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zazak09: I've been reading his previous games as town, and his behavior is unusual right now.
JoeSapphire: Wow! Great effort! We like when people put in effort (even though most of us also resent it cause we think it makes us look bad)

Which posts of microfish' are you referring to? Is it the roleplaying post, or something else?
All of his posts are trying hard to sound quirky and humorous. In previous games he never drew much attention to himself, and tended to just lurk in the background. Shifts in behavior like this are often indicative of amateur scum.

PookaMustard: So on Day 1, when there's barely anything besides fluff, and you make this observation. Isn't it a little too early for these kinds of votes?
Psychoanalysis is all you have to go on during the first day. Later in the game is when we can make more substantive observations, but for now what's important is generating discussion.
JoeSapphire: Wow! Great effort! We like when people put in effort (even though most of us also resent it cause we think it makes us look bad)

Which posts of microfish' are you referring to? Is it the roleplaying post, or something else?
zazak09: All of his posts are trying hard to sound quirky and humorous. In previous games he never drew much attention to himself, and tended to just lurk in the background. Shifts in behavior like this are often indicative of amateur scum.

PookaMustard: So on Day 1, when there's barely anything besides fluff, and you make this observation. Isn't it a little too early for these kinds of votes?
zazak09: Psychoanalysis is all you have to go on during the first day. Later in the game is when we can make more substantive observations, but for now what's important is generating discussion.
Totally agree about the discussion. Day 1 is the hardest day because there’s no real info to go on and generating discussion is key to getting info. This post puts you in my will not vote category.
Microfish_1: ...
Image in the Mirror

There is an old mirror in this room. Your frightened reflection moves on its own. You realise it is you from another time. Your reflection writes on the mirror:


Then it hands you an item through the mirror.
zazak09: Unvote Carradice
Vote Microfish1

I've been reading his previous games as town, and his behavior is unusual right now. In his first game (#57), he said the modus operandi of scum was to create confusion early on, and I feel he accomplished that with his last post.
PookaMustard: So on Day 1, when there's barely anything besides fluff, and you make this observation. Isn't it a little too early for these kinds of votes?
How kong would you have us wait before we begin scumhunting?

JoeSapphire: Wow! Great effort! We like when people put in effort (even though most of us also resent it cause we think it makes us look bad)

Which posts of microfish' are you referring to? Is it the roleplaying post, or something else?
zazak09: All of his posts are trying hard to sound quirky and humorous. In previous games he never drew much attention to himself, and tended to just lurk in the background. Shifts in behavior like this are often indicative of amateur scum.
I'm not sure, did you read the last game? I think this is pretty similar to his beginning then. I might be wrong. I was reading a post this morning in this game, and I was like "who's post am I reading again?" and I looked up to chek, and then I was like "oh yeah obvs it's microfish"
Which is my anecdotal evidence to suggest microfish is similar to how he usually is...

Which past games did you read?
JoeSapphire: "who's post am I reading again?"
ZFR: mot'h
I keep forgetting you're playing, seeing your posts and going "What a weird thing for the mod to write...".
JoeSapphire: "who's post am I reading again?"
ZFR: mot'h
Sorry, bad grammer. That should be "Who is post I AM reading?" Apologies to those who couldn't understand my earlier nonsense.

Microfish_1: ...
SirPrimalform: EVENT:
Image in the Mirror

There is an old mirror in this room. Your frightened reflection moves on its own. You realise it is you from another time. Your reflection writes on the mirror:


Then it hands you an item through the mirror.
JoeSapphire: NO U!
I'm just waiting for Lift to give Micro his item card.
zazak09: Psychoanalysis is all you have to go on during the first day. Later in the game is when we can make more substantive observations, but for now what's important is generating discussion.
I didn't necessarily agree with the method (particularly when you used it, with only scarce data to go by), but the intention behind your analysis is sound, and if anything it got the game to actually kick off.

That said, I believe Microfish is acting just the same as his usual self, which is where the timing part comes in: in this early stage of the game, it's mostly just fluff but nothing damning, or clearing.
zazak09: Psychoanalysis is all you have to go on during the first day. Later in the game is when we can make more substantive observations, but for now what's important is generating discussion.
PookaMustard: I didn't necessarily agree with the method (particularly when you used it, with only scarce data to go by), but the intention behind your analysis is sound, and if anything it got the game to actually kick off.

That said, I believe Microfish is acting just the same as his usual self, which is where the timing part comes in: in this early stage of the game, it's mostly just fluff but nothing damning, or clearing.
Oh I understand - it's too early to get a good read on microfish, not 'it's too early to Get Serious.'

Ok. I wondered what was going on.
JoeSapphire: Which past games did you read?
#57, #59, and parts of #64.

I'm not 100% confident about lynching him , but I felt the need to move the game along.
Guys, will play this one without charts, mainly because of RL. But would like to run the simulator. So, about the party composition:

1) What do you make of the probable numbers for town, scum, likability of third parties.

2)Refrain from commenting on powers and private messages, please. It helps scum more than it helps Town.


Sensible comment from Pooka on Zazak’s new vote.

zazak09: All of his posts are trying hard to sound quirky and humorous. In previous games he never drew much attention to himself, and tended to just lurk in the background. Shifts in behavior like this are often indicative of amateur scum.
Read mafia #64. Starting with page 1.

Personally enjoying that kind of stuff. We need more of that. Meaning, everything that is fun to read. This includes RP, for anyone who feels like that.


Unvote Zazak

At least he is writing and he realized that the vote on him had more to do with the alphabet than anything else.


Everything is in the bud right now. Most likely, things will start making sense only after we have more of everyone and patterns develop.

About cvid19, since simple tried-and-true tips from official sources might save lives, anyone who feels like hearing or providing solid advice on how to face a quarantine ought to be able to do so, unless mod forbids.
Microfish_1: searches the house, finds a depalidated coffee maker--sans coffee beans, of course, an unmarked battery which appears to be a high-school student's homework for science, a broom handle without a broom, a and roll of filthy and mouldering wrapping paper.
Love this post.....I am half torn on the vote, though.

On the one hand, voting me in ANY game is par for the course and to be expected....but on the other: I said hunt for scum, not help scum hunt us. ;)

Lifthrasil: @all: I like flavoured votes. So if it's not too confusing to the new players, I could accept differently worded votes, as long as they make clear that you vote for removing one of your fellow players from the Hotel (or no-lynch). I'll update the rules accordingly.
But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?
I say we allow flavored votes and regular "plain ol' vanilla" votes....whichever floats each player's boat, so to speak.

Carradice: About cvid19, since simple tried-and-true tips from official sources might save lives, anyone who feels like hearing or providing solid advice on how to face a quarantine ought to be able to do so, unless mod forbids.
Sounds good

As for me:

Not sick(and no one at home is), but a bit of other sad news in that one of my feline friends(pet cats) is likely on her last gonna try gaming and posting in between keeping her comfortable until she passes(could be any time within the next 5-7 days, I am guessing). :(

Combine that with the state wide lockdown, I am drinking a bit off and on(and checking the forums and playing games) to keep my spirits up
JoeSapphire: Which past games did you read?
zazak09: #57, #59, and parts of #64.

I'm not 100% confident about lynching him
that's reassuring.
How confident are you about it?

GameRager: Not sick(and no one at home is), but a bit of other sad news in that one of my feline friends(pet cats) is likely on her last gonna try gaming and posting in between keeping her comfortable until she passes(could be any time within the next 5-7 days, I am guessing). :(

Combine that with the state wide lockdown, I am drinking a bit off and on(and checking the forums and playing games) to keep my spirits up
Sorry about that man, that sucks. All my love

Carradice: Guys, will play this one without charts, mainly because of RL. But would like to run the simulator. So, about the party composition:

1) What do you make of the probable numbers for town, scum, likability of third parties.
I'd guess 3 mafia-10 town, or 3 mafia-9 town-1 neutral. 4 mafias would be Not Normal. We've been given no guarantees of normality, however.

Third parties are always likeable, and often that likeability hangs around the player for at least a game AFTER they were third party! It's just one of those idiosyncrasies of the gog forums. ;)

I get the impression lifthrasil is a mod who likes the appeal of the third party, so I wouldn't be at all surprised to see a neutral, or a third-party scum...
JoeSapphire: I'd guess 3 mafia-10 town, or 3 mafia-9 town-1 neutral.
Best maths ever.

Vote Joe