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JoeSapphire: Third parties are always likeable, and often that likeability hangs around the player for at least a game AFTER they were third party! It's just one of those idiosyncrasies of the gog forums. ;)
False! I was a lyncher and no one liked me at the time OR afterwards.
zazak09: #57, #59, and parts of #64.

I'm not 100% confident about lynching him
JoeSapphire: that's reassuring.
How confident are you about it?
It depends on how much more information can be gained from pressing it further. Pooka tried to dismiss me immediately without asking further questions. Lynching Microfish would help me to establish a better read on her.

However I wouldn't mind putting pressure on Carradice, Trent, or ZFR as well.
ZFR: mot'h
SirPrimalform: I keep forgetting you're playing, seeing your posts and going "What a weird thing for the mod to write...".
I keep looking at zazak's avatar and thinking "Why is HSLposting?"
JoeSapphire: that's reassuring.
How confident are you about it?
zazak09: It depends on how much more information can be gained from pressing it further. Pooka tried to dismiss me immediately without asking further questions. Lynching Microfish would help me to establish a better read on her.

However I wouldn't mind putting pressure on Carradice, Trent, or ZFR as well.
So casually mentioning one third of the crew. Amazing deductions. Bravo.

Psychoanalysis does not mean what Zazak thinks it means. It is a very precise term that does not apply in this context at all. But mumbo jumbo sure sounds like something.

Joe caving to this feels strangely subpar for him. He knows better.
JoeSapphire: I'd guess 3 mafia-10 town, or 3 mafia-9 town-1 neutral.
ZFR: Best maths ever.

Vote Joe
it says 13 in the intro! I forgot bookwyrm was just beautiful fluff.

So my money's on 3 mafia-9 town.

Carradice: Joe caving to this feels strangely subpar for him. He knows better.
What do you mean by "caving to this"?
Carradice: So casually mentioning one third of the crew. Amazing deductions. Bravo.
It's not about deducing who is mafia this early in the game. It's impossible to build a strong case against anyone until at least day two, but that's beside the point. Town wins by having information to analyze, and the only way to gain information on day one is by threatening players with lynches. Even bandwagoning a random player would be more advantageous than ending with a stalemate on day one.

I'm in favor of voting anyone on day one as long as it keeps discussion going, but those are the four players that I'm the most curious about. Regardless of who we decide to bandwagon, it shouldn't be left until the last minute.
Carradice: Joe caving to this feels strangely subpar for him. He knows better.
He was forcing me to back up my vote on Microfish. That's what good town should do.
zazak09: It's not about deducing who is mafia this early in the game. It's impossible to build a strong case against anyone until at least day two, but that's beside the point.
Exactly, it's not impossible.
We can only speculate, for some reason I think that ZFR, Carradice and SirPrimalform are all possessed by evil spirit. Because they talked funny.

Anyway did anyone by any chance find some candy. I'm starving, it's cold here and it's going to be a very long night.
Why the hell can't we all sleep in one room???
Cadaver747: Why the hell can't we all sleep in one room???
That is not how horror film Do!?

Cadaver747: We can only speculate, for some reason I think that ZFR, Carradice and SirPrimalform are all possessed by evil spirit. Because they talked funny.
bleeeh can you be any more specific? As in they were making jokes?
Cadaver747: Why the hell can't we all sleep in one room???
I'd rather we just be friends.
zazak09: Pooka tried to dismiss me immediately without asking further questions. Lynching Microfish would help me to establish a better read on her.
Huh? I'm pretty sure I was initially weirded out by the approach of applying your strategy way too early when Micro has nothing to really speak for or against him, but was then convinced of what you're doing when you told me your intentions. I'm still curious why you think the three you named are "curious" especially when there's barely any hints on them.

Also word of advice: we on GOG just LOVE ending our Day 1s with no-lynches. It's crippling, but we all love it. I'm on board with lynching anyone as long as it's not yet another D1 no-lynch. What I do prefer however is actually lynching someone scummy on D1, that would be the stuff of the dreams.

Working from home and not having to worry about the commute's fickleness is so good.
Cadaver747: Why the hell can't we all sleep in one room???
No way. Boys with boys, girls with girls and that’s the end of it.
zazak09: would help me to establish a better read on her.
Pooka is male.
Lifthrasil: But if you feel more comfortable with sticking strictly to the 'vote XXX' format, then we can do that too. What do you think?
Personally I prefer sticking to a strict "vote X" format. It makes it much easier to search the thread for when you want to look up again in what order things happened. There's plenty of space to do flavourful stuff in regular text, and then a single clear and unambiguous line for registering the actual action.

GameRager: To everyone else: Enough of that "silly"(depressing) IRL talk.....let's talk hunting scuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.
Yes, let's. What are you doing in that department?

You've been pretty quiet so far. As you said in the signup thread that you only have a vague idea of how the game is played, be aware that we're now slowly shifting out of the initial silliness phase, and starting to play for real, picking up on little things that seem off and pushing to get a feeling for veracity. As such, it'd be beneficial to us if you participate more, and give us something to work with. You don't need to be "right", you don't need to be insightful. You just need to be honest, question what puzzles you, and start building theories about who can and can't be trusted, ideally sharing them publicly so we can see how your reads evolve.
So: Any initial feelings to share? Anything you'd like to understand better from any other player?

JoeSapphire: But I like the idea that you just plucked two scums out of thin air, so I'm going to put you in my town-lean pile
For real?

ZFR: Best maths ever.
We're over 100 posts into the game, and you haven't explained anything about statistics. (Or, y'know, anything else of substance besides a single super easy raised eyebrow.) Do you hate being scum that much?

zazak09: However I wouldn't mind putting pressure on Carradice, Trent, or ZFR as well.
I get Carradice, but trent and ZFR pop up seemingly out of the blue here. Would you care to elaborate on what made you include their names here?

Also, since you have the advantage of us with rereading old games, any public games of yours elsewhere that you could link to, preferably one scum one town?