Shadowstalker16: ''I have a dream that one day, every person will be judged by the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.''
And my rep as well. I wasn't close to the most ''offensive'' person on this forum. Then again, what can you expect from sanity-fluid race and gender socialists.
Emob78: There's a reason they call us 'normies'. We're not basing our identity around an ever-changing platform of dr mindbender drugs and social engineering practices brought to you by nazi lab scientists and political shills.
And speaking of normies, here's one who is not. That's the problem with gender fluid nonsense. First you get people demanding gender neutral bathrooms, the next thing you know some crazy cat lady shows up and demands a litter box and a chew toy.
I hate it when a slippery slope argument turns out to be true. Unfortunatelly with SJWs, political correctness, cultural marxism, and gender theory it seems to be the case.
I have been warning about this gender fluid crap for years. I mean, I am OK with transgenders, but anything that cklaims to be something other than male or female is in my opinion dangerously dellusional. That includes "bigender", "genderfluid", "non bynary", "demigender" and well, all those dozens of Tumblr genders. Actually I found a list of all the Tumblr genders and I found more genders than the different creature types in MTG. Seriously, that is wrong. The worst part is that nobody is allowed to point it.
My cousin is studdying psychology and she pointed something that she found absurd about these people. They claim to want to break barriers, norms, and steriotypes, they claim to reject labels. Yet they create their own barriers, norms, stereotypes, and labels and stick to them. They are a walking contradiction. They are an anathema to anyone with a bit of sanity.
Saddest part is that any sign of dissagreement with them is taken as if one were to prosecute them and advocate to violence directed against them. As I once stated. If I saw any otherkin idiot pursued by a lynch mob and about to get killed I would save it, I would still find that person to be stupid and dellusional and I would still think that person is wrong, but that does not mean it has no rights to freedom and that does not mean it is exempt of basic human rights.