YaTEdiGo: I prefer a world that has place for transexuals, ladyboys, women marrying 6 guys, and guys marrying 6 women, gay marriage, normal marriage and weird people to a world with struggles, wars, or famine in their hands, I really think boredom means happiness, and people has the right to be whatever they want to be, even if they want to be unicorns... the problem is DUMB people, not different people.
The problem is when boredom and normal things, need to be converted in ISSUES, because we been the whole life being CONSUMERS, and we want to claim our right to be PART OF THE HISTORY, and here it comes TWITTER as the most EMPTY place for a revolution, a VIRTUAL one, embracing "amazing difficult causes¨ like feminism on videogames... LOL just checked what happened with Female Link, they asked for a female Link, Nintendo gave to them, they complain again... check MAD MAX, they bring Furiosa, still they complain about it... check it COD Black Ops 3, they bring girls, and they still say BUT YOU CANNOT CONTROL A BLACK PERSON OR AN ASIAN...
Isnt about the RIGHTS, isnt about CHANGE the world, is about EGOS, EGOS IN THE STUPID INTERNET, BORING PEOPLE SIT DOWN IN THEIR HOUSES CHANGING the WOoOOoOOooroOOooroorooROooOooOORLD ... claiming to be THE GENERATION OF CHANGE, because they want to be REMEMBERED, because they are a generation of CONSUMERS, BORING, DOING NOTHING... plain NOTHING...
Instead of embrace this happiness, we make it complicated. OH! GAMES NEED TO BE MATURE!! LOL, this shit didnt even happened to CINEMA... is just a very frustrated generation in terms of political relevance, we are so fucking lazy, that instead of fighting for our losing rights on the street, or try to stop the climatic change not driving our car so much, we take our wonderful Smartphones to support that VIDEOGAMES and INTERNET VIOLENCE need to be controlled, making this a relevant topic in the ONU, a m a z i n g ...
(the pure concept of the internet violence is so OUT of the real world violence that makes me want to puke...)
the world you want sounds OK to me as well but the problem IMHO is that at the moment toleration is seen as "not good enough" to some people ie
"oh, you're a lesbian. that's ok" = bad Rusty
"oh, you're a radfem, and you want to fulfill your part for "#killallmen"? Can I be your first?" = good Rusty
exaggeration, I know but it seem we are being pushed to "love" the most vile of people, the ones who can openly hate us for merely existing.