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Rohan15: I need to buy a new battery for my laptop. As long as the charger is plugged in, I'm safe.
You don't have a safety release on your charger, do you?
Rohan15: I need to buy a new battery for my laptop. As long as the charger is plugged in, I'm safe.
Damuna: You don't have a safety release on your charger, do you?
Nope. Shitty Dell laptop chargers.
Rohan15: Nope. Shitty Dell laptop chargers.
Be thankful, then. Several years ago, I had to use this laptop which had a safety release right next to where it plugged into the laptop, so if the wire got snagged it would just detach. Said laptop would die as soon as it was unplugged, and the connector on the safety release was not very resistant to pulling.
GameRager: I just wish we'd hear something.....we've got people guessing like 20+ titles from the common sense to the outright nonsense. :\
But which is mine? :P

I have a horrendous headache and my persistent gut problems have come back. And I *still* don't know what's causing it.

I am, however, watching beautiful, beautiful music.
GameRager: watching,,,,,music........???? WTF am I reading?.jpg
Synaesthesia, my friend. I interpret sounds visually.
met a nice girl: she likes danzig, is into hardcore metal, looks pretty, ...


and she has a boyfriend ofcourse -.-
So... tired...
oh yeah, i'm also pretty hung over.

oh no, that's not entirely true. Actually i'm still drunk yo.
TheCowSaysMoo: met a nice girl: she likes danzig, is into hardcore metal, looks pretty, ...

and she has a boyfriend ofcourse -.-
Hey you're supposed to be bitching here, not stating the universal constant 'the good ones are never single'
I'm starting to lose interest in these forums...Too many contests, trolls are getting more and more common, and I have some tech issues with the forums.
This will probably sound very out-of-character for me, because I tend to mind my manners on here. But this thread is here for a reason, so here's what had me (literally) raging last night. It was a matter of "the straw that broke the camel's back" that made me blow my top last night, but the root of my anger is this...

I lost my career of 16 years to outsourcing. The entire industry got outsourced half-way around the world for 1/3 of the price I was getting paid. What remained of the industry here in America was a skeleton crew & a 50% pay cut. I was one of those who got laid off entirely, simply because I was on the "wrong" shift...the night shift, which was the shift that got laid off. No offer for me to come work on day shift & take the pay cut either, despite my having seniority over many of the day shift workers. This happened almost 5 years ago, and I have yet to recover financially or to break into a new career, despite going back to school. I consider the whole "lets take jobs away from Americans and pay people in other countries a fraction of the cost, just so we (the business owners) can further line our pockets" to be as anti-American as you can get...literally taking jobs away from Americans & giving them to people in other countries. Is it any wonder we have a record high unemployment rate?

And those same cocksucking business owners (the anger is bubbling up again), who tend to be white, catholic, republican males...the same ones who are always pushing what they claim to be "God's Values" on everyone else & saying "Well, you must not be a patriot if you don't believe what I believe"...have been turning a blind eye for decades to illegal aliens, AGAIN just for the purpose of lining their own pockets by paying them a fraction of fair value (under the table, I might add, so that their precious cheap labor won't be found by the government). Again, they're taking jobs away from their fellow Americans.

And then I'M the one who got turned done for a job because I don't speak the language of the people in the "community" who are here illegally. They practically spit in the face of Americans, not even TRYING to fit in & pass for genuine citizens by learning our language.

I have zero issues with someone wanting to come to America because they feel they'd have a better opportunity than their own home country can provide. My ancestors did it, as did millions of Americans' ancestors. But they did it LEGALLY. They learned our language because they wanted to be accepted as GENUINE Americans. They were PROUD to call themselves Americans & speak our language. But all this bullshit with Mexicans crossing our border illegally & taking our jobs? And worse, our self-righteous (read: HYPOCRITICAL) business owners...the ones who are in perfect position to cut this bullshit off...are too fucking greedy to be true patriots & turn these bastards in to the authorities.

Hell, even the UFC Heavyweight Champion (Cain Velasquez) openly says in interviews that his father crossed the border illegally & got thrown out SIX GODDAMN TIMES before finally sneaking over & not getting caught. I understand our fucked-up laws say that if you're born here, you're immediately granted citizenship, so on a technicality Cain is a genuine American citizen...but lets face it, his father should STILL be thrown out of America. Its an admission of fucking guilt by Cain about his father.

I'm just so fucking sick of it all. The only Americans that are destined to prosper anymore seem to be the corporate scum, the cocksucking business owners, and career politicians who ALL sell their values for cash by allowing this kind of shit to go on.

I'd take my wife & kids and move to Canada if I didn't feel so guilty about the idea of taking the babies away from their grandparents (all of whom live locally). Talk about a fucked-up situation with no way out.
i'm bored
SyFy have canceled CAPRICA......WTF!!! Damn them all!
Just had one of the most awful phone conversations of my life. My Grandad has suffered complete renal failure, and will not be coming out of hospital again. It's no longer a matter of if, but when ...

Now I have to figure out how I can take time off work / college (with exams pending) so I can actually get up to Scotland and see him.
nmillar: Just had one of the most awful phone conversations of my life. My Grandad has suffered complete renal failure, and will not be coming out of hospital again. It's no longer a matter of if, but when ...

Now I have to figure out how I can take time off work / college (with exams pending) so I can actually get up to Scotland and see him.
All the best wishes man and hope he won't suffer too much. Keep strong!