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ZFR: bump
thank you!


SirPrimalform: Is this really what Matters When posting in A game like thiS? There are some thINGs that YOU just shouldn't do, like Ranting nonsensically all the TIME. Do I detect some silliness here?

Motion overruled!
Time Wasting is not allowed unless it is funny! Thankfully, this was (and many of your posts --at least early game--are) funny.
trentonlf: *passes Rumple Minze*
That'll warm you up if you're cold ;)
Not half bad.
Well, lockdown is official in the UK. I'm glad to have a mafia game to keep me sane.
SirPrimalform: Well, lockdown is official in the UK. I'm glad to have a mafia game to keep me sane.
They are becoming more prevalent in the US as well :(
Microfish_1: Census is mandated by law. just mail in your form when you get it?
They sent everyone I know an online link on a single sheet of paper...but said they would mail forms out if they didn't get a reply from people(or send people to take people's info).

It's not just that, though.....I just think one has to ask: Since the demographics will likely change(mostly due to deaths) in the US as this census goes on, wouldn't it make sense to put it off until AFTER a few months or so??? o.0 :|

To everyone else: Enough of that "silly"(depressing) IRL talk.....let's talk hunting scuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.

Or search the rooms for stuff the old guests might've left behind....that works too.
Can we search the house? I'd like to have a weapon in hand. :)
searches the house, finds a depalidated coffee maker--sans coffee beans, of course, an unmarked battery which appears to be a high-school student's homework for science, a broom handle without a broom, a and roll of filthy and mouldering wrapping paper.

Inspects the roll of wrapping paper and after much work deduces that it bears the letters A, B, and TH. He concludes that it probably said "Happy Birthday", and would have been most surprised to learn that it instead said "Grab the Wheel and Ditch the Horse!," a catchphrase from the early days of the horseless carriage. [If this person's imagination is to be believed.]

After much work, you take the broom handle and stick it in your backpack. You try to walk out the door, forget to duck, and trip and fall flat on your posterior. You get up again, and--ducking this time!!-- head out the door into the hallway. Further searching of the house reveal a dead mouse, a pack of playing cards, a book explaining basic chess strategy, a flashlight without batteries, and a book titled The Pushcart War.
As you have heard that it was one of the best bits of satire ever written, you take The Pushcart War along.
You try to fit the science project battery into the flashlight with no success.

Intelligence rises by 2.
Inventory space decreases by 5.
Energy decreases by 2.

You overhear someones murmuring about a strange concept they termed "online" and are baffled by this term. As you head back to the kitchen you realize this person must be an imposter from outside your timeline or--even worse--from an alternate dimension. You feel that only someone from outside your timeline could have offed poor Bobby and be masquerading as someone they are not. They might even be using a false name. The sheer, staggering, Horror of the thought impels you to action! Such a person must not be allowed to continue spending time in this house; they must be driven out! For a moment you wonder whether or not this Horror is drunk and why it has such transparent wrappings before deciding it really doesn't matter. You must act. Unfortunately, there were multiple voices talking about this mysterious phenomenon and realize that you can only send one person outside at a time.

You draw near enough to the kitchen to hear the voices distinctly. Briefly, two voices rise high above the rest and you realize it is none other than the voices of your good friends PookaKetchup, from the town of Mustard, and Rager, from Gaming. The voices abruptly fall off as they hear you coming. You rush over to the parking lot, to your friend who is in charge of the party, one Lifthrasil ("Lift" for short), and urgently begin to whisper to him your suspicions. You realize you only have time to name one of those whispering about this outlandish concept and whisper....

"Dear Friend Lift, I fear that GameRager is from the future or is an alien from another planet. Either way, I fear he was one of the ones behind the abrupt departure of Poor Bobby.

"Please remove GameRager from this resort."
Microfish_1: "Please remove GameRager from this resort."
Is this a vote?

@all: I like flavoured votes. So if it's not too confusing to the new players, I could accept differently worded votes, as long as they make clear that you vote for removing one of your fellow players from the Hotel (or no-lynch). I'll update the rules accordingly.
But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?

For now I will not count this vote until I get a confirmation that it was meant to be one.
Microfish_1: "Please remove GameRager from this resort."
Lifthrasil: Is this a vote?

@all: I like flavoured votes. So if it's not too confusing to the new players, I could accept differently worded votes, as long as they make clear that you vote for removing one of your fellow players from the Hotel (or no-lynch). I'll update the rules accordingly.
But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?

For now I will not count this vote until I get a confirmation that it was meant to be one.
Just make a rule that will allow it to be identifiable with no ambiguity. Like it has to be all in bold in a line by itself.
Being locked in due to a snow-storm that has no business happening here in this season is bad enough. You are already on edge. But the gruesome death of one of you elevates the trepidation that everyone felt to abject horror. Whom can you trust? Who is out to kill you and hack you to bits? Accusations fly back and forth, but so far no one seems to have any lead on who might have done the murderous deed. Outside the storm rages on. The snow-clouds are so thick, that hardly any light penetrates them. Outside it is dark as a winter night and you only assume it is day, because the lights are still on in the hotel. Who controls them? Why has an abandoned hotel electricity? You don't know. But if you judge from the last 'Day' period, you still have quite some time left to sort this out.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

Official Vote Count
trent 1 - gogtrial (29)
gogtrial 1 - trent (37)
ZFR 1 - Cadaver (27)
SirP 2 - Pooka (19), Genocide (34)
zazak 1 - Carradice (42)
Joe 1 - SirP (40)
Carradice 1 - zazak (49)

With 12 players alive it takes 7 to lynch.
SirP is currently leading at L-5

Not voting: ZFR, GameRager, Joe, microfish
The Day will end some time Friday night (my time). I.e. Friday evening US-east coast and afternoon west coast time.

If you find any vote-count error, please tell me so. If you find any spelling errors, you may keep them. ;-)
Lifthrasil: @all: I like flavoured votes. So if it's not too confusing to the new players, I could accept differently worded votes, as long as they make clear that you vote for removing one of your fellow players from the Hotel (or no-lynch). I'll update the rules accordingly.
But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?
Make it like last game. On a separate line and bolded. But unlike last game, make it so that it doesn't have to conform to the "fluff + name" formula. I want to vote ZFR with the most epic vote for the shenanigans he put me through end-game!
ZFR: Like it has to be all in bold in a line by itself.
I see what you do!!

JoeSapphire: Is gamerager mafia? I have a feeling
SirPrimalform: I'm getting the same feeling from Carradice and Gennyside. Hmm, you might be onto something.
Oh, I see, you meant there were three people hadn't turned up yet, and gamerager was one of them.

But I like the idea that you just plucked two scums out of thin air, so I'm going to put you in my town-lean pile and carradice and gen in my scum-lean pile. Because of The Illusion Of Narrative.
Unvote Carradice
Vote Microfish1

I've been reading his previous games as town, and his behavior is unusual right now. In his first game (#57), he said the modus operandi of scum was to create confusion early on, and I feel he accomplished that with his last post.
zazak09: I've been reading his previous games as town, and his behavior is unusual right now.
Wow! Great effort! We like when people put in effort (even though most of us also resent it cause we think it makes us look bad)

Which posts of microfish' are you referring to? Is it the roleplaying post, or something else?
zazak09: Unvote Carradice
Vote Microfish1

I've been reading his previous games as town, and his behavior is unusual right now. In his first game (#57), he said the modus operandi of scum was to create confusion early on, and I feel he accomplished that with his last post.
So on Day 1, when there's barely anything besides fluff, and you make this observation. Isn't it a little too early for these kinds of votes?