Klumpen0815: Gremlion can turn every thread into a platform for his fascist nationalistic brainwashed "Hail mother Russia, you be good and great!" crap.
Knowing strong and weak points isn't "fascist nationalistic brainwashing". I'm simply not talking about weak points, but I know about their presence.
Klumpen0815: Two generations of my family had all females between (back then) the age of 13 and 50 raped by Russian troops long after the war and every country I know that had Russia as "guests" says the same.
I can say many things there, but none would help.
I can delve into denialism and ask - were they Russians or muslim recruits from Southern Caucasus? Another possible suspects - western ukrainians,
http://foto-history.livejournal.com/2472515.html I can say that WW2 for Russia was way harsher than for Germany, and your "war ended, you shouldn't have strong feelings anymore" is kind of dumb excuse. How does knowing that war ended 5 (10, 15) years ago helps people, which resorted to eating their dead relatives in blockaded Leningrad?
Personally, I wouldn't mind better relations with Germany built on fundament of great dealings done by tsars of German heritage and huge respect Otto Bismark has in Russia for his insight into us. Poking wounds doesn't help for building future, we still live on the same planet.
Klumpen0815: Also famous for excessive drinking and rape-porn. Great culture, still genocidal and homo-hunting as well.
TBH, from 1200 people I regularly meet, only one drinks close to "average alcohol consumption in Russia". The rest have cars, and as a result of 0% alcohol rule almost never drink, "I'm driver, can't drink".
As for "rape-porn" - not the thing I'm interested in, the only news about "porn" that I have seen is that more than 3/4 of actors in "Russian porn" are ukrainians, because for $100 they do things Russian actress wouldn't do for $500.
As for homo-hunting - when was last gay beheaded in Russia, m?
Klumpen0815: Putin's "ethnically cleansing" of more than 26,000 people in the South Caucasus wasn't even long ago and he's got a history just like his likewise sociopathic predecessors.
Nation of tolerance for sure.
If you are talking about Chechnya, you should do more research.
1. It wasn't started by Putin, it was started by Yeltsin. Putin ended it.
2. It wasn't ethnical - it was targeted at killing ISIS-like state in Chechnya. These "people" were supplied by US in exchange for usage of international airport for contraband of weapon and money.
3. As a result, US saved some of their best people - google "Boston bombing". Some of them went to Quatar. Some joined ISIS, google "ISIS al Shishani", al Shishani in arabic means "from Chechnya".
How things right now in Chechnya, you (didn't) ask?
They had giant meeting last year, around 1M people:
https://www.google.com/search?q=19+%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%8F+2015+%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B3+%D0%B2+%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC+%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE&biw=1280&bih=689&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiUr_isip_KAhWB2SwKHQI1ASQQ_AUICCgD Guess the motive. Independence? Punishing Russia for ethnic cleansing? Any other idea?
Slogan was "Fuck Charlie Hebdo".