Emob78: Anita and her ilk haven't stated their end-goals because it would be like shooting themselves in the foot. Everyone knows the power of the words 'censorship', but you can get to the same place just using different words like 'workplace community' or 'tolerance in action'. These terms the crusaders throw around are no different than something out of 1984 or Brave New World. They just don't see it because of the complete lack of awareness on their own part as they polish their marching boots.
If GG, the Codex, Adam Baldwin, the Twitter troops, and the millions of gamers out there just threw in the towel and let the SJW wrecking crew do what they want, there would be censorship. Lots of it. You'd never fight, drink, drive, party, fuck, or fantasize in a video game again without content filters, expanded ratings systems, and political legislation. The end of gaming would come with a huge video game bonfire and the SJW nutballs dancing around it screaming like wild Indians.

Fever_Discordia: Now you're sounding like an MRA conspiracist nutball...
*sigh* TLAs - you get SJW, we get MRA, they're so useful and save so much time!
I actually quite like Social Justice Warrior though - I like to imagine myself on a gleaming white steed (although I obviously use a black steed every-other day to keep things balanced) holding my sword 'Righteous Indignation' (yes that IS a Bucky O'Hare reference) to the heavens fighting for justice and equality wherever I go!
Like the A-Team only more medieval!
Saying that though, if we ARE knights are Anita and Zoe ours damsels in distress that we are forever destined to defend? That's.... somewhat ironic :-D
The only abbreviated term that fits the whole thing is FUBAR.
Fever_Discordia: Now you're sounding like an MRA conspiracist nutball...
Klumpen0815: Seriously, if it would be about diversity and better protrayal of whatever in games, those people would just make their own games and sell them, instead they are going to conferences, tv shows, etc... shoving their face and their prop... message onto as many people as possible and officially shame everyone that is not their opinion (GaymerX, Lizzy, TotalBiscuit, etc..) in order to gain more power over the art of others and the things people are allowed to do. This is simply the way how modern censorship works, I've seen this all the time by other activists of other hate movements too and somehow there was always a lot of money involved...
Of course, but that understanding only comes to the minds of people who know the difference between the soft sell and the hard sell. Different tactics, similar results.