Bigs: They're an online store whose existence is to attempt to part you from your money.
While I have no qualms with this, it's not something they should be praised for.
Suckholes and fanboys... sheesh...
Yes its an online store, but its one that is going against a humongous and dominating monopoly. Not only that, but its doing so while trying to follow a set of principles, that go against the normal practices of the industry. Its the underdog, and has to work harder to expand.
I've had to work with all kinds of customer and business support teams in my personal and business life.
Very few are like VALVe, by few I mean none, and treat your issue as a burden. Yes its a burden for all companies, and they'd rather not be doing it, but no other made me feel like my issue was a burden. In 20 years of chasing suppliers, getting bug fixes and insuring the ineptitude of others don't bring down my network I've never had any experience of customer support as appalling as VALVe's. VALVe has a monopoly, they don't need to customers, customer need them and they make no pretence on this.
Most companies have this fake pretence of wanting to help you and that you are important to them. For some its more obvious than others, but they all try to make you feel like you're not a burden to them. This is most of my experience, you know the "sorry for your ...." is part of a script but its business defined part of the customer experience.
A few companies, normally those that cater to niche markets or supply bespoke solutions, rely on high customer satisfaction to ensure business growth. They make you feel like your issue is a burden they have placed on you and want to fix it to make thing right. This is most likely part of the script too, but they play the part much better. All my experiences with GoG customer support falls in this area.
All businesses need to make money or they fail. But for most business, as long as they are making money, their primary goal isn't to make money. The reward of extra money made is from success in the other goals.
The Staff at GoG deserve the kudos they get, its the result of their work that we enjoy these games.
This isn't being a Fanboy, its empathy and understanding the job they do.
I have massive respect for what Gabe and VALVe did 14 years ago, the work they put in back then. And sure, they reaping the rewards, but that's it there is nothing in the last 10 years where I can look at VALVe and think you've gone above and beyond for your customers.