Well, here it comes:
Goddamn idiotic debt-collectors that are completely clueless as to how collect debts. Here's the deal: I have not payed my debt to the mobile company yet, since I have been waiting for invoice. It always arrives, sooner or later, and they never did any fuss around it. So, 3 days ago, a letter from debt-collecting company arrived. It said that I am to pay my debt in 5 days. Well I just don't have money now, but my experience is that they are usually quite nice and you can easily move the date to pay your debt at your convenience. Well this letter was dated to 10th of september. Fantastic, I thought and called the company. I have been told that they have sent me 3 other reminder letters and that in 10 days they'll start court case against me.
I was all "Whaaa?", so I went to post office to find out what happened to all previous letters. Of course, there were NO other letters adressed to me, not from the mobile company, not from the debt collectors. So we have put together a simple document stating that no such letters were sent to my adress and with that I called the debt collectors again. For the second time, they FINALLY started to treat me like a normal person instead of not-paying bastard and actually talked with me on the topic, for no avail.
I am a stoic, and yet, I was getting slightly riled up at this point. And so, I went to the mobile company. I have been told that I can't pay it there (slightly riled up torned to full on wee angered at this point), BUT I can pay it in city I frequently go to. And with the proof that debt collectors are a bunch of idiots, they have allowed me to go around them and just pay directly to mobile company.
Yes, it was my fault and I should have called my mobile company in the first place. However, I have asked them to cancel my agreement with them ASAP and so I thought they have already done so, thus no new invoices. And what would solve all this in the first place? Registered letter. Seriously. SEND THOSE IF YOU CAN'T REACH SOMEONE YOU ASSHOLES! OR FRIGGIN' CALL ME, YOU WORK FOR MY MOBILE COMPANY FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!
Rohan15: I'm so clueless when it comes to girls. At the barbeque joint we were eating at 4 different girls came up and started hitting on me. I had no idea. =/
Know what works? "Girls, I'm engaged." I should know. I am.