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high rated
Odd Realm Has just received an update for Windows to BETA - Production Candidate, Linux is still currently at BETA - Production Candidate

This is (please god) the final hotfix patch before beta goes to the live production branch. Apologies for how long this is taking to go live! I'm at the point where I'm doing several hour playtests to find those bugs and tuning issues that arise during long play sessions. I found a few more things which I've listed below:

-Fixed a bug where some settings windows weren't showing.
-Low Food and Low Beverages notification should now only be seen for Humans.
-The game is now paused when the camera does cinematic moves, to avoid entities running off before the camera arrives at its target.
-Fixed a bug where the game could get stuck paused if an auto-save happened at the same time as a scenario.
-Fixed a bug where entities with all combat skills disabled would still fight. Now, they will flee away from their assailant.
-Changed some plant heat resistances so that not all plants can survive in extremely hot climates.
-Changed a few blueprints to use the Misc skill instead of Craft Wood. i.e., Thatch Roof, Dirt Wall, Cobble Floor, etc.
-Increased resource spawn rate for Human inherent buff. It was 0.5%, and is now 5%.
-Fixed a bug where the dim witted debuff was positive instead of negative.
-Entity notifications now show the profession icon.
-Fodder is now produced in the Kitchen instead of the Animal Enclosure.
-Fixed an issue where jobs could clog up rooms. Essentially, a job would get auto-added by a room, then the required items would become unavailable and the job would never start if the items weren't found. This would block other jobs from being placed. Now, jobs that sit for long enough without being started will be removed to let other jobs get added.
-Fixed a bug where entities could get assigned jobs they didn't have the skill for. Hilariously, a cow or other animal would sometimes have this happen. Please do let me know if you see an animal going to town on a hammer at the wood mill. This is entertaining, but not intended.

Alright, the plan is to push this version live tomorrow! I want to be safe and let it see some beta testing before flipping the switch. I'm fairly confident this version is stable, but you never know. I could have missed something. Stares at settings menu nervously. Also, I need to write up the post detailing all the 0.10 changes in the interim. There are a few!

Thanks everyone!

high rated
Highrise City Demo

Updated to 1.5 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest Demo related changelogs from Steam:
Demo Patch #3

Thank you all for playing Highrise City. We've just released the third update for the Demo!


- The GUI can now be scaled (in the game options)
- Audio and Text-Messages won't be repeated so often anymore and won't appear twice
- Improved quality of the Logs
- Improved various translations
- Right clicking on a street, a building, a zone closes the info-window if it is opened up
Demo Patch #4

Just for your information, you should keep an eye on our Twitter Page this Saturday (and next Saturday as well) as we'll show off the terraforming a bit. But besides that, we just released a fresh patch for the Demo (it will stay online till the coming Monday, just so that you know when we'll take it down for now):

- Zone building: Improved graphical preview on which zones are actually placed
- Zone building: In the preview mode now zones are highlighted which can currently build (based on ressources)
- Zone building: It can now be chosen from a round or square placing tool
- Buildings: The maximum distance to a street has been slightly increased
- Optionsmenu: Improved the order of key configurations
- HUD: In every control mode the most important hotkeys are displayed in the HUD now
- An option has been added to deactivate this feature as well
- The key for the grid snap now works properly
- Building farms: in the polyogne mode now a help-line is being displayed
- Performance has been improved for the case you have LOTS (really LOTS) of buildings
- Cam-positions have been improved when you drive your own car
high rated
Unavowed v1.31 available for Mac now.
high rated
A new update for Jupiter Hell is available (Offline and GOG Galaxy).

Release 1.3 - Valhalla - March 14th, 2022
NEW #1684 - welcome the CalSec Warden, the new boss of Callisto!
NEW #1662 - Valhalla Terminal branch/special rework!
NEW #1666 - Mimir Habitat branch/special rework!
NEW #1664 - Callisto Rift branch/special rework!
NEW #1665 - Callisto Mines branch/special rework!
NEW #1696 - regular/exotic weapons can have a manufacturer perk!
NEW #1704 - smoke causes Slow -25%, techs are immune to this
NEW #1680 - [REDACTED]
CHANGE #1697 - improved Barracks/Docks and their rewards
CHANGE #1684 - Valhalla Spaceport got a facelift and mechanics
CHANGE #1702 - Callisto L2 is 2/3 size (and enemy count)
CHANGE #1604 - Callisto L1-L3 generators improved
CHANGE #1709 - improved Callisto security textures for visibility
CHANGE #1604 - improved lighting in all Callisto levels
CHANGE #1604 - added random decals (mostly blood) in Callisto
CHANGE #0416 - destroyed doors will lose their icons
CHANGE #0416 - minor changes to door icons and icon color
CHANGE #1670 - Gunrunner reloads both weapons on move if dualwield
CHANGE #1668 - all ravagers get +20 health
CHANGE #1668 - guardian shell back to 80%
CHANGE #1700 - increased cover health
CHANGE #1661 - target reticule on big enemies is expanded
CHANGE #1682 - big enemies are visible as long as any tile is
CHANGE #1683 - every big enemy tile can be targeted
CHANGE #1688 - friendly units wont attack disabled enemies
CHANGE #1688 - Shutdown CalSec gives XP at level enter, not instant
CHANGE #1696 - JS revolver renamed to ".44 HE revolver"
CHANGE #1702 - The Pit has a safe zone around elevator
CHANGE #1604 - bumping vending machines drops their content
CHANGE #1672 - Endless L1 will never generate events
CHANGE #1702 - L2 infestations are smaller
CHANGE #1674 - several minor lighting sources have been adjusted
CHANGE #1674 - several particle sources have been adjusted
FIX #1693 - Toxicologist L2 converts smoke 'nades (was L3)
FIX #1671 - medusa's Slithering shows percentage again
FIX #0416 - you can no longer close the destroyed half of a door
high rated
Strangeland has been updated.
No changelog but a message on the Wormwood's Discord say ist all:

"Strangeland is now available on GERMAN and TURKISH!! On both Steam and GOG!"

Great and deep game and amazing devs who really care for their customers no matter if they are on Steam or GOG. Please support them if you like such kind of games.
Post edited March 15, 2022 by MarkoH01
high rated

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.3.2 ⇒
3.3.3 "Libra" Patch Released

Hello all,

I'm happy to announce the arrival of the 3.3.3 patch! This is a minor update in which the team has fixed a few annoying gameplay bugs, made some careful balance tweaks, as well as further improved the AI.
With this we believe the 3.3 release is in good shape, and the plan is to focus our efforts forward.

Please keep the feedback coming! As always we will be ready to pick up on your reports and suggestions for the next update.


3.3.3 "Libra" Patch Notes:

• Planetary Ascension Tier costs have been adjusted. The effect the number of Ascensions has on the cost has been dramatically reduced, but the effect Empire Size has on the costs has been increased.
• Colonists now only produce 3 amenities to be more in line with other amenity producing jobs. Reassembled Ship Shelter produces 7 to make up for it.
• Embracing a Faction now costs Unity rather than Influence.
• Promoting and Suppressing Factions intentionally remains free, other than causing the factions distress.
• Edicts no longer increase empire size from systems or pops.
• Sacrificial edicts now increase the unity output of death priests by +3 Unity while the edict is in effect.
• Galactic Memorial now provides 3 Unity per Ascension Perk instead of 2.

• Fixed starbase modifiers not updating when ruler dies, picking ascension perk and researching new technologies.
• Fixed an issue where edicts would get disabled if the player had a deficit of any resource.
• Fixed timed edicts expiring one day after being enabled.
• Death Chroniclers and Chronicle Drones now correctly provide both Amenities and Stability.

• Fixed an issue where AI empires would not upgrade their mineral purification plant building.
• Fixed an issue where AI would get stuck in a loop building and destroying the food processing plant for void dweller empires.
• Fixed an issue where AI empires would put too many planets on the factory world designation.
high rated

Updated from to v2 on Windows, Mac and Linux.

No changelog that I could find (checked wiki, forum, twitter and steam).
high rated
Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War has just received an update for Linux to 1.9.03. Windows is still at 1.9.02.

Warhammer 40.000: Gladius - Community Update - v.1.9.3

I've tried to post the change log here many times, with extensive editing in between, but all efforts have fail. So I will just link to the Steam change log post instead. :)
high rated
Cultist Simulator
All offline installers updated to 2022.3.m.1

"Overhaul of card placement and grid snap

Cloud save works for new save file format
Fixed 'Canterville' crash\n
Fixed 'Leucrotta' issue with child slots eating cards on game load
Fixed Shattered/Burgeoning Risen summons
Experimentally removed experimental post-processing filter
Mansus exit portal no longer looks like a coder threw up on it"
high rated
New update for Delta V: Rings of Saturn (Demo). New version: 0.477.3.

- The game now supports DLC that can modify game content.
- A new story event.
- AI can be told to focus on its current target more. This prevents botched salvage attempts by Search and Rescue teams when players did something that distracted them from the operation.
high rated

Updated to 35317_windows (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Windows) & 35319A_osx (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Mac) & 35317_linux (Offline Installer, Linux)

Changelog from the developer's website:
Patch Notes 3/15 (Steam/GoG/Epic/Itch – 35319):

Bug fixes:

- A black screen no longer occurs if you pause during the Mind Palace event.
- Alice now properly recognizes the Beach outfit.
- The wardrobe now remembers a full outfit’s settings even when the player modifies a single item.
- Stella and Daffodil get teleported to Jackie whenever the other player triggers the conversation inside Gwen’s house.
- The boat now properly continues to its destination after encountering a turtle sister.
- Sleeping while Stanley is in front of the bed in Stella’s cabin no longer results in a loss of functionality.
- Interacting with Stanley inside Stella’s cabin no longer causes Daffodil to fall outside the boundaries of the world.
- Sitting on a chair while the boat approaches the Everdoor no longer leads to a loss of functionality.
- The game’s in-game clock no longer resets after 24 hours.
- Stella’s arm now uses the proper lighting when fishing.
- The Everlight now appears properly during Loom and Woodcutting Minigames.
- The Touchpad Icon now properly appears in the rebind menus.
- Navigation inside the Control Rebinding screen no longer skips two settings when moving up from the Restore Default option.
- Tuna fishing music will no longer prematurely stop if your co-op partner stops fishing.
- Beverly is no longer behind Stella’s hat when hugged in ghost form.
- In local co-op, Daffodil no longer loses functionality when meeting the turtle sisters for the first time.
- Stella and Daffodil can no longer stand on an invisible platform in Stella’s Cabin.
- “The Real Spiritfarer” quest now properly subtracts a Lightbulb from your inventory instead of adding one.
- Daffodil no longer falls through the floor at multiple points in the game.
- Going back and forth quickly on the zipline no longer causes the sound effect to disappear.
- Stella’s bouncing animation no longer stutters when used on the umbrellas in Overbrook.
- Atul will no longer get stuck in a loop of exiting and entering his house if the kitchen is placed in a specific position underneath his house.
- The wind animation from the middle chimney at Bottom Line Corp no longer cuts off abruptly.
- Repeatedly watering crops no longer causes Stella’s water animation to be skipped.
- Stella no longer gets caught on the environment when using the zipline in Hoseki Quarry.
- Saving/Quitting during the House Call quest no longer causes Daria’s icon to appear early in the Save Menu.
- Daria now plays her instrument properly during the Mind Palace event.
- Daffodil can no longer interact with the butterflies during the Hades events.
- Mickey no longer abruptly returns to Bruce’s head during their final conversation on the way to the Everdoor.
- Mickey no longer disappears too early during Bruce & Mickey’s Everdoor animation.
- Denizen lost at sea now properly acknowledges your presence.
- Turtles no longer disappear when going to sleep.
- Daffodil no longer teleports during a Spirit’s release.
- Going to sleep no longer crashes the game.
- The ground inside the Field no longer appears upside down during the Edit mode.
- Sheep now properly have wool.
- Explored parts of the map no longer disappear upon reloading.
- You will no longer get stuck in the game’s intro sequence.
- Alice’s quest no longer bugs out and she will give you her obol.
- ESC/Back buttons now work in the ”Report a bug” menu.
- It is no longer possible to lose functionality by remapping the buttons to navigate menus to the DualShock touchpad and relaunching the game.
- Save progress & boat will no longer merge with another save if you delete it without loading a saved game first.
- Hugging Daffodil near a wall in Gwen’s house will no longer cause Stella to fall through the wall and get stuck.
- Hugging Daffodil at a specific spot in Overbrook’s hospital will no longer cause Stella to fall into the background.
- Players will no longer need to readjust from interactable objects (ore, trees, etc.) after interacting with it the first time.
- Nordweiller’s map tooltip no longer shows three chests instead of the intended two.
- Stella and Daffodil are now properly forced to row the tender during the Everdoor sequence.
- Exiting the Blueprint Station no longer causes the game to lose functionality.
- Sleeping near the Everdoor while the ghosts are on the ship no longer causes a black screen.
- A crash no longer occurs when loading a save file that has completed Stella’s Last Voyage.
- Closing the game during Jackie & Daria’s quest where Jackie bursts into Daria’s house will no longer break the flow of the quest completely.
- Spirits can no longer be kicked-off the boat when moving builds to a higher altitude.
- Skipping the intro too quickly after starting a New Game no longer causes graphical issues.
- Going back into the game quickly no longer shows the map upside down for a couple of seconds.
- Acetates now properly displays their contents in the projector room.


- Spirits’ mood bonus for eating a food they enjoy is no longer mistranslated to food they dislike in Portuguese.
- Summer no longer says that she is not hungry when rejecting a hug, in Simplified Chinese.
- Torn Letter and the Crumpled Letter from Jackie both contained untranslated lines in Russian, Korean and Simplified Chinese.
- There is no longer a typo in Charon’s dialogue at the start of the game.
- The button icons and text no longer overflow the UI when reading letters in Russian.
- Fixed multiple food items in the recipe list whose text overflowed in Russian.
- Denizen name in Quest Log for “Perimeter Sweep” was untranslated in multiple languages.
- Doctor had an untranslated speech bubble after completing his quest at Overbrook in multiple languages.
- Denizens in Southpoint Docks were not translated in multiple languages.
- Gwen will no longer say a specific hour to wake her up instead of in the morning in Korean.
- Text to confirm an event will no longer overlap with the Yes/No options in Simplified Chinese.
- Pop-up notification about Jackie’s house improvements had an incorrect line break in Russian text.
- Russian text box overflowed when talking about Daria in the Archive Room Filing Cabinet.
- Text in the Main Menu now properly appears when first launching the game in Japanese, Korean, Simplified or Traditional Chinese.
high rated

Updated to release_1.0.2.6_3450d40e (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

GOG changelog:
Blackwind Patch

Thank you everyone for your continued support and for continuing to report issues to our team!
In this patch we have fixed crashing instances which were caused by the addition of a new drone tutorial.
As always, please report any issues to our team at We read everything sent our way :)
high rated
Martha Is Dead

Updated to 1.0316.00 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog posted by the publisher in the game forum:
Build No: 1.0315.00

- Optimised the underwater terrain during The Last Dream chapter.
- Fixed a block which could occur if you read the German Command letter after picking up the last camera accessory.
- Optimised grass to improve performance.
- Adjusted distant landscapes to look more realistic.
- Removed game HUD when using Nvida Ansel.
- Optimised performance while inside the house to prevent FPS drops.
- Fixed Blur and DOF settings in-menu when enabled.
- Improved the appearance of the trees visible from the poppies field.

Build No: 1.0316.00

- Fixed a block which can occur during The Graveyard. Giulia's childhood room couldn't be unlocked.
- Fixed the autosave created during The Lady when reaching the island.
- Added Giulia’s head when using Nvidia Ansel.
high rated

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War has just received an update for Linux to 1.9.03. Windows is still at 1.9.02.

Warhammer 40.000: Gladius - Community Update - v.1.9.3

I've tried to post the change log here many times, with extensive editing in between, but all efforts have fail. So I will just link to the Steam change log post instead. :)

Windows version has now been updated to 1.9.03 and is now on parity with the Linux version.
Post edited March 16, 2022 by Trooper1270
high rated
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has been updated to 1.2.1g. (Again, no update flag; for whatever reason, this particular game doesn't seem to get them.)

The changelog can be found on the game-specific forum for the game.