (A specific sequence of skipping during the end screen can cause the continue button to not show up. Possibly when the rank medal is spinning.)
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat where damage previews did not display the skull icon over their health bars when they should.
- Fixed potential crash on Grid Combat Kurkle anomaly mission.
- Fixed issue in dialogue sequences where in some cases fast-forwarding caused the background or characters to not change when required.
- Fixed issue during dialogue sequences where the scene would render darker during Hangar scenes if “Use Background Images” was enabled from the graphic settings.
- Fixed issue on PANDORA UI that caused the card purchase window to still be visible if the user clicked on next or previous character before purchasing or exiting.
- Fixed issue where text could overlap when viewing the Trophies menu UI.
- Fixed issue with Lily’s toes during the Full Throttle PANDORA scene.
- Fixed animation blending in Robotic Supremacy PANDORA scene
- Fixed issue with anomalies not receiving any light in navigation depending on distance and color.
- Fixed issue where some planets' rings were rendered without color.
- Fixed typo on Tiny Invader PANDORA card description.
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat where units could spawn on detached tiles and get stuck.
- Fixed several smaller issues in Grid Combat related to the maps.
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat where Trisha’s ultimate would activate immediately upon selection.
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat causing Napholeon’s ultimate damage prediction to not show AOE.
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat where the holograms on some maps appear slightly off the ground.
- Fixed issue in Grid Combat where Ela’s ultimate AOE did not trigger an explosive energy barrel but the damage preview indicated that it did.
- Fixed descriptions for Hydra nebula CODEX entry.
- Fixed typos in the descriptions of the following anomalies: Uggo, Kloi Naval Command & Marmani.
- Fixed typo on anomaly label Bastion of Ignominious Exile.
- Fixed issue where DEMI’s trophies were no longer dropping. These should be restored if any were missing in this patch.
- Fixed issue in Space Combat where the Pirates' mortar ship would have lingering mortars in mid-air if destroyed.
- Fixed issue where the deny SFX could be heard when on a PANDORA screen if the skip button was clicked. Also could be heard during the PANDORA tutorial when clicking continue.
- Fixed issue where Killi’s recruitment scene could play back once reaching the end of the dialogue sequences when not intended.
- Optimizations made to characters to improve textures loading on characters during dialogue sequences and Space combat ships.
- Fixed tool-tip description when hovering “Use Background Images”.

Known Issues (Does not include all issues)

- Framerate drop can cause Mary Celeste to shoot out of the jump-gate in Navigation.
- Bridge projector fails to update the color scheme throughout Mary Celeste consistently with the addition of Hydra and Kraken Nebula.
- Physics on dangling pieces such as tentacles or hair (i.e. Huntress or Killi) may clip through the character's body or rapidly vibrate.
- Yellow/White screen flashing artifact during space combat when using the FXAA aliasing method. Most likely due to the lens flare and or high bloom values.
- On rare occasions, an unintentional song plays during some areas of the game.
- On rare occasions, clicking the Help button in the dialogue section of the game can remove the help text but can't be re-enabled until restarting or starting a new scene.
- Potential stuttering when playing back cinematics for some systems. Note there is an option to disable 4k videos from the graphics tab under settings. This has improved performance for some users.
- Hovering tool-tip text is covered by Subverse cursor.
- Elaisha has some weightpaint-related issues in some of her Dialogue Scene idles.
- Animation in You’re Mine Now scene needs finalizing.
- Subtitles for cinematics are disabled for this release. They will be re-enabled for 0.5.
- Elaisha does more damage than what the preview damage UI element states in Grid Combat.
- Replay icons and navigation icon concepts are a work in progress, inconsistencies are known.
- Animation clipping on several Pandora scenes. These will be fixed in 0.5.


- More details will be provided regarding the additions and changes to the game’s overall design in an upcoming dev diary.
- Optimizations: The goal is to continue making improvements with each release. The focus was on characters during the dialogue sequences in this block.
- UI to provide navigation progress is on hold until the next release. This is due to navigation system rework.
- Music will start receiving the proper treatment in later patches starting with the dialogue sections. Combat themes will also receive some variety.
high rated
The offline installer for PowerSlave Exhumed is updated to the latest version (1.0.1625) now.
high rated
* Project Zomboid
All offline installers updated to 41.68

Fixed car dashboard delay when taking damage
Fixed doors missing their glass, and the triangle-shaped floors\_exterior\_natural\_01 dirt tile.
Fixed disassembling player-built floors resulting in two floor tiles after reloading, an auto-generated wood floor plus a dirt tile.
Fixed the result of FMOD::Studio::System::getCoreSystem() not being checked properly for errors.
Fixed Lua error clicking the close button in the titlebar of the Horde Manager debug ui.
Fixed a BufferOverflowException when the number of reanimated player zombies is high. (It was taking about 600 player zombies (assuming 1.6KB per descriptor and 1e6KB packet buffer) to be loaded for this exception to happen)
Fixed dragging VHS tapes from world containers to the Device Options ui not being synced in multiplayer.
Fixed repairing a hole in a long Leather Jacket with level 8 Tailoring not restoring condition.
Fixed phantom item-transfer actions playing after crafting sometimes.
Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in WorldItemModelDrawer.renderMain().
Fixed starting the MusicCombined event doing network stuff.
Fixed the MusicCombined event being stopped and then restarted the first time Lua is reloaded.
Fixed split-screen players, except the last, being unable to drive vehicles in multiplayer.
Fixed unnecessary pause when starting in debug
– Added allow changing safehouse owner to players which are a member
– Added extended server quit logging
– Print ‘command entered via server console ( “xxx”‘ in GameServer.launchCommandHandler().
– Added isConsistent() call to GameServer.receiveSyncClothing().

– Updated focus check to occur before item preview is placed
– Added blocking search focus for sprite affinity items

– Fixed the result of FMOD Studio System getCoreSystem() not being checked properly for errors.
– Fixed Lua error clicking the close button in the titlebar of the Horde Manager debug ui.
– Fixed a BufferOverflowException when the number of reanimated player zombies is high. (It was taking about 600 player zombies (assuming 1.6KB per descriptor and 1e6KB packet buffer)
to be loaded for this exception to happen)
– Fixed dragging VHS tapes from world containers to the Device Options ui not being synced in multiplayer.
– Fixed repairing a hole in a long Leather Jacket with level 8 Tailoring not restoring condition.
– Fixed phantom item-transfer actions playing after crafting sometimes.
– Fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in WorldItemModelDrawer.renderMain().
– Fixed starting the MusicCombined event doing network stuff.
– Fixed the MusicCombined event being stopped and then restarted the first time Lua is reloaded.


* Battle Brothers
Offline installer updated to

"Changed sickness times for imbibing anatomist potions to be slightly lower, as to make taking anatomist potions in the early parts of a campaign, when the Anatomist origin is at its weakest, less punishing.
Changed Orc Berserker anatomist potion to no longer trigger off of indirect damage, like from the Bleeding status effect.
Changed damage of Berserk Chain to 50-100, up from 40-100.
Fixed an issue where the Webknecht anatomist potion wasn't preventing an effect it should have.
Fixed the Oath of Distinction incorrectly granting experience for kills performed by wardogs.
Fixed several minor issues and typos with new events."


* Cultist Simulator
All offline installers updated to 2022.3.l.2

"Fixed 'Esau' card-vanishing bug.
Stacks of cards no longer calculate multiples of their aspect when determining if you can put em in a slot.
Fixed crash on exiting Mansus.
Reduced log spam."