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Miaghstir: Right-click desktop->Screen resolution->Advanced settings->Monitor->Colours->True Colour->OK->OK

That should do it.

On a side note, why does it say "Colors" for me? I thought this was supposed to be the English version, not "Bastardised English".
I had already done your instructions up to advanced settings, but had gone to colour management instead of monitor, and didn't find anything to help me there - I'm not entirely sure if your suggestion would work, because the options I got from that were very limited (two options), and the other setting didn't give me a repeat of what I was experiencing. I'm not inclined to test it, though - I did a system restore to go back to before I installed Alpha Centauri (only a few minutes before), and I won't be trying that again until GOG releases the game.

While I was having the colour problem, I installed the compatibility patch for Windows 2000/XP, and I got the message that the game did not support my CPU, but I could try to play anyway but may experience crashes - it wouldn't let me play it, though. Curiously, the game ran just fine on Vista without any compatibility stuff.

So, from this, I don't recommend trying to install Alpha Centauri on Windows 7.

All that I have to deal with these next 1 1/2 weeks is some chick upstairs who walks so hard she's probably giving herself shin splints.

If I were a weaker man I'd be love smitten at her bravado, but funny enough it makes me laugh. She's pretty comical, I'll tell you. It amazes me how hard some people try to "impress" others.

Other than that I'm back to work, so it's all very manageable.
Post edited November 23, 2010 by CymTyr
So I've been in good spirits lately because I found out that I got a job. I met with them and they told me to come back at 10 the next day. Only they didn't distinguish between 10 AM or 10 PM. Since the job is third shift, I naturally assumed the guy meant 10 at night. Wrong 10. Now I have to go in tomorrow and see if they still want my sorry ass. Life is good.
Guess what guess what guess what! I just got a call for a job interview!

Guess what else!


I cant help but think that showing up half zoned on painkillers and half moaning and spitting blood would really be a good way to impress an interview panel (well unless I was going for a spot in federal politics). Because the interview board is from various uni campuses this is the only time they're together and because the whole point is to meet me and spring surprise questions on me they can't do it by email.

After a discussion with the HR people the lady from the uni managed to convince them to consider my written application in lieu of an interview and if they're impressed enough I might make it to the second round but I suspect I've just been pushed to the bottom of the pile and it'll take a real gaggle of imbeciles to not beat a few pages of text.

This, my friends, is a perfect example of why my mum is convinced that an ancestor of ours was cursed by gypsies
Stupid people annoy me. A cow-orker keeps trying to make a file read-only for other users and deny them permission to rename the file. He tries to do that on just the file and fails at the rename part, when I come in and tell him that he needs to set the folder the file is in to read only for other users. He then proceeds to argue with me and tell me how wrong I am for the next 30 minutes, time in which he tries all sorts of wacky permission on the file to no avail (such as denying all except read data and read extended attributes); in the end he gets tired and does what I told him, all the time bitching about it.

Pro-tip: the ability to rename is specified at the folder level, as it is actually a modification to the folder and not the file. A folder is just a special case of a file which contains the names and metadata of files it contains. If you have write access to it, you can rename files. You could even delete them, but there's special-case code to handle that.

Guess what! I now need to do some development on Obj-C for a bit of iPhone integration with one of our in-store apps/dbs. Did I tell you I hate Obj-C?

If you've only used stuff like Java and C# get ready for a blast from the past!

Header files, huzzuh! Oh you want to pull in that class written in Obj-C++? Like a joke virus, get ready to rename all .m files to .mm so you can help do the compiler's job for it. Welcome to 1992. P.S. Defining all method signatures twice is excellent. Compilers work so hard, millions of programmers should definitely spend millions of man hours making the compiler's job easier so... you know... it doesn't have to parse the file twice.

Forget namespaces or automatic memory management, that shit's for pussies.

My favorite - mixed metaphors (nil and NULL in the same message, brilliant! Can I catch NSException or do I need NSError**? It's always a surprise!)

Oh instance variables? well you declare all of them in the header, inside the @interface block, private or public. But private properties and methods? Nope, those go in the implementation file. Because that makes perfect sense.

Speaking of things that make sense, requiring you to define a property in three places is excellent because everyone knows 3 > 2 (header files++). I mean, why let the poor overworked compiler @synthesize my member variables? It's too busy creating the getters and setters.

We love verbose multi-part method names with named parameters, but fuck "static" (that bitch), we prefer - and + signs thanks.

Do you love crappy debuggers? Forget GUIs, Quickwatch, or even automatic locals. Welcome to print and po! P.S. print is in the "special" class and needs to be told what the return type is. Every time. Did I mention you need to know what's an object and what's a struct? Yeah, po and print don't play in the same sandbox. Anyone who says Xcode is better than Visual Studio is a monster who not only hates humanity but hates you personally. It literally has absolutely nothing on VS (or Eclipse for that matter). Don't worry, the official answer is to use lots of NSLog statements (mixed metaphors++).

Xcode is finally going to integrate Interface Builder in the next release, amazing! (See Visual Basic in 1993). I hear one day it might just automatically hook up outlets and actions (see: Visual Basic again or Visual Studio 2002 until present). Imagine that, me not having to waste my time manually telling the compiler all about what views (controls) exist and what events they have! Of course I'd probably still have to release them in dealloc (manual memory management++).

Yeah, life is nice.

Oh, and I'm not even supposed to be on the dev team, I should just consult on the DB integration aspect. Guess who writes the code?
Who in the name of hell designed the Gran Turismo 5 menus? They have to be the most inefficient things I've ever seen.

I just won a car as part of a racing series, there's like 5 steps to add it to your garage and say that you don't want to drive it rght away.
Yes I'd like to go to car delivery
yes I'll select the ticket
yes I'll redeem the ticket now
yes looking at the cmpulsory and unskippable preview shows that its a very pretty car
no I DON'T want to use this car now...

How about "You won a new car, we added it to your garage automatically but would you like to try it now?"

I want to put some new tyres on my car

Go into the tune shop
select tyres
select type of tyre
select purchase
Popup: purchase complete!
Select ok
Popup: do you want to install this now?
Select yes
Popup: Installation complete!
Select OK
Select back 3 times to get back to the main menu where you can go through something equally inefficient to test drive the new tyres

How about Shop/Tyres/TyreType X to buy, SQUARE to Buy and install now

There's no secret that the game has a few problems and I'm beginning to suspect that the menus are designed to piss people off so they can't find any problems
im not reading 34 pages to get up to speed with the topic so all imma say is...

Life..... What a crock of shit.

Hopefully 2011 will be better.
reaver894: im not reading 34 pages to get up to speed with the topic so all imma say is...
You should one day, it really makes you feel better that someone else has had a really shitty time
Aliasalpha: Who in the name of hell designed the Gran Turismo 5 menus? They have to be the most inefficient things I've ever seen.

I just won a car as part of a racing series, there's like 5 steps to add it to your garage and say that you don't want to drive it rght away.
Yes I'd like to go to car delivery
yes I'll select the ticket
yes I'll redeem the ticket now
yes looking at the cmpulsory and unskippable preview shows that its a very pretty car
no I DON'T want to use this car now...

How about "You won a new car, we added it to your garage automatically but would you like to try it now?"

I want to put some new tyres on my car

Go into the tune shop
select tyres
select type of tyre
select purchase
Popup: purchase complete!
Select ok
Popup: do you want to install this now?
Select yes
Popup: Installation complete!
Select OK
Select back 3 times to get back to the main menu where you can go through something equally inefficient to test drive the new tyres

How about Shop/Tyres/TyreType X to buy, SQUARE to Buy and install now

There's no secret that the game has a few problems and I'm beginning to suspect that the menus are designed to piss people off so they can't find any problems
Gran Turismo 3 showed me how shit they are, and thus, I have never played any of them again ever since. I fucking hate menu marathons.

Nice to see they've kept up the trend and "improved" it by adding a few more sub-menus.
The GAME is still very good, when you can find it
I just got home and finished my working day + overtime

So in total I worked for 15 hours in a 24 hour day...

I think I am going insane now....
Roman5: I just got home and finished my working day + overtime

So in total I worked for 15 hours in a 24 hour day...

I think I am going insane now....
Meh. Call me when you put in an actual long day. Or a 90+ hour work week. XP
My beer is stale.
My backpack broke on the way to the bust and shit scattered everywhere. :(
And I think I wont be getting credit for at least 2 classes this semester.