Shadowstalker16: They're a legit harassment group. They post people to milk lulz from and harass them it seems so they can laugh at them. They targeted Rapp's husband. But to the media and SJWs ofc it was GG and not them.
This is certainly one of the major problems facing Gamergate. While the movement has bad eggs in it, as every group does, they are also being unfairly blamed due to journalists being lazy and refusing to research what they report on (or hoping to push an agenda). In this particular case, at least as far as I am aware, Gamergate was primarily interested in Rapp's comments regarding children and lowering the age of consent. The Wayne Foundation would follow-up with a formal complaint to Nintendo on the matter and that was that.
It was Kiwi Farms who took it well beyond this point and sought to expose her job as an escort, posting photos of her advertising page and that of her husband. They have essentially continued the campaign against this couple, friends, and relatives. Yet, instead of journalists actually looking into the matter, it is simply easier to report on the big bad Gamergate doing all of this. Five minutes of browsing the Kiwi forum would have shown journalists that Kiwi does not consider themselves to be Gamergate and are the ones posting a lot of this information. Gamergate on the other hand, at least in terms of KiA, sought to permaban anyone who shared private information or escort photos.
Gamergate certainly has its issues, but people are so quick to blame them for practically everything. They are the big bad boogeyman. It also does not help the matter that Rapp fueled this narrative the day she was fired by continuing to imply Gamergate was at fault and wouldn't acknowledge the second job until a little later.
As for Rapp herself, what happened there is certainly tragic. I feel for her being harassed the way she is and nobody should have to endure such things. It is especially terrible that innocent bystanders (friends, family) are taking a lot of heat from this as well. However, I also side with Nintendo on the matter now that the full story has come out. As a large international corporation that targets families and young children, you really can't blame them for firing someone in public relations who has a second job that is also an illegal one. If it were legal, then that would certainly be another story.
LeonardoCornejo: Their description sounds like a rather unsavory group, but with that name I would not think of harassment if I heard the name without a description of their activities.
I hadn't really considered this angle until your post just now. It could also be that journalists are pinning this on Gamergate because it makes for better headlines, whereas "Kiwi Farms" sounds far less intimidating and would likely confuse readers. Who knows though. Either way, most of the reports on this event are a mess. A shame people care more about an agenda than digging for the truth.