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I always break on the way to the bust.
The co-worker I need to rely on the most for a unique skill-set is a lazy, self-aggrandizing moron, and makes significantly more salary than me.
Post edited January 06, 2011 by strixo
AndrewC: Do you love crappy debuggers?
Man, i am never going to try anything else than vs. Possibly QT but i really doubt it since cross platform doesnt really interest me. Personally i think every language has its flaws. Heres a few things that "bug" me at C#:

-In my opinion header files are a good idea because they keep your code more organised.
-Very annoying if you want to make defaulted paramaters values. (not really possible)
-Very annoying if you want classes with multiple inheritances. (sloppy workarounds)
-The garbage collector is helpful, but i have to use workarounds if i want to delete some of the data myself.

In the end, you just have to work with what you have.

Anyway to update:
Currently not really happy or sad. Only thing that motivates me at the moment is my job(which i absolutely love) and the fact that i will be getting my first car really soon. I guess right now im just "alive" but not actually living.

I feel that i could do so much more than game testing but uni and exams keep me down from trying to move up in my career(doesnt that sound fucked up??...). I really wish to be done with uni as soon as possible and try to get my dream job as a gameplay or tools programmer.
Post edited January 10, 2011 by razvan252
I woke up a couple of hours ago and I feel terrible, I think this is going to be one hell of a week...
37 hours between now and my next exam. I need to do some serious studying to actually learn the material it's testing me on.

Why the hell am I still on the computer?
Damuna: 37 hours between now and my next exam. I need to do some serious studying to actually learn the material it's testing me on.

Why the hell am I still on the computer?
Because you still have 37 hours, you can waste at least 10 of those. Personally I'd recommend wasting them just before the exam, I find I retain knowledge better if I learn it then relax doing something fun
Damuna: 37 hours between now and my next exam. I need to do some serious studying to actually learn the material it's testing me on.

Why the hell am I still on the computer?
I've read that certain odors or sounds can be connected to memories. I have a theory that procrastination can be connected to memories, thus once you're properly trained you'll ace your test as long as you wait to study for it 'til the last minute, then reproduce the procrastination by waiting until the last ten minutes of the test to start writing.
Ever read 600+ pages on technical material in mere days and do very well on an exam? I did. The key was to read a few paragraphs, skip a few paragraphs, read a bit more than skip the next dozen pages and repeat.
No one (TheJoe) is answering questions on the Guild board. *NUDGE NUDGE HINT HINT* ;)

Other than that, some dick took my binder with my homework in it. :(
Rohan15: Other than that, some dick took my binder with my homework in it. :(
Top quality Italian Job heist, that.

Anyway I have a bunch of exams next week and the week after that, not to mention the driving exam, as well as a fucking open night at VFS on the Sunday before my exams. My schedule is more full than a fat man with a week to live (that didn't work the way I wanted, did it)
Zchinque: I always break on the way to the bust.
ROFL. +1
Rohan15: Other than that, some dick took my binder with my homework in it. :(
michaelleung: Top quality Italian Job heist, that.

Anyway I have a bunch of exams next week and the week after that, not to mention the driving exam, as well as a fucking open night at VFS on the Sunday before my exams. My schedule is more full than a fat man with a week to live (that didn't work the way I wanted, did it)
It's weird, but at my old high school, someone in the library was selling stolen homework. Truly...
Rohan15: It's weird, but at my old high school, someone in the library was selling stolen homework. Truly...
A true testament to american entrepeneurship.
13 hours left. So far, none of the content I've gone over is in any way difficult. Doesn't mean I'll get a decent grade, though.
Well hey, as if every day life isn't bad enough, astronomers thought you might want to add an identity crisis to the mix.