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Cadaver747: Technically it's a modkill, I edited my post deliberately and make my vote count since it was put on a separate line.
I guess today I'll sleep in snow maze garden.
Eh, I can't speak for Lift of course, but as you're new (and we'd like you to have a good experience and stick around for more games), and it's the very start of the game, you're likely to get off with a stern warning.
Cadaver747: Technically it's a modkill, I edited my post deliberately and make my vote count since it was put on a separate line.
I guess today I'll sleep in snow maze garden.
Well, you are new and it would be a bugger to start Day 1 with a modkill. So I'm going to let you live this one time. I'll think of some other punishment.

But to make this clear: this is the only warning. The next rule break will get you killed. And the next intentional edit of any post will also lead to a modkill.

DON'T edit your posts for ANY reason!

Spelling corrections aren't allowed. Line-break errors may not be fixed after having posted. Nothing may be changed after a post has been sent! (Otherwise the game would be open to edit-abuse. Therefore this 'no editing' is a universal Mafia rule in all communities that play Mafia online)

If you have to correct something you wrote, write that correction into the next post. (waiting for 11 minutes or requesting a bump in the admin thread first). That is called Edit By Way Of Posting. EBWOP for short.
Note to myself:
1. never change anything
2. kill ZFR / check on Carradice, acting weird
3. sleep well
Carradice: Plus,

Vote Zazak
Anybody touches me, and we go.

Vote Carradice
OK, so far, Boeing Cadaver's (sorry) blunder in editing a post hours after the fact is concerning, but content-wise I think nothing really changed apart from a "thank you for your clarification" tucked in at the end, so I think it's Not Alignment Indicative (NAI for short - basically isn't a scumtell or a towntell). Still, I expected better, what's with the signup thread having people like Carradice urging everyone to read da rules.
Is this really what Matters When posting in A game like thiS? There are some thINGs that YOU just shouldn't do, like Ranting nonsensically all the TIME. Do I detect some silliness here?

Motion overruled!
Cadaver747: Technically it's a modkill, I edited my post deliberately and make my vote count since it was put on a separate line.
I guess today I'll sleep in snow maze garden.
Also if the last post in the thread is yours, avoid posting until at least 10 minutes, or the second post will be merged with the first one, which will appear edited.
Will lynch anyone who jumps on a joke on RVS to try to push an early bandwagon, sort of like Agent’s on mafia #64. You are warned. And this is said in all seriousness now.

Please, All playerS who have not Spoken yet, do so, as we need THEir participation in order to progress. Bystanders will nOt be encOuraged. Zero tolerance will be Enforced.

This said, going to go offtopic and ask you if you ever picked up guitar. Surely it might make the wait in this haunted place more bearable. We can sing by the fire, tell stories and all that jazz.

Seriously, thinking about picking up guitar this quarantine. Any advice?

Also, a free tip: in quarantine, remember to exercise daily. It really will make a difference for you. Fortunately, this joint seems large enough to do some jogging, who knows, we might find something interesting. Just be sure to not go alone and, if you go in pairs, do not take the chance for making out. This can save your lives, guys.
Carradice: Please, All playerS who have not Spoken yet, do so, as we need THEir participation in order to progress. Bystanders will nOt be encOuraged. Zero tolerance will be Enforced.

This said, going to go offtopic and ask you if you ever picked up guitar. Surely it might make the wait in this haunted place more bearable. We can sing by the fire, tell stories and all that jazz.

Seriously, thinking about picking up guitar this quarantine. Any advice?

Also, a free tip: in quarantine, remember to exercise daily. It really will make a difference for you. Fortunately, this joint seems large enough to do some jogging, who knows, we might find something interesting. Just be sure to not go alone and, if you go in pairs, do not take the chance for making out. This can save your lives, guys.
*passes Rumple Minze*
That'll warm you up if you're cold ;)
Carradice: Will lynch anyone who jumps on a joke on RVS to try to push an early bandwagon,
My, my...
Carradice: Will lynch anyone who jumps on a joke on RVS to try to push an early bandwagon,
ZFR: My, my...
PookaMustard: Can't I just use my browser to get to the company? Why do I have to use a remote desktop solution, just give me a server with uber security, but not remote desktop
Sometimes we do what we must in such trying(IRL) times.

Heck, the census is still on(for some odd reason) in the US, and one needs to do it via a supported browser AND enable cookies.....which some will likely not like(and I believe many libraries are closed, so they might not be able to do it elsewhere).

JoeSapphire: Is gamerager mafia? I have a feeling
If you don't know maybe it'd be a good idea to put a few votes on me to be happens eventually in ALL games at some point anyways.
GameRager: Sometimes we do what we must in such trying(IRL) times.

Heck, the census is still on(for some odd reason) in the US, and one needs to do it via a supported browser AND enable cookies.....which some will likely not like(and I believe many libraries are closed, so they might not be able to do it elsewhere).

If you don't know maybe it'd be a good idea to put a few votes on me to be happens eventually in ALL games at some point anyways.
Census is mandated by law. just mail in your form when you get it?

SirPrimalform: Is this really what Matters When posting in A game like thiS? There are some thINGs that YOU just shouldn't do, like Ranting nonsensically all the TIME. Do I detect some silliness here?

Motion overruled!
Time Wasting is not allowed unless it is funny!

Yes, my post 14 was in reference to Yog's D1 post last game in which he true-claimed his name/house and everyone thought it was a yoke.

"Methinks," quoth me, "that we we have a house on our hands! It is a good thing it isn't two of this thing called 'house', or we'd have to debate whether the plural of 'house' is 'houses' or 'hice.' (See the mouse for an explanation of this rule!) Oh, and if you do see the mouse, please put him outside (yes, in this weather!) before he eats our two week supply of food! Oh, and eggs aren't food. they do, however, make decent tennis balls, if you like variety and trust the cook. o.O

"In the meantime, we should turn the stereo up so loudly that this dilapidated house falls down around our ears!"
(Seriously, why do people do this?)
passes hardhats around to all and turns up the stereo by sneezing on it.

@Lift: vote: more food in 14 days