Trilarion: So maybe the demanded cuts never went far enough
They went
farther than any other country, and to Greece's breaking point. There is a ceiling to be considered there, instead of urging for even more. If hitting one's head against the wall didn't work well enough, maybe it's not because the head should strike faster and harder.
And yes, where the cuts are being made is also an issue in itself, and both "corruption" and neoliberalism (actually often the same thing : "aggravated corruption" is mostly "informal privatization", and privatization is the formalization of private interests hijacking a public service to make it a source of personal benefit) have ensured that the austerity was limited as much as possible to the most vulnerable people (the ones who need social support, and the ones who don't "produce" enough : the arendtian "superfluous" that I was mentioning earlier). The industry/media/politics collusion in Greece was ensuring the safety of political allies, in a way that is not much different from what happens in other countries - where political support leads to tax cuts in return, with a nice "it's for your own good" rationalization served to the rest of the population. That's just one of the factors that channeled "austerity" the most unfairly way possible.
But there again, on the issue of
how austerity is applied, technocrats (their nose glued to their calculators) and european demagogy-fueled voters fail to recognize why changes aren't straightforward to implement. Populism works on pseudo-self-explanatory keywords and short stories. "Corruption" seems an obvious notion, and no one cares to actually check what it designates and why : it "just has to be fought" (oh yeah?). "Establishing a land register" is just an obvious administrative task, that "just has to be done", for people who never, ever,
ever paid any attention to the
already well documented difficultiies of shifting from customary law to centralized (and individualized) bureaucratic administration - as it was tediously enforced in so many areas, from Africa to Polynesia. Nope, it's "just do it, how hard can it be, just draw a map and write down ownerships, is it done yet ?". Greece "simply has to" cut military expenses - it "simply" has to overlook local geopolitics and the popular representations of geopolitics ? Greek/Turkish paranoïa still prevents any consensus on the ownerships of little rocks in the Egean, and people still
die for their sake, while all these years greek medias keep reporting "provocations" of turkish fighters flying through greek airspace - and the left lives in the memory of disgruntled military's coups. Go explain cuts in military expenses, in that context. Especially after the EU having encouraged (and imposed) these expenses for their own benefit, but again, that's another story...
The thing is, these issues are cultural issues (and not even moral ones, because they are not grounded in moral flaws or evil values, they are neutral differences that make adjustments to a different system very complicated). And this is not something that get displayed on the technocrats' calculators and their bank account charts (nor does the ground level misery induced by the austerity dogma, but that's even another problem). This is something too complex for trash journalists to report on, and trash journalism is what drives popular supports nowadays (it's basically Merkel's fuel). So : impose numbers, run around like headless chickens when social realities didn't simply adjust to these numbers within the expected timeframe.
Again, that's the explosive flaw of the EU : it's a financial homogeneity program, driven by bankers (i mean not only people who work in banks, but people whose only cognitive horizon is "banking"), with not one look for cultural diversities and how they shape different worldviews and priorities. In that sense, it is a straightforward colonial project : you impose your own universalist "perfect system" (perfect in your own views, which implies to overlook your local issues) onto another culture, expecting this culture to adapt to it naturally or with the help of a bit of violence. It's technically blindness, as in : being deprived of the senses required to understand what is going on globally, and why the same recipe isn't simply applicable everywhere with some amount of shoehorning. But this has not the excuse of early colonialism, that is, blissful ignorance. We now have to tools and the methodologies required to assess these difficulties (we've "been there, done that" in other countries, not often sucessfully but the point is we have the experience of what
does not work as expected and why). It is a whole corpus of knowledge that gets autistically ignored, both by decision makers and by their supporting voters. And the result is cataclysmically absurd.
There is one french expression for that. "
Yaka". The phonetic contraction of "il n'y a qu'à" ("we only have to"). It's the naive, ignorant belief that complex issues can be solved by applying one obvious recipe. It's what is happening here with the financial reductivism of complex sociocultural questions. And this leads to bewilderment when it fails, or doesn't succeed fast enough. And this bewilderment translates into political wrath and violence, along with the reductionist propaganda justifying it. And the circle gets closed when this bewildered wrath just intensifies the policies that are failing. But rethinking the problem is out of the question, because it would mean framing it in complex terms that won't make cool-sounding political discourses or badass news titles.
And it would be an admission that there is no "short way" through complex issues. A heresy, in a world where speed and (catastrophically superficial short-term) "efficiency" are cardinal values.