Posted July 06, 2015
Crosmando: Pulling the plug would be good, I don't even see why the nations in Europe put up with their policies being dictated by institutions like the EU and IMF. Are their not any political parties in Europe who want to leave the EU and the Euro (reinstate their own national currency), how can you even say European nations are sovereign and independent if they don't control their own currency and non-governmental institutions like the IMF have so much say?
No IMF / ECB or EU (I assume you meant ESF) program can ever happen without that nations government agreeing to it. Why do you think the institutions are so pissed at Greece? Greece signed the agreements 5 years ago, and broke them on the 30th June midnight when they walked out of negotiations that were part of the 2nd help programs modus of operation. When Tsipras walked out of these negotiations without finalizing them the entire 2nd bailout program *ended*. Flat out, and literally. There isn't even a basis of negotiation now. All negotiations are reset to ZERO This is something you can not know if you are not inside the EU and part of this whole mess, so I won't blame you for not knowing this. Many many populists falsely portray how this whole thing worked especially from Greek side. Who apparently all forgot that the Greece government signed the program 5 years ago in return for a limited debt cut. (limited because it did not erase all debt, it just reduced it and shuffled repayment times around)
There are many different things at work here too. The ECB keeps Greeks banks alive. If they stop giving credit to Greek banks, those banks are bankrupt within 14 days. Today is day 6 of the end of the ECB emergency fund payments hence banks in Greece currently on the brink of collapse.
The IMF gives credit for reforms. That's their entire reason of existence. But there is no dictate, you sign an agreement to get money and do these reforms. If you disagree, you don't get money ;p
And finally, the ESF is what restructures Greek debt and secured international banks that had connections from collapse. So far they failed at doing much of anything.
All 3 elements are connected and none are dictated.
It's also worth mentioning that Greece is not actually defaulting on it's original debts. Those are all delayed. Greece is already failing at repayment of the actual programs it took 5 years ago. The repayment of which is part of the deal Greece signed. When they didn't pay that IMF rate, Greece gov defacto defaulted. But technically it is only a delayed payment, and an actual default has to be established with complicated processes.... point being. Greece is not yet bankrupt.. but it defaulted on the partial repayment of a help program.
Post edited July 06, 2015 by eRe4s3r